Bunta Sugawara

Bunta Sugawara

Рождение : 1933-08-16, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Смерть : 2014-11-28


Bunta Sugawara was a Japanese actor who appeared in almost 200 Japanese feature films, most prevalently in Yakuza films. On December 1, 2014, it was announced that Sugawara had died from liver cancer in a Tokyo hospital on November 28, 2014 at the age of 81. (Wikipedia)


Bunta Sugawara
Bunta Sugawara


The Town of Iidate: Radiation and the Return Home
In March 2011, the world was stunned by the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Today, the people of Iidate, a town outside the 30km radiation exclusion zone around the nuclear power plant, are still suffering. The direction of the wind, rain and snow caused radiation to reach dangerous levels and the entire town was forced to evacuate.
Волчьи дети Амэ и Юки
Nirasaki (voice)
Юки и Амэ — только с виду обычные дети, которым должны быть нипочем тяготы окружающего мира. Когда погибает их отец, последний представитель древнего рода оборотней, их матери — обыкновенной девушке, когда-то влюбившейся в человека, оказавшегося волком — приходится переехать подальше от большого города и начать все сначала.
Teenage stepsisters Yui and Ai form a close bond as a result of the neglect and abuse from their respective parents. Fearing separation from each other when their parents plan to divorce, they run away together to Tokyo and, in order to survive steal a briefcase which they later discover belongs to the yakuza. This puts them in great danger. Tanida, a kind-hearted yakuza member, comes to their rescue and becomes the protective and loving parent figure they never had. But for how long will he be able to save them from harm?
Yozo Ioka
Харада Такуми, будучи оставленным родителями еще в детстве из-за болезни младшего брата, находит утешение в бейсболе. Более того, он просто уникальный питчер для своего возраста и никто не может ни поймать, ни отбить его подачу. Переехав с семьей к дедушке, он знакомится с соседским пареньком Нагакурой Го, которому удается поймать подачу Такуми и вместе они "бэттери".
Сказания Земноморья
Haitaka (voice)
Земноморье в опасности, мир волшебства на грани исчезновения. Вселенское равновесие нарушено: драконы, обитающие в западном пределе сказочной страны, неожиданно появляются на востоке во владениях людей. Верховный маг Гед отправляется на поиски первопричины беды. В пути он встречает Аррена, принца Энлада, который после убийства отца бежит из родного края, преследуемый тенью. Прибыв в столицу Земноморья Норт Таун, путники находят пристанище в доме Белой Дамы, бывшей жрицы-хранительницы темных Гробниц Атуана. Верховный Маг Гед открывает Аррену тайны жизни и смерти, правды и лжи. Призывая служить истине с полной самоотдачей, он словно передает эстафету дерзновенному юноше, которому предначертана особая миссия в этом мире.
Великая война гоблинов
Shuntarō Ino
Во время праздника всех святых в японской школе десятилетнего мальчика Такаши выбирают Великим Всадником Кирина. Но одноклассники смеются над ним и считают трусом и слабаком. Чтобы доказать, что он не трус, он во время летних каникул должен подняться на Великую Гору Гоблинов, где, как повествуют древние легенды, обитают духи, и достать легендарный меч… В это время по всей Японии начинают пропадать дети, ужасные монстры нападают на людей. Все это происки злых духов, ужасных настолько, насколько только может себе представить человек. Начиная свое путешествие, Такаши и представить не мог, с кем ему придется столкнуться лицом к лицу и какую схватку предстоит выдержать. Одним словом, каникулы обещают ему много опасных сюрпризов!
New Shadow Warriors VI: The Final Chapter
Tokugawa Leyasu
As the power of the Tokugawa Shogunate becomes firm, Hattori Hanzo struggles against Sarutobi Sasuke and Sanada Yukimura. At the same time, Sasuke and Yukimura are plotting a new trick with the Satsuma clan ....
New Shadow Warriors V: Hattori Hanzo vs Onmyoji
Tokugawa Leyasu
In order to save the daughter of Kuroiwa clan lord who was made ill by the curse of someone, Hattori Hanzo brings the shadow warriors.
Sarutobi Sasuke and the Army of Darkness 2 - The Earth Chapter
Part 2 of 4 Sarutobi Sasuke Series.
Sarutobi Sasuke and the Army of Darkness 1 - The Heaven Chapter
Part 1 of a 4 part series about Sarutobi Sasuke
Naoto, the son of a wealthy family, suffers from Werner syndrome, a premature aging condition; Dai is an overweight child troubled by his penniless father's drunken violence; Jun, a gifted student, is the foursome's natural leader; and Tetsuro is average...
