Geoff McKnight


Evil Little Things
Doll Maker
A young boy finds a mystical toymaker with stories to tell. The first is of a leprechaun seeking revenge on a defenseless family. The second is of a doll who works evil on her fragile owner. The toymaker gives the boy a clown named Giggles. Clowns are supposed to be the guardians of happiness, right? These Evil Little Things will cause you many sleepless nights.
Реальная история аристократа 1900-х годов Варда Аллена, который основал деловое партнерство с освобожденным рабом Крисмасом Моултрье на фоне нетерпимости к афроамериканцам в стране.
First Kill
Rayburn has family obligations: a young wife, a son...and the violent crime family that employs him. Devoted to both families, Rayburn is reluctant when he is sent on his first contract kill with his brutal mentor, James. Isolated in an unforgiving wilderness, the men find their identities jeopardized after the messy hit is photographed by a motion detection hunter's camera.
Один пропущенный звонок
Fire Captain
Иногда на мобильный телефон поступают странные звонки. Голос в трубке — ваш собственный, но все что вы слышите, это жуткий предсмертный вопль. Теперь вы знаете время и обстоятельства вашей гибели. Она случится ровно через три дня.
John Dewitt
Уэйн и Эйлин Хэйес — образцовая американская семья. У них двое прекрасных детей и вполне успешный бизнес, который они поднимали вместе с нуля. Но жизнь уготовила супружеской паре суровое испытание. Однажды Уэйна похищают. Человек, спрятавший его в лесу, обычный обыватель Арнольд Мэк, находящийся на грани отчаяния и уставший от безденежья и нищеты, решил получить большой выкуп…
Pasty Faces
Unemployed Glaswegian thespians Mickey and Joe decide to quit Scotland and make a fresh start for themselves in Los Angeles. But their arrival in the US doesn't bring any change to their fortunes, and after a failed attempt to find acting work in Tinseltown, the unlucky twosome end up in Las Vegas, where they lose all their money at the gaming tables. When they are then approached by a gangster who suggests that they rob a local casino, the hapless Scots think they must be due a change in their fortunes and decide to give it a try.
Grass Roots
Police Sergeant
This sequel to the 1983 miniseries, "Chiefs," continues the saga of the Lee family with Will Lee, an ambitious Georgia lawyer running for the U.S. Senate at the same time he is forced by a local judge to defend a young man in a murder trial. On top of this, he becomes the target of an assassin hired by a white-supremacist organization.