Charles G. Martin

Charles G. Martin

Рождение : 1912-09-24, Arlington, Texas, USA

Смерть : 1998-03-11


Charles G. Martin


Самый меткий
Murray the Bartender (uncredited)
Вестерн, повествующий о последних днях жизни легендарного ковбоя и ганфайтера Дж. Б. Букса. Самый меткий стрелок узнал, что у него рак и хочет умереть с миром. Однако его репутация мешает ему спокойно уйти.
Col. Gunderson
A ride to the airport unites three women whose husbands are either prisoners or missing in Vietnam.
2nd Confederate Captain
Один мужчина, семь женщин. Неплохое соотношение! Особенно когда этот мужчина — капрал армии северян. Раненый янки Джон МакБарней был спасен от смерти юной конфедераткой из южной школы-интерната. Женский коллектив ухаживает за ним и делает все для его лечения. Вскоре Джон начинает поправляться и понимает, в какое благодатное место его привела судьба. Одна за другой девушки оказываются очарованы обаятельным выздоравливающим. Постепенно атмосфера в школе накаляется — каждая мечтает завоевать расположение красавца-мужчины. Ревность, обман и обиды приходят на смену душевной близости и сердечности.
Hello Down There
Chief Petty Officer
Given the chance to live in a simulated underwater home for a month, a scientist convinces his family to take advantage of the offer. Once the family agrees to move in, underwater mayhem occurs!
Gentle Giant
Mike McDonagh
The Story of a boy and his bear.
Racing Fever
Gregg Stevenson
Shot on location in Miami, Racing Fever is concerned with a professional hydroplane racer named Pop Gunner, who's getting ready for one last race before passing his crown on to his son Lee. Pop's main competition is the wealthy, but oily, Gregg Stevenson, who also happens to be having an affair with Pop's daughter Linda.
The Checkered Flag
The alcoholic wife of a rich car racing champion persuades a young driver to kill her husband.
Incident in an Alley
Judge (uncredited)
A policeman is accused of manslaughtering a 14-year-old boy but is acquitted of all charges. Still, he feels a lot of guilt and begins to doubt if he really is innocent after all.
Safe at Home!
Henry's Father
A Florida boy (Bryan Russell) tells his Little League buddies that his father knows two New York Yankees (Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris).
The Touch of Flesh
Dr. Earl Denton
Wealthy landowner Dr. Earl Denton buys a premium development with the intention of leaving it to his daughter, Joan. When Joan gets impregnated by her mechanic boyfriend, she tries to convince her father to help her get an abortion, despite the protestations of her boyfriend.
Williamsburg: The Story of a Patriot
George Washington
Williamsburg: the Story of a Patriot tells the story of Virginia's role in American Independence (up to the point of voting to propose independence at the Second Continental Congress), from the point of view of John Fry (played by a young Jack Lord), a fictional Virginia planter elected to the House of Burgesses.