Мой дедушка
Godai Kenzo
Кэндзо Годай выходит из тюрьмы, где он отбывал 13-летний срок. Его внучка, Тамако, поначалу шокированная манерами и поведением Кэндзо, постепенно привыкает к нему и начинает звать его «дедушкой». Освобождения Кэндзо из тюрьмы с нетерпением ожидает босс местного клана якудза Хикита, мечтающий расправиться с ним. Кэндзо оказался в тюрьме за убийство подручных Хикиты, которое он совершил, чтобы отомстить за смерть своего друга, павшего от руки Хикиты. Гангстеры похищают Тамако, но Кэндзо удается спасти ее, после чего бывшие враги решают забыть прошлую вражду.
Hiroshima Yakuza War
After World War II, in Hiroshima, the Yakuza clans start a war for control of the city.
Shura Group
Remake of The Story of a Man Among Men (1984)
Унесённые призраками
Kamaji (voice)
Тихиро с мамой и папой переезжает в новый дом. Заблудившись по дороге, они оказываются в странном пустынном городе, где их ждет великолепный пир. Родители с жадностью набрасываются на еду и к ужасу девочки превращаются в свиней, став пленниками злой колдуньи Юбабы. Теперь, оказавшись одна среди волшебных существ и загадочных видений, Тихиро должна придумать, как избавить своих родителей от чар коварной старухи.
Феодальная Япония. Хорисото — маленький городок, принадлежащий феоду некоего князя. Вот уже несколько лет в городе процветает преступность и беззаконие. По сути дела, им никто не управляет: самураи-вассалы князя не имеют права вмешиваться в городские дела (к тому же, положение в городе их вполне устраивает, пока трое боссов обеспечивают им теневой доход), а градоначальники в Хорисото не задерживаются дольше трех месяцев. За год трое градоначальников подали в отставку, и теперь в город направляется четвертый. Его имя Мочизуки Кохэйта, и репутация пройдохи и бабника бежит впереди него.
An Angel with Many Scars
An odd journey starts as Mitsuru, a private detective, and a boy, whom a dying mobster entrusts to him, decide to go to northern Japan in search of the boy’s mother, and the detective’s buddy Hisashi joins them later.
Shura ga Yuku
Terrible ! Bloody conflict , outbreak !! The overwhelmingly popular graphic novel serialized in Manga Goraku is finally made into a moviel Draw the hard life of men running through the times , including Show Alkawa !!! First film of the live action series.
The Man Who Shot the Don
Horai serves an 18 year sentence for killing a rival boss, but right before his release he is attacked.
Distant Justice
Rio Yuki
After his daughter is kidnapped and his wife murdered by drug dealers, a man finds that the gang is protected by corrupt politicians, and sets out to wipe out the gang and expose the politicians.
Kita no kuni kara '92 Sudachi Part 1
Based on the comic by Ayumi Tachihara
Let's Shoot Ridiculously
Takashi Kashiwagi, who once participated in Koshien as a high school baseball player, is now a member of the Mutsumi Imai Federation
Seiji Nakamoto
A directionless young man, recently released from prison, tries to make a new start in life as a boxer...
Желтые клыки
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. В 1915 году горная деревня в Японии подверглась нападению со стороны гигантского медведя, получившей имя «Красное Пятно», который терроризировал жителей деревни в течение нескольких дней, убивая мужчин и съедая женщин.
Kumajiro inokuma
Yawara Inokuma is a girl who aspires to an ordinary life but due to her innate talent is forced to practice judo by her authoritarian grandfather, Jigorou Inokuma, with the aim of achieving the championship in Japan and the gold medal in the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games. Because of the pressure from her grandfather she has a generally bad attitude about judo, avoiding it as much as she can. However, over time she comes to understand why her grandfather loves judo and appreciates it more.
Rich man
Однажды вечером на пороге дома бедняка Тайдзю оказалась красивая гостья. Она назвалась Цуру и сказала, что пришла, чтобы стать его женой. Цуру привела избу в порядок и заботливо ухаживала за свекровью. Увидев ткацкий станок, стала ткать на нём, но при этом попросила, чтобы никто не заглядывал, когда она будет работать. Цуру соткала ткань невиданной красоты. Тайдзю немедленно отправился продавать ткань местному старосте Ханава, даже не заметив, что его жена немного похудела. Благодаря ткани, сотканной Цуру, Тайдзю и его мать стали жить лучше. Но староста потребовал, чтобы Цуру соткала ещё одну красивую ткань. Она отказалась, сказав, что такую ткань можно соткать только один раз в жизни. Но, пожалев Тайдзю, всё же решилась, и на этот раз строго наказав, чтобы во время работы не заглядывали к ней. Утром Тайдзю не утерпел и заглянул…
The Lady in a Black Dress
Shoji Katsuaki
A woman named Fujiki Asuka arrives as an acquaintance of a sister in law for a day under the bar master Tamura who had guided Yakuza's escaping as a shoji. Tamura who lives on the second floor of the store for the time being the son who wants to work here. A few days later, Tamura finds a handgun from Yuko's baggage and holds a suspicion ....
