Franz Weihmayr
Рождение : 1903-12-30, Munich, Germany
Смерть : 1969-05-26
Director of Photography
a movie by Heinz Paul
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Young Prince Nechljudov is summoned as a judge in a murder trial. A rich merchant was found dead in the room of the inn where he was staying and the prostitute Maslova was accused of the crime. Nechljudov recognizes in the woman the maid of the aunts he had seduced and abandoned years before and tries to convince the authorities of her of his innocence but to no avail. Convinced that he is responsible for her moral fall, he follows her to Siberia where she must serve her sentence.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
After leaving his overbearing wife for another woman, a composer is suspected of her murder when she is found dead.
Director of Photography
Вторая мировая война. Ведомство адмирала Канариса, немецкая военная разведка (абвер), вполне успешно функционирует, и Гитлер выделяет ему огромные денежные средства. Тем не менее Канарис сторонится нацистских вождей, не поддерживая их идеологию. Кроме того, у адмирала, одного из самых влиятельных людей в Рейхе, есть конкуренты. Среди них — Рейнхард Гейдрих, начальник Главного управления имперской безопасности.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Фильм о дружбе девочки из семьи богатого фабриканта и мальчика, сына одинокой официантки. Несмотря на разницу в социальном положении, они дружат на равных, уважая и помогая друг другу в сложных жизненных ситуациях, и даже успевают перевоспитывать взрослых.
Director of Photography
Близнецы Луиза и Лотта разделяются в младенчестве из-за развода родителей. Луиза вырастает у отца, дирижера в Вене, Лотта у матери, редактора журнала в Мюнхене. Когда им исполняется 10, они встречаются в летнем лагере, узнают правду и меняются местами, чтобы помочь родителям снова воссоединиться.
Director of Photography
A young man and woman meet on a bridge, both about to commit suicide by jumping into the river, and recount to each other their experiences.
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Three homeless youths commit petty crimes to get by in the difficult time just after the end of WW2 in Germany. When they become suspects in a murder case, a witness of the events comes forward with evidence that they are innocent of the crime. He offers them a chance to break with their ways and make a new beginning in his village, not knowing what this will ultimately cost him.
Director of Photography
В отеле Дефино происходит убийство известного ловеласа и теневого дельца Фрэнка Дугласа. Все свидетели указывают на скромную женщину-врача Глорию Коннор, однако она всё отрицает. В ходе следствия полицейские быстро выясняют, что настоящая Глория Коннор умерла три года назад, а подозреваемая не только была на месте преступления, но и многие годы знакома с убитым.
Director of Photography
The attractive Oberleutnant Paul Wendlandt is stationed in North Africa as a fighter pilot. While in Berlin to deliver a report he is given a day's leave, and on the stage of the cabaret theatre "Skala" sees the popular Danish singer Hanna Holberg. For Paul it is love at first sight. When Hanna visits friends after the end of the performance, he follows her, and speaks to her in the U-Bahn. After the party in her friends' flat, he accompanies her home and chance throws them further together when an air raid warning forces them to take cover in the air raid shelter. Hanna reciprocates Paul's feelings, but after a night spent together Paul has to return immediately to the front. There now follows a whole series of misunderstandings, and one missed opportunity after another. While Hanna waits in vain for some sign of life from Paul, he is flying on missions in North Africa. When he tries to visit her in her Berlin flat, she is giving a Christmas concert in Paris.
Director of Photography
German propaganda film spinning a story around the popular radio broadcast "Wunschkonzert".
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
В конце XVI столетия Англия и Шотландия были еще раздельными королевствами. Мария Стюарт — королева Шотландии выросла во Франциии была обвенчана с наследником французского престола. Только после смерти своего супруга она вернулась на родину, чтобы взойти на шотландский трон.
Королева Англии — Елизавета понимала, что возвращение Марии Стюарт означало новую опасность для её страны и без того уставшей от религиозных распрей. Католики считали именно Марию истинно законной наследницей Английского престола, но страстная натура Марии толкнула её на путь греха и саморазрушения и, в конце концов, она оказалась во власти Елизаветы.
Director of Photography
Ближний восток. Инженер Ник Брентен руководит разработкой месторождения меди. Для охраны разработок из Германии направлен военный котингент под руководством его старого друга, капитана Фрэнка Стэнни, с которым его связывают уже более чем двадцатилетние дружеские отношения.
В это же время туда прилетает на своем маленьком частном самолете известная оперная певица, Грейс Коллинз...
Director of Photography
1865. Katharina goes to a ball in Moscow. There she meets again Tchaikowsky, her first and only love. The young, who is now married to wealthy Michael Iwanowitsch Murakin, a man she does not love, has not forgotten Piotr Illich, the (not yet) famous composer. Both are still in love with each other but Piotr is engaged to Nastassia, a dancer, while for her part Katharina cannot leave her husband. Tchaikowky's first love then decides to sacrifice her happiness to the success of the composer, sponsoring him in secret. Something Piotr will learn only years after. When Katharina finds herself free at last it is too late: Tchaikowsky is dying of cholera and she only has time to close his eyes.
