Orlin Ruevski


The Good Driver
Director of Photography
Ivan, a Bulgarian taxi driver living at the Golden Sands tourist resort, is saving money in order to go back to Finland to meet his ex-wife and son, and to make amends for his past mistakes. But money is tight, and eventually Ivan will resort to extreme measures.
Phi 1.618
In a dystopian future, a nation of bio-titans has been created and the female sex and procreation have become obsolete. As the Earth turns toxic, the bio-titans are eager to colonise the cosmos on board a colossal spaceship, taking with them only one female body kept barely alive as a reminder of the troubled past. But everything changes when the immortal calligrapher Krypton, tasked with creating an indestructible copy of the entire written heritage of his kin, sees a forbidden book turn into a feisty girl, Gargara.
German Lessons
Director of Photography
Nikola is a middle-aged man struggling to make sense of his life in his native Bulgaria and to say goodbye to his loved ones before leaving for Germany in search of a better life. This is a story about the last days of the past and the hope of a new beginning.
Пули справедливости
Правительство США во время Третьей мировой войны запустило тайный проект под кодовым названием «Армейский бекон». Его целью было создание суперсолдат путем скрещивания людей со свиньями. 25 лет спустя свинорылы достигают вершины пищевой цепочки, начиная поедать и разводить людей на фермах. Бывший охотник за головами Роб Джастис работает на последний фронт сопротивления человечества - группу повстанцев, прячущихся глубоко под землей в секретном ядерном бункере. Его миссия - узнать, как свинорылы пришли к власти и уничтожить их.
Single mother Dafina becomes involved in an illegal surrogate baby delivery scheme. When a screening reveals that the babies are at risk of genetic disorder, the childless couple cancels the deal. Under pressure from the gynecologist to have an abortion, Dafina struggles to make the right choice.
Single mother Dafina becomes involved in an illegal surrogate baby delivery scheme. When a screening reveals that the babies are at risk of genetic disorder, the childless couple cancels the deal. Under pressure from the gynecologist to have an abortion, Dafina struggles to make the right choice.
Мы умираем молодыми
Second Unit Director of Photography
14-летний Лукас, принадлежащий миру вашингтонской преступности, хочет, чтобы его 10-летнего брата обошла эта участь. Такой шанс выпадает, когда они знакомятся со своим новым соседом, ветераном войны в Афганистане.
Once Upon a Dream
Director of Photography
The Judgement
Second Unit Cinematographer
This is the story of Mityo and his son Vasko, who live in a poor area, near to the Bulgarian-Turkish-Greek Border. Mityo had lost everything that has mattered to him – his wife, his work, the confidence of his son, Vasko. In order to get him back, Mityo has to find forgiveness and pay for his sin, done 25 years ago.
Я плюю на ваши могилы 2
Camera Operator
Красавица Кэти только что переехала в Нью-Йорк, чтобы сделать карьеру модели. Но девичьи мечты о роскошной жизни разбиваются: ее насилуют, пытают, а вскоре похищают и увозят в непонятном направлении. Кэти оказывается одна в чужой стране, где ее почти что похоронят заживо. Чудом избежав смерти, девушка решает жестоко отомстить обидчикам…
Manol — a retired general and a loving grandfather — is a patriarch of firm morals and fixed beliefs, which he has upheld in his household. But on this day, he learns that the boy he raised is gay. The life choices of his loved ones challenge his values in a battle he has lost by default.
Manol — a retired general and a loving grandfather — is a patriarch of firm morals and fixed beliefs, which he has upheld in his household. But on this day, he learns that the boy he raised is gay. The life choices of his loved ones challenge his values in a battle he has lost by default.
The Last Black Sea Pirates
Director of Photography
This is a modern pirate story complete with a captain, a mutinous crew of outlaws, a princess, her wedding dress and untold riches. Only one thing is missing: the ship. According to legend, Vulchan, a 19th-century gypsy pirate, attacked three convoys laden with gold. He robbed them, sunk them and hid his treasure by the coast. Fast forward to present day. Captain Jack, an ex-con himself, leads a motley bunch of homeless outcasts—alcoholics and petty criminals—in a search for the hidden loot. But their hopes of riches and glory are threatened when the brother of the Bulgarian Prime Minister announces plans to build a new mega tourist resort by the Black Sea.
Неудержимые 2
Camera Operator
Команда неудержимых возвращается! На этот раз Барни Росс со своей командой получает новое задание: достать кейс из разбившегося самолёта где-то в Албании. Однако никто из них не подозревал, что такое простое дельце на самом деле может превратится в кровавую бойню против безжалостных террористов.
Camera Operator
Follows the parallel stories of a number of characters who are trying to change their lives via the Internet or are simply having fun online.
Footsteps in the Sand
Camera Operator
At the airport, Slavi tells his life's story to a young customs officer. As children, Nelly promises Slavi to marry him. The two teenagers are passionately in love with each other but after some time Nelly falls in love with another guy. Slavi takes up drinking and gets into trouble with the Bulgarian militia (police) because of his family background. This is when he decides to defect to the West. After staying at a refugee camp in Austria and another desperate love, he sets out to the United States. There Slavi makes some new friends who help him buy a truck. He hits the roads of America, where he comes across an Indian who sells him an arrow. The vender tells him this amulet will bring his love back. Eventually, Slavi comes back to Bulgaria, where communism has collapsed. His beloved Nelly lives alone with her daughter. One day Slavi meets her again...
Camera Operator
Действие происходит в одну ночь, когда главный герой по кличке Мотылек выпущен из тюрьмы на поруки. Он отсидел пятнадцать лет по ложному обвинению в убийстве в 1944 году, а, выйдя, очутился в новом мире — тоталитарной Болгарии 60-х. Он кое-что ищет и пойдет на все, чтобы найти это кое-что.