Kenji Mizoguchi
Биография великой японской актрисы Кинуё Танака (1909 — 1977) представлена в обрамлении истории возникновения и развития японского кино. К сожалению, молодая красавица Саюри Ёсинага не может передать полностью обаяния своего прототипа. Ведь Кинуё Танака прошла путь от юной симпатичной простушки, героини немого кино до маститой актрисы, способной на самые трагические роли. Авторы фильма, режиссер Кон Итикава и сценарист Канэто Синдо пытались подчеркнуть значение Кэндзи Мидзогути в формировании её таланта. Но на самом деле среди великих режиссеров того времени трудно встретить того, кто не снимал эту потрясающую актрису.
The Hall of the Crying Deer
Бирманская арфа
Platoon Commander
Японский солдат после войны остается в Бирме, чтобы хоронить погибших соотечественников и пытаться спасти выживших, отговаривая их совершать «благородное» самоубийство по японскому воинскому кодексу. Солдат странствует по Бирме в облике буддийского монаха, но рясу он украл у настоящего монаха, который спас ему жизнь…
Кровавая стая
В эпоху Шова молодой якудза, преодолев множество сложностей, становится боссом влиятельного клана.
Koji Kawakami
When the patriarch of Japan's most powerful yakuza family is shot, his wife is left to pick up the pieces and carry on the legacy.
To Trap a Kidnapper
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
Tasogare ni hyōteki o ute
Gate of Youth
Shigezo Ibuki
The story of Shinsuke, a young man who lives through a stormy life as a poverty-stricken coal miner. Ranging from Shinsuke's infanthood to his mid-teens. Coal workers and the mines dominate nearly every aspect of his life. Shinsuke's father a group leader at the mine, dies while bravely using dynamite to rescue a group of trapped Korean miners. Several older men attempt to help he and his mother cope, including a friendly Harley-riding yakuza boss. This movie has it all, drama, romance, sex, yakuza and violence! It is based on a story by Hiroyuki Itsuki that was originally serialized in the magazine Shukan Gendai in 1969-70.
Flames of Blood
The story is set in Bakumatsu and revolves around the Bunta Sugawara character, a yakuza (of course :) but instead of a modern yakuza/gangster, he's a gambler/bakuto). After he kills someone and gets wound, is saved by a blind woman (Mitsuko Baishô), who took care of him. They has a happy time under the protection of the Tomisaburo Wakayama character, an oybun. But of course, happy time doesn't last long. The story is also related to Okada Izo and the Shinsengumi (w/ Kondo Isami played by Makoto Sato)
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: The Complete Saga
Shozo Hirono
The 224-minute compilation edition of Battles Without Honor and Humanity compiles these four movies: Battles Without Honor and Humanity, Deadly Fight in Hiroshima, Proxy War, Police Tactics
Truck Rascals X: Hometown Express
Momojiro and Jonathan go to Kochi on a ferry. On the ferry a singer called Yuka dropped her sheet music into the ocean. Momojiro helps her by diving in to collect the sheets for her and ends up falling in love.
Star of David: Beauty Hunting
Momojirô Hoshi(運転手)
The film portrays the life of Tatsuya, a young man of proper descent whose outward respectability hides his urges for rape and torture. This handsome rapist seduces women, then brings them to the basement of the mansion he inherited from his well-to-do parents, where he indulges in lengthy sessions of sado-sexual violence. Based on manga by Masaaki Sato.
Человек, укравший солнце
Inspector Yamashita
Вооруженный до зубов террорист захватил автобус со школьниками и потребовал от полиции встречи с императором.
Truck Rascals IX: A 5,000 Kilometer Blast
Ninth movie in the Torakku Yarō series. Momojiro travels to Nagano to take Jonathan's place driving logging freight through the mountains. There he meets the wild and beautiful Natsu.
Dog of Fortune
Lorry driver
From Hokkaido to Tokyo, hunting dog Goro embarks on a long and grueling journey to reach home. With the loss of his master who held a secret to a weapons smuggling case and the corruptions of those who are involved, Goro's adventure unfolds.
Down with The Big Boss
Hachiyo Shunji
In pre-war Japan, two members of a large yakuza syndicate instigate a turf war that embroils the highest echelons of Tokyo's underworld.
Truck Rascals VIII: Ichibanboshi Returns North
Eighth movie in the Torakku Yarō series
Dynamite Don-Don
Ongagawa no Kasuke
Yakuza Gang War is at the height in North Kyūshū Area in the summer of 1950, particularly between the Okagen Group and the rising Hashiden Gang. Now with the mediation/interference of the Americans, they decide to settle it in a peaceful, *democratic* way, that is, to settle it with a baseball game. Now, with its money and power, The Hashiden group soon recruits a group of gamblers known to be good at baseball from the whole country. So, what is the Okagen Gumi gonna do?