Director of Photography
Илона, красивая венгерка, заброшенная жена Стефана Паулюса, ученого, которого больше интересуют изучаемые им рыбы, чем его вторая половинка. За ней начинает ухаживать Тибор Варни, красивый и известный пилот самолета. Илона не говорит «нет», но Тибор внезапно отступает. По простой причине: летун только что понял, что Илона жена... его лучшего друга! В отчаянии Илона обращается к Триллу, тенору, который хвастается вовсю...
Director of Photography
In 1885, famous New York Metropolitan Opera singer Maddalena dall' Orto is scheduled to perform at a festival in the German residence of Ilmingen. It soon becomes obvious that she is non other than Magda von Schwartze, who left the town eight years ago against her father's wishes to become a singer.
Director of Photography
Yvette is the daughter of a courtesan who serves men of wealth and status. She is unaware of how her mother makes money and why they are always in the presence of princes, dukes and barons. Only when Yvette goes away on a holiday she realizes that the Banker Saval is engaging her mother in such activities, she suddenly feels dirty.
Director of Photography
While vacationing in Puerto Rico, a young Swedish woman falls in love with and marries a powerful local landowner. Ten years later, their marriage has turned sour; meanwhile, two Swedish doctors have arrived on the island to investigate a mysterious fever.
Director of Photography
London 1846. Singer Gloria Vane has a resounding success at the Adelphi Theater. While she throws a brilliant party
Director of Photography
A French-language remake of Douglas Sirk's "The Court Concert" (1936).
Director of Photography
Before he became cult director Douglas Sirk, Detlef Sierck cut his teeth on such lavish European star vehicles as Das Hofkonzert (The Court Concert). Marta Eggerth is cast as Christine, a young singer who aspires to find out who her father was. Her odyssey brings her to the court of a mythical kingdom, where she is romanced by handsome lieutenant Walter (Johannes Heesters). He is warned not to lose his heart to a "commoner," but all turns out all right when King Serenissimus (Otto Tressler) turns out to be Christine's long-lost daddy. Hofkonzert was designed as a comeback for Marta Eggerth, whose star had eclipsed by the mid-1930s.
Director of Photography
A man ignores a warning to stay away from a sinister house on marshland near Liverpool; when someone drowns close by, he finds the evidence doesn’t add up…
Director of Photography
A drama film directed by Paul Wegener.
Director of Photography
Calling the Tune offers a fascinating look at the fledgeling gramophone industry as it tries to solve the problems of reliable recording and production methods. 'I predict that the gramophone will be the democratic entertainment of the future' states unscrupulous record label boss Mr Gordon (Sam Livesey), who finally gets his comeuppance after one dirty trick too far against his rivals. If the film's love story is perfunctory, the real interest comes with watching performers of the day, from Henry Wood and his orchestra to George Robey and Charles 'the laughing policeman' Penrose laying down their recordings direct to record. And something very like a prototype laser disc makes a crucial appearance too.
Director of Photography
A beautiful young drifter comes to a small village and battles Death itself to save the man she loves.
Director of Photography
A young German boy meets his hero, a famous flying ace, and dreams of becoming a pilot. However, his mother--whose husband was a fighter pilot killed in battle during World War I--does not want to lose her son, too, and tries to persuade him to abandon his dreams of flying.
Director of Photography
Один из самых выдающихся шедевров документалистики за всю историю кинематографа. Долгое время подвергался гонениям за ярко выраженную пропаганду нацизма. Однако художественная ценность фильма неоспорима. В фильме показан съезд нацисткой партии в Нюрнберге в 1934 году, речи Гитлера, Геббельса и других идеологов нацизма. Мастерски смонтированный фильм стал революцией в сфере техники съемок. Рифеншталь использовала 30 камер и 120 ассистентов. В результате получился выдающийся документальный фильм - самый популярный пропагандистский фильм в истории.
Director of Photography
The two main people in the story are Anna, a young girl, who is thought of having the ability to heal people mysteriously. Elisabeth is a young - middle aged aristocratic woman, that is disabled and puts all her hopes in meeting Anna and having her disability heal by her. A strange ambivalent relationship develops between the two women.
Director of Photography
Describe the harsh reality attempts of establishing a Jewish settlement in Israel and the efforts of the Arab to prevent it. The film is considered as the first talking film in Palestine Israel.
Director of Photography
В школу-интернат для девочек, дочерей прусских офицеров, поступает 14-летняя Мануэла фон Майнхардис. В школе царит военная дисциплина, и всеми делами железной рукой заправляет фрау директор, Фридрих Великий в юбке. Как и все остальные девочки, Мануэла влюбляется в свою учительницу, прекрасную фройляйн фон Бернбург, которая отчасти разделяет ее чувства. После постановки школьной пьесы Мануэла, будучи одета в костюм принца и пьяна от пунша, объявляет на всю школу о своей любви к фройляйн фон Бернбург. Фрау директор клеймит подобные чувства как греховные и намеревается исключить Мануэлу из школы.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography