Tom Gramenz

Tom Gramenz

Рождение : 1991-05-06, Wiesbaden, Germany


Tom Gramenz
Tom Gramenz


Boys Feels: High Tide
Like tears in the rain, water is the metaphor for growing pains and so much more in these four tales about young boys coming to terms with a host of emotions for the very first time. These polished productions and festival favourites are brought to you by a host of talented directors from across Germany, Denmark, France and the Netherlands. The short films are: Ocean [Océan] (2013); Go Daan Go! [Daan Durft] (2014); The Boy in the Ocean (2016); Beach Boy (2011).
Im Niemandsland
It's the summer of 1990, two teenagers in Germany fall in love - an innocent first love, shortly before the German reunification. Katja (16) is from West-Berlin, Thorben (17) from GDR. Their families are fighting over a house in Kleinmachnow (a suburb of East-Berlin), where Thorbens family has been living since the 70ies, but where Katjas father grew up. The family had to emigrate to West-Berlin in 1961, just before the Berlin Wall was built. Later, the house was dispossessed under GDR-rule. Now, Katjas father demands restitution. The conflict grows bitterer and threatens to tear apart both families. It is about old wounds and new prejudices. While being in the middle of Germanys swiftly progressing process of reunification, Katja and Thorben have to fight for their love.
Armans Geheimnis, der Film - Teil 2
Armans Geheimnis, der Film - Teil 1
Молчащий класс
Kurt Wächter
1956 год. Ученики выпускного класса Тео и Курт живут в Сталинштадте — новом сталелитейном образцовом городке Восточной Германии. Во время вылазки в кинотеатр в Западном Берлине старшеклассники увидели в очередном выпуске кинохроники драматичные кадры венгерского восстания в Будапеште. По возвращении в родной городок парни подбивают весь класс пойти тайком послушать западные новости про Будапешт — на отшибе, у одинокого старичка с радиоприемником. Борьба венгров за независимость и жестокость, с которой их восстание было подавлено советскими войсками, вызывают в душах юных школьников протест.
Mord in den Dünen
Enno (als Jugendlicher)
Truth, Dare or Lemon is a game played by stupid boarding school kids who don't know what to do with themselves. Before Tim died he was the number one of a close-knit boarding school gang. When the friends engage in a ritual one year after his death a familiar game turns into a sadistic night...
Breaking Horizons
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” Lara can hardly believe what the doctor has just told her. The 25-year-old spends her nights hanging around Berlin with best friend Nora, having lost interest in her architectural studies long ago. She has no idea what to do with her life – she does a lot, but nothing properly. She now finds herself pregnant after a night of passion with a charming barman she met at a party. Nora is thrilled by the news though, proclaiming: “we’re having a baby!” After some initial doubts, Lara too begins to see her pregnancy as a chance. Together with Nora, she sets about painting the nursery and goes in search of the baby’s father. Then the gynaecologist gives Lara some bad news…
Geliebtes Kind
Город Прора
Ян - Немец, Матьё - француз. Парни встречаются в баре некогда курортного городка Прора на берегу Балтийского моря. Ранее утро после веселой ночи. Парням некуда спешить, они курят траву, гуляют по пляжу, обсуждают девочек и просто дурачатся... Но никто из них не знает, чем закончится этот день.
Пляжный парень
Дими должен провести летние каникулы со своим старшим братом, на берегу Балтийского моря. На проселочной дороге он встречает и влюбляется в Изабель, которая оказывается новой девушкой его собственного брата Штеффена.