Japanese Godfather: Conclusion
Akira Kawanishi
The three-film saga comes to a conclusion as three leaders of the underworld battle it out to determine who will become Don of Japan.
Truck Rascals VII: Close Encounters of the First Star
Hoping to romance an alien, Momojiro meets beautiful animal trainer Eriko instead. Then he and Jonathan get drawn into her old friend's fraud.
In this crime thriller produced by Toshiro Mifune (who has a supporting role), hard-boiled Shiro Akitsu goes on a relentless search for his abducted 7-year old daughter, with the aid of an Ainu dog summoned by a whistle she gave him.
Truck Rascals VI: Momojiro, The One and Only
The sixth film of the “Truck Yaro” series. Two long-distance truckers, “Momojiro” and “Kinzo,” travel around Japan in highly decorated trucks. In Kyushu, Momojiro falls in love again . . . this time with a beautiful college student Masako.
Japanese Godfather: Ambition
An ambitious Kansai yakuza don moves in on Tokyo using financial and political tactics, sparking conflict with a local criminal association.
In the midst of a match, a successful boxer - Hayato, has had enough of the sport. He lets himself get knocked, quits boxing, leaving his wife and start living alone with his mangy dog. One day a young mediocre boxer knocks at the door and wants to be Hayatos apprentice.
Truck Rascals V: Ichibanboshi the Brave
The fifth movie of the “Truck Yaro” series, which is comical road movies of two long-distance truckers. This time Momojiro falls in love with beautiful Minako in Sado, Niigata.
Japanese Humanity and Justice
When a mob boss retires under political pressure, his successor and yakuza family are tested to their limits as new alliances and enemies are formed.
Shinjuku's Number One Drunk-Killer Tetsu
Tetsuji Gondo
After serving 10 years in prison for murdering a rival boss, Tetsu is appalled to see his yakuza family overgrown and dysfunctional upon his release.
Japan's Don
Eizo Iwami
A yakuza leader must balance his violent tactics necessary for the rough streets of 1960s Tokyo with the domestic needs of his daughters.
Дальнобойщики 4
Четвертый из десяти фильмов, рассказывающих о беззаботном приключении двух водителей грузовиков. Момодзиро (Бунта Сугавара) и его лучший друг Мацусита (Кинъя Айкава) отправляются в путь на своих грузовых автомобилях, впечатляя друг друга своими навыками быстрой езды и уклонения от полиции при перевозке товаров по всей стране. Случайные встречи с людьми на этом пути заставляют их смириться с событиями, омрачающими их прошлое, и предлагают им шанс на искупление. На этот раз Момодзиро отправляется на Сикоку и влюбляется в красивую девушку дизайнера по имени Вакако, который находится в паломничестве.
The Three Ginza Rascals
Three men, all named Masa, join forces to capitalize on each of their unique yet questionable talents against a hyper-competitive Tokyo underworld.
Truck Rascals III: Homesick Ichibanboshi
Momojiro comes to the rescue of beautiful Akiko who struggles to run a ranch on her own.
New Battles Without Honor and Humanity 3: Last Days of the Boss
Shuichi Nozaki
The eighth sequel of the series by the successful “Fukasaku and Bunta” collaboration revolves around the men of a lesser organization that are constantly bullied by the upper organization and “bleed in vain” in gang wars.
The Machine Gun Dragon
Ryu, a low life thug, along with his mother, steals a shipment of drugs. Now with his machine gun and a gang of hoodlums, he must face the yakuza and the mafia.
Truck Rascals II: Ichibanboshi Runs Wild
Momojirô Hoshi - Ichibanboshi
The comical adventures of two long-distance truck drivers, Momojiro and Kinzo, continue. Momojiro and Eizo help bring home the father of two young children in time to celebrate New Year’s together.
New Battles Without Honor and Humanity 2: Head of the Boss
Shuji Kuroda
The seventh in the shocking "Jingi Naki Tatakai" movie series, which exposes the true lives of the yakuza that is hidden by a mask of "jingi". The next stage of this continuing drama is the Kanmon Channel where the Owada and the Kyoei groups are battling for territorial rights and drug smuggling. The Owada sends their man, Tetsu, and his friend Shuji to kill the Kyoei boss. With the promise of fame and riches, Shuji takes the fall and goes to jail for 7 years. But when he's released, he discovers that he and Tetsu have been all but forgotten by the Owada. Feeling betrayed, Shuji takes natters into his own hands and becomes an unsuspecting pawn in an internal conflict and an assassination attempt on the Owada boss. And now angered, Shuji seeks revenge...
