Janez Albreht

Janez Albreht

Рождение : 1925-03-23, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia [now Slovenia]

Смерть : 2013-03-01


Janez Albreht


Five Days in May
A young soldier enters a conflict with his superiors and because he does not get the exit for the May Day holidays, he decides to escape. The escape of the weapon is a serious offense, and because there are no routes back to the barracks, the fate of the violence that leads to a bloody bribe begins to unfold. The story goes back to the time of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe.
Executioner's Fresco
Old man
In a small seaside town, a group of people discover their dark past and repeat their bad habits, even those from the time of inquisition and persecutions of witches. They're ought to repeat these actions as long as they start to experience love and forgiveness in some of the following stages of reincarnation.
P.S. - Post Scriptum
A three-part omnibus drama that shows destinies of three grown men: first segment (Escape) is about a sculptor, the second segment (Shade) is about a loner, while the third segment (Ring) is about a movie star.
A Real Pirate
A young boy is on vacation at the beach with his family. He becomes bored and wanders onto the set of a television production about pirates aboard a ship.
A Cormoran
A story about sailor Maks in a crisis of his life.
Set in the Tolminsko province of Slovenia in 1713, shortly after the Peasants' Uprising. The Grogovc family are forced to live in exile in a wasteland area of the country, where they suffer from the plague which gradually kills off the colony.
The Idealist
The movie based upon the classical Slovene novel Martin Kačur, depicts the clash between the teacher Martin Kačur and his conservative environment. Due to his progressive ideas, he is transferred to a small town. The village environment is even more depressing than his former surroundings were, as the influence of both the secular and the Church authorities is even greater in the country. Even though Martin meets Tončka and the two of them get married, he gradually becomes a disillusioned and embittered man. In time, when society's strictures become somewhat milder, Martin is transferred to a more friendly environment, but all the injustices he has experienced have already bitten too deep. Unlike his wife, Martin finds it very difficult to accept changes. When his son dies, it seems as though he has lost all his elan and the will to live. Will he be able to go on bringing the light of knowledge to the ignorant masses, or will his ideals be buried forever like a man in a snowdrift?
The Fugitive
WWII - Slovenia under Italian fascist occupation. Two friends separated by a woman they both loved, and then by war as well: one of them joins partisans, the other Italian occupying forces.
Our Car
Waiter Frane
A photographer decides to buy a car with the money he'll get for his prizewinning photo, but the postman brings only a diploma instead of money. Being subjected to the ridicule of their neighbors, his family decides to buy an used Buick, in spite of being against it at first. That would turn out to be a huge mistake, since the breakdowns are more often that they can afford.
Alone Against Rome
A Roman Consul, on his way to fight a border war, stations a garrison of soldiers in a provincial town. The townspeople aren't happy with this situation but decide it's in their best interests to cooperate. However, the Tribune left in charge of the garrison proves to be cruel and demanding.
A Sand Castle
Two boys are on an unplanned vacation by foot. They meet a girl who has nothing but a bikini under her coat. She says her cloths were stolen while she was bathing. She joins their company. They steel cloths for her. There is a little kissing with both but nothing that could make the other jealous. During most of the movie they enjoy minor pleasures. But occasionally when the girl is alone she has attacks of very painful emotions. In the end it turns out that she is a former child-prisoner of a German KZ-lager, who had run away from a mental hospital in bikini and coat. Some of the staff were searching for her. But when she sees them she commits suicide.
Dancing in the Rain
Peter is the dark brooding type. Leading a vacuous, shapeless life, he longs for the ideal woman, while at the same time, half heartedly continuing with his habitual girlfriend, Marusa , who is considerably older, a fact that Peter is quick to point out. As an aging actress, struggling for parts in her local theatre, she oozes insecurity and breathes uncertainty. Together, they spend their time in the local restaurant, smoking, drinking and trading verbal blows. "I bet you'll just end up a drunk," she tells Peter each time. Peter just grins and tells her how old she looks. Compounded by a thankless director who soon shows her the door, Marusa finds her identity being squeezed harder and harder against the wall. To escape, Peter and Marusa dream...
Партизаны готовят дерзкую акцию по освобождению заключенных из тюрьмы словенской столицы. Успех акции им должен обеспечить один из надзирателей, но узники, среди которых большинство составляют антифашисты, ни о чем не догадываются. Более того, многие из них уже впали в отчаяние. Ведь каждую ночь кого-то из их числа отправляют на расстрел, а кого-то забирают на допрос, после которого возвращается уже не человек, а избитое и страдающее от невыносимой боли тело. И в то время, когда по темным улицам города крадутся готовящиеся к налету на тюрьму партизаны, в одной из камер разворачивается драма, в которой сломавшимся духовно и физически людям противостоят те, кто даже смерть готов встретить с открытым лицом…
Славное старое пианино
У композитора Габера многие годы единственным другом было старое пианино. А когда в город пришли фашисты и арестовали Габера, пианино попало в гимназию, затем в партизанскийотряд, оттуда на сцену фронтового театра. Здесь-то освобожденный из тюрьмы Габер и нашел своего старого друга, но не узнал его.
Решающие минуты
Необычная партизанская драма по мотивам романа хорватского романиста и режиссёра Бранко Белана стала первым словенским фильмом, подвергшемся цензуре. Режиссёру пришлось вырезать несколько сцен, чтобы сохранить героический образ антифашистского сопротивления. Доктор Корен работает в оккупированном городе в Словении. Белогвардейцы приводят раненых партизан. Чтобы спасти партизана, Корен убивает лейтенанта Белой гвардии. Убегая из города с раненым, Корен идёт через лес, где его узнает лесничий, отец убитого лейтенанта...
People of Kajzarje
A post-WW2 story about the village largely involved in wine-making business. The peasants who claimed possessions of lands, woods, and churches after communist party seized the power hold a party where a member of so-called reactionary forces (kulaks, clergy and Axis collaborators) tries to break in and stop it.