Veselin Zografov


The Price of Money: A Largo Winch Adventure
Sound Mixer
Largo Winch, devastated by the kidnapping of his son, realizes that if he finds those responsible for his bankruptcy, maybe he'll see his son again.
The Cars We Drove into Capitalism
A cinematic, character-driven insight to what it meant to produce and to own a car in communist times: the Socialist propaganda dreams and the hard reality of living that dream. The freedom that these slow and clumsy vehicles were giving to their owners; the cars as an instrument in the Cold War battle; legends and homemade tune-ups as an attempt to stand at least a little bit off the crowd.
Sound Designer
Нине тринадцать и больше всего на свете она мечтает уехать в Испанию. Но пока ей приходится обкрадывать прохожих, а украденное приносить злому и властному Василию. Однажды одна из жертв Нины предлагает ей помощь…
Sound Mixer
Редкий вечер с семьей оборачивается для Джея ночным кошмаром, когда неизвестные похищают его из дома и запирают в подвале с тремя другими узниками. С определёнными интервалами в подвал спускается психопат в маске и по очереди пытает их. Ситуация кажется безвыходной, однако, постепенно они понимают, что причина происходящего может таиться в их прошлом.
В фильме рассказана история 13-летнего Румена по прозвищу «Свинья», над которым в школе постоянно издеваются. Одинокий и замкнутый в себе аутсайдер, он привык к оскорблениям и не дает сдачи. До тех пор, пока однажды он инстинктивно не наносит один, может быть, смертельный удар.
The Music of Sofia
Every day the 89-year-old Maria Zabova climbs 220 steps to reach the 12 bells of "Alexander Nevski" Catherdral, to get their 23 tons of bronze moving and to beckon the faithfulls to the temple. Ten years ago, scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences started researching the miracle sound of the bells, which is like no other instrument's. Some 150 years ago the family of Victor Limonov started casting bells - and continues to this day. "The Music of Sofia" is a story about people who breathe life into a fading art, about their passion, the voices of 12 bells and whether we still hear them or not.
The Lesson
An honest, hard-working schoolteacher in a small Bulgarian town is driven to desperate measures to avoid financial ruin.
The Last Black Sea Pirates
Sound Recordist
This is a modern pirate story complete with a captain, a mutinous crew of outlaws, a princess, her wedding dress and untold riches. Only one thing is missing: the ship. According to legend, Vulchan, a 19th-century gypsy pirate, attacked three convoys laden with gold. He robbed them, sunk them and hid his treasure by the coast. Fast forward to present day. Captain Jack, an ex-con himself, leads a motley bunch of homeless outcasts—alcoholics and petty criminals—in a search for the hidden loot. But their hopes of riches and glory are threatened when the brother of the Bulgarian Prime Minister announces plans to build a new mega tourist resort by the Black Sea.