The International Gang of Kobe
Kenzo Otaki
In 1947, in Kobe, Japan, a local street gang fights for their survival when its turf is overrun by United States occupation forces and international gangs.
Дальнобойщики: никому меня не остановить
Theme Song Performance
Первый из 10 фильмов, рассказывающих о беззаботных приключениях двух водителей грузовиков. Момодзиро и его лучший друг Кинзо отправляются в путь на своих грузовых автомобилях, впечатляя друг друга своими навыками быстрой езды и уклонения от полиции при перевозке товаров по всей стране. Случайные встречи с людьми на этом пути помогают им смириться с событиями, омрачающими их прошлое, и предлагают им шанс на искупление. За пять лет было снято 10 фильмов о их сумасшедших похождениях. Все фильмы получили культовый статус в Японии.
Дальнобойщики: никому меня не остановить
Momojirô Hoshi - Ichibanboshi
Первый из 10 фильмов, рассказывающих о беззаботных приключениях двух водителей грузовиков. Момодзиро и его лучший друг Кинзо отправляются в путь на своих грузовых автомобилях, впечатляя друг друга своими навыками быстрой езды и уклонения от полиции при перевозке товаров по всей стране. Случайные встречи с людьми на этом пути помогают им смириться с событиями, омрачающими их прошлое, и предлагают им шанс на искупление. За пять лет было снято 10 фильмов о их сумасшедших похождениях. Все фильмы получили культовый статус в Японии.
Полицейские против бандитов
Detective Kuno
1963 год. С того дня, как босс Охара отправился за решётку, в Курасиме не стихает война между бандами. Молодой наследник отбывающего срок босса Кэндзи Хиротани уже несколько лет намеревается восстановить власть своего клана в городе, но пока не в состоянии этого сделать. У его соперника Кавады больше денег, людей и связей наверху, но зато у Кэндзи есть своя бригада и хороший друг — инспектор уголовной полиции Куно, который всегда готов прикрыть его в случае неприятностей. Куно не считает себя продажным полицейским, так как деньги никогда не были для него приоритетом. Просто он считает, что во всём должен быть свой порядок. Если якудза — неизбежное зло, значит, его нужно просто научиться контролировать. А кому это сделать, как не сообразительному парню Хиротани? Признаться, Куно даже сам помышлял в молодости о том, чтобы стать бандитом, но потом решил, что работать в полиции куда круче и выгоднее.
Great Jailbreak
Kunizo Kuniiwa
A group of prisoners attempts to break the Abashiri prison. This film can be considered a sequel to the Abashiri Bangaichi series, written and directed by Ishii Teruo. The friendship between two men on death row, a fleeting love affair with a traveling dancer and a deadly battle with the real culprit who has hunted him down filmed over a long period of time on location in Hokkaido.
The Viper Brothers and the Young General
New Battles Without Honor and Humanity 1
Miyoshi Makio
The sixth chapter of Jingi Naki Tatakai series With the endless power struggle. The extraordinary combination of Kinji Fukasaku and Bunta Sugawara, along with new ideas and a strong touch of realism, created the sixth movie of the series that describes 'The War of Hiroshima Gangsters' which had lasted almost 30 years after World War II. It can be called the Japanese secret post WWII history. It focuses on the ugly, violent inside struggle of the Yamamori Group of 1959 in Kure City, Hiroshima. Director Kinji Fukasaku, the master of portraying violence and humanity, said "Having making the five previous movies, I found those characters very interesting. So I took a deeper look into them this time." He made this shocking movie with high enthusiasm and revealed the core of gangster's struggle which has never been touched before.
Violent Fraternity
Set in Shibuya in 1949, this is another film based on real life former yakuza boss Noboru Ando's memoirs.
Code of Wolves
In gangster-infested 1920s Yokohama, gambler Ishiguro gets in with the local gang -- but his view of life changes after the Great Kanto Earthquake.
Отец камикадзе
Вице-адмирал Императорского флота Японии Ониси Такидзиро, блестящий стратег, один из немногих, кто смотрит в будущее. Он знает, что Япония не может выиграть Тихоокеанскую войну. Поскольку военная обстановка становится критической, он предлагает отчаянный план, чтобы вынудить врага договориться о мире и избежать позора сдачи - самоубийственные атаки камикадзе - летчиков-смертников. Это истинная история человека, который организовал разрушительные нападения камикадзе, и трагических последствий его рокового решения...
Gokudo VS Mamushi
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Final Episode
Shozo Hirono
While Hirono is in prison, his rival Takeda turns his own crime organization into a political party, whose two executives stir up new tensions in their thirst for power.
