Tommaso is an American expat film director living in Rome with his young wife and their daughter. Disoriented by his past misgivings and subsequent unexpected blows to his self-esteem, Tommaso wades through this late chapter of his life with an increasingly impaired grasp on reality as he prepares for his next film.
Ученый обвиняет главу крупной компании в экологической катастрофе в Южной Америке. Но внезапно им приходится объединиться, чтобы спастись от извержения вулкана.
Ученый обвиняет главу крупной компании в экологической катастрофе в Южной Америке. Но внезапно им приходится объединиться, чтобы спастись от извержения вулкана.
Survivor turns into Lord of the Flies, as the contestants of a competitive reality show quickly turn on each other when they find themselves shipwrecked on a desert island.
Successful actress returns to her family home in rural Austria to visit her ailing father and her sister who spent her whole life taking care of him and her family. The reunion is marked by jealousy, introspection and a secret.