Miracle on Lubang Island: Army Nakano School
In the spring of 1945, Murakami, an apprentice officer, was ordered by the General Staff Headquarters to be assigned to the secret 33rd Eastern Unit, known only to the upper ranks of the General Staff. This is where secret warriors, spies and guerrillas, are trained. Eventually, a variety of training will be held, from pistols, karate, martial arts to pickpocketing wallets.
The Tattooed Hitman
The most dangerous hired gun in Tokyo's underworld has managed to trigger a vicious gang war, and now, there's a contract on his life. Though nobody is more skilled in the arts of dealing death, can the tattooed hitman fend off the entire Japanese mafia as he searches for the man who wants him dead?
Бандитский квартал
Босс Эгава входил в клан Тогику, но почти все его подручные попали в тюрьму, а после отсидки оказались не нужны Тогику. В компенсацию Эгава получил в подарок бар «Мадрид». Остальные бандиты Эгавы планируют развязать новую войну, в которой они снова окажутся нужны.
The Viper Brothers: Up on 30 Charges
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Police Tactics
Shozo Hirono
As Japan gears up for the 1964 Olympic games, the cops start to crack down on the gangs, under pressure from the public and the press, adding a new dimension in the war for power among the yakuza families of Hiroshima.
Тюрьма военно-морского флота в Йокосуке
Бывший якудза Симура призван в военно-морской флот, где он, вопреки обещанию матери не применять насилие, вынужден будет дать отпор бесчеловечному обращению.
Опосредованная война
Shozo Hirono
Преемник семьи Мураока, самой могущественной семьи якудза в Хиросиме, жестоко убит средь бела дня на центральной улице города. В постепенно развивающейся борьбе за место преемника проныра Утимото гнусно ставит палки в колёса боссу Ямамори, который хочет стать новым боссом семьи Мураока…
The Viper Brothers: The Blackmailers
Upon his release from prison, Masa (Bunta Sugawara) is disappointed to not be picked up by his brother Katsu (Tamio Kawaji). After hitching a ride on a bus full of old women, Masa finds out that Katsu tried to fake a car accident and get some money for Masa to live on after prison. Together, the two decide to blackmail the woman (Yoko Horikoshi) who hit Katsu, who happens to be the daughter of a rich company president (Seizaburo Kawazu). 6th film in a series of 8.
Japan's Top Gangster
A boy born in a poor village in Tokushima spends his days idly until a chance meeting sets him on the road to becoming boss of Japan's largest gang.
Dangerous Trade in Kobe
Lee Chung Shun
Using a lesser mobster as bait a government agent infiltrates a narcotics-smuggling gang to try to capture the boss. But his survival has a price.
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Deadly Fight in Hiroshima
Shozo Hirono
Repeatedly beat to a pulp by gamblers, cops, and gangsters, lone wolf Shoji Yamanaka finally finds a home as a Muraoka family hitman and falls in love with boss Muraoka's niece. Meanwhile, the ambitions of mad dog Katsutoshi Otomo draws our series' hero, Shozo Hirono, and the other yakuza into a new round of bloodshed.
The Viper Brothers: Jail - Living for 4 1/2 Years
Battles Without Honor and Humanity
Shozo Hirono
In the teeming black markets of postwar Japan, Shozo Hirono and his buddies find themselves in a new war between factious and ambitious yakuza...
The Red Silk Gambler
With her first love that unfolded in the battlefield in her heart, and with a short sword and a pillbox as her weapons, female gambler Okatsu the Tiger Lily travels from gambling site to gambling site. Surrounding her are Omon, an outlaw star blind lone gambler; Onaka, a thief who’s after Okatsu to avenge her father’s death; Ohide, a tattoo artist whose back is covered by a dragon tattoo; and Oryu, a young girl sold as a prostitute to a gambling family.
Outlaw Killers: Three Mad Dog Brothers
The great Bunta stars as a gangster who is sent to jail for the sake of his gang, but when he’s released he finds everything completely changed and his gang has swept him aside for being too violent. He tries to start a new life with his two ”brothers” but can’t seem to escape old affiliations
Yakuza Skirmishes
In the gaudy world of 1930s Shinjuku, a violent youth known as Bakudan Match tangles explosively with prostitutes, politicians and the police.
Kogarashi Monjiro 2: Secret of Monjiro's Birth
Monjirô Kogarashi
Monjiro, reunited with his long lost sister, is pursued by a yakuza gang because he killed their boss. He also meets a fellow gambler who idolizes Monjiro. The gambler and Monjiro's sister are pulled into a conspiracy to get to Monjiro, but do things go as planned?
The Viper Brothers: The Young Hoodlum
Turtle Geisha
Natsuko is so good at using that super-strong vagina of hers that she can fuck guys to death. In the end, she’s pitted against a sexual superman and a showdown ensues. There’s also a subplot about a mad scientist type who needs vaginal juices to create a potion designed to turn Japanese girls black.
A Yakuza Has His Way
Ishido Tsuneo
Withered Tree, the Adventures of Monjiro
Kogarashi Monjiro is a lone samurai who agrees to take responsibility for a murder that his friend committed so that he can stay with his dying mother, with the expectation that his friend will confess and get him pardoned once she dies. Monjiro is sentenced to an island for prisoners. When he discovers that his friend's mother has died over a year ago, Monjiro seeks to escape with a group of prisoners in order to get his revenge.
Современные якудза: Уличный бандит
Isamu Okita
Исаму Окита с малых лет был предоставлен самому себе, его школой была улица. Он вырос и стал предводителем банды. Во время одной из разборок он с ножом нападает на соперников и в результате садится в тюрьму. Выйдя на свободу, Исаму обнаруживает, что мир слегка изменился, но методы бандита остались такими же, и он намерен отвоевать свою территорию.
The Pledge
When Omuro Yahachi of the Omuro family is selected as Mutsumikai Soke's successor, the conflict between the Kitakyushu and Wakamatsu begins.
The Kanto Scarlet Cherry Gang
The Ni Family is the most well know and respected group of firefighters in the Kanto region. When their leader dies and the successor disappears, Tsuruji, a beautiful yet tough geisha, becomes the boss. But will she be able to confront a yakuza gang trying to take over the area?
Delinquent Street
The Viper Brothers: Clown Princes of Crime
Red Peony Gambler: Execution of Duty
The final chapter of the Hibotan Bakuto series. Oryu the Red Peony visits an old dying Boss of an ally family and promised her that she would help guide the new Boss. Meanwhile a turf war breaks out. When the family is betrayed from within and the rival family becomes violent, Oryu takes things into her own hands…
A Modern Yakuza: Three Decoy Blood Brothers
When a large crime syndicate seeks to invade Gifu's underworld, three brothers and their yakuza family are the only ones that stand in their way.
Trials of an Okinawa Village
A boss from a trucking company has run-ins with evil yakuza during the American occupation of Okinawa. Her hometown is threatened by usurers, gangsters and indirectly by American GI influences. She must battle a yakuza organization with her employees to help settle things.
Evil Boss vs. Henchmen
Hanjiro Murase
A high-ranking yakuza rises to national notoriety.
The Viper Brothers Rage Again
The Kanto Brothers' Code of Honor
The Kanto Brothers' Code of Honor (関東兄弟仁義 仁侠) is a 1971 film directed by Buichi Saitō. It is the ninth and last film in the Duty of Brotherhood series.
Kigeki Toruko-buro Osho-sen
Bitter Tears of a Woman Gambler
Bunta Sugawara replaces Koji Tsuruta as the leading man for this sequel of Okoma, the Orphan Gambler.
Wolves on Motorcycles
Hoodlum group helps fishermen against firm polluting their fishing ground.
The Viper Brothers
The Sucker's Blunt Dagger
A man aspires to be a big boss but falls in love with a beautiful woman boss.
A Modern Yakuza: Broken Code
A young yakuza soldier is torn between staying in his current life or leaving his family when his boss refuses to follow their ancient code of ethics.
Wicked Priest 5: Breaking The Commandments
As the Killer Priest Shinkai travels around Japan during the Meiji era, he comes to the aid of a village headman fighting corruption from up above. Before he can do anything for the townspeople, he must first face his nemesis, Whipmaster, the blind Priest, a master killer thirsting for revenge.
The Swindlers
Interesting fights between the "Capone Group" and "Jumbo Group".
Thugs of Shinjuku
Fresh out of jail, a smart-mouth wise guy Goro takes the name “Big Brother Katsumata.” Not fitting in well with established gangs, he forms a rag-tag gang called “the Shinjuku Brothers.” The members of their gang are thugs who only wish they were traditional yakuza. When they turn up at the funeral for a gangster, they are not welcomed, but a senior boss intervenes to keep things calm. The boss of bosses invites them to join a respected local council of warlords. Katsumata is suspicious of why such powerful men would extend an invitation to lowlife like himself.
Whipmaster: Ballad of Murder
Blind Priest Ryotatsu
Ryotatsu, the wayward Priest blinded by Shinkai, the Wicked Priest, has his own story in this ultra-violent tale from the era of the Meiji Reconstruction. When a woman leaves her blind son at the Monastery, Ryotatsu is forced to teach the boy how to cope as a blind person in old Japan. When he takes the child with him on the road to find the boy's mother, they run afoul of not only yakuza gangsters, but some corrupt army officers have been trying to sway public opinion against the Satsuma rebels by posing as members of Saigo Takamori's group. It's a bloody mistake for them to underestimate the strength of the Blind Priest, and he'll make them pay with their lives!
Hooligans on Buggies
Rivalry between a hoodlum group and a gangster organization.
Последний камикадзе
1945 год. Терпя поражения по всем фронтам от сил союзников, Япония прибегает к последнему средству – использованию пилотов-камикадзе для атак вражеских кораблей. Но эффективность этих атак не высока, половина пилотов погибает, даже ещё не долетев до своих целей, часть из них сбивают вражеские самолёты, часть силы ПВО противника. Для увеличения эффективности, командование принимает решение создать отряд эскорта, пилоты которого будут прикрывать, и сопровождать пилотов-камикадзе до целей. На должность командира отряда назначают капитана Масато Мунакату, в прошлом он сам участвовал в атаке смертников в заливе Лейте, но остался в живых. Капитан Мунаката отказывается возглавить отряд, так как убеждён, что таким способом не победить в войне. Но переубедить командование невозможно, и осознав, что без эскорта пилоты и дальше будут напрасно гибнуть, не выполнив свой долг, Мунаката вступает в должность.
Kigeki Gyanburu Hisshôhô
A Lively Geisha
Young geisha Koshizu's wish of reuniting with the man, Yukichi, who helped her ten years ago comes true. When she learns of the trouble Yukichi's business is facing, she stands ready to come to his aid, and thus repay a debt that's long overdue.
Postwar Secrets
Shin'ichi Yamada
Everybody's chasing a diamond in Sadao Nakajima's crime/action/drama. It was a based on a novel by Tsusai Sugawara, who was a Japanese writer and political figure campaigning against drugs, prostitution and sexually transmitted diseases.
The Japan Derby Race
A story about a man who stakes his life on horse racing.
Wolves of the City, Money Hunters
The hoodlum group tries to help a little printing factory against gangsters.
Code Between Brothers: All New
When the boss of the Nakano Family decides to retire and makes a loyal follower the new boss instead of his own son, it causes strife in the family. Sides are taken and lines are drawn. Meanwhile, a rival family with a land dispute with the Nakano starts pulling strings behind the scenes...
Red Peony Gambler: Oryu's Return
Aoyama Tsunejiro
Oryu searches for blind child she left behind and get involved in a Yakuza turf war that takes place in the Tokyo Theater.
Bloodstained Clan Of Honor
It takes place in the sunset days of the yakuza in the 1970s. The postwar turmoil that created the black market and lubricated illegal business opportunities was giving way to Japan Inc. A young Bunta Sugawara takes over as the oyabun of a crime syndicate in Yokohama, where he is struggling to keep operations at the port there alive. As his syndicate is eroding quickly, a major heavy industries company offers his gang the chance to chase some vagrants out of a shantytown where they are squatting on land where a factory is to be built. The job would secure steady profits for Bunta's crime ring for years to come. However, Bunta and other members of his outfit grew up in the shanty, and they would be muscling their friends and neighbors. This sets the stage for an internal struggle that complicates the violent struggle with a rival mafia organization in Tokyo.
Wolves of the City: Checkmate
This is the sixth film in the series. There were seventeen Wolves of the City films between 1968 & 1974, in the main aimed at shock-value & “pinku” soft-core with sex, nudity, violence, gunplay, & a lot of mainly pointless foolishness when the biker gang coopts racist or nazi imagery, inventing a non-existent youth culture void of morality…
Gendai ninkyô kyôdai-bun
A crime film released in 1969
Wicked Priest 4: The Killer Priest Comes Back
In Meiji Period Japan, the carrying of swords had been outlawed, so Shikai, the Killer Priest carries his sword disguised as a Priest?s staff. One of the strongest entries in the series, Shinkai is badly injured, and must face his worst enemy in what could be their final showdown.
Memoir of Japanese Assassinations
Heigo Asahi
This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.
Woman Boss: Chivalrous Fight
Shuichi Kitahashi
Sumi Muraoka, nicknamed "Sumi Banten", due to the fact that her back is decorated with a tattoo of the goddess Banten, the woman who heads the Banten Yakuza family. She comes into confrontation with a powerful of Yakuza group Mutsumi-kai, seeking to capture all power in their hands.
Team of Ruffians
Prisoners with special skills from all over Japan are sent to the battlefront on a mission.
The Private Police
After the war, Kijima (Bunta Sugawara) returns to Tokyo where he meets Ôba (Noboru Andô), an Ex-Kamikaze pilot, and the two ruffians gather hooligans to join their group. In Ginza, the Togawa gang have taken over Sakurada's territory. After several fights Kijima and Ôba gain control of the territory by chasing out the notorious Togawa Group in the name of Sakurada. But Kijima is arrested for assaulting an American soldier. A few years pass. Kijima has served his prison term and the sears of war have been erased from Ginza. Ôba is now president of a company specializing in collection of bad debts, cheque frauds and everything that means money. People call their organization the “Private Police,” and Kijima begins to work for Ôba. Now the Takegami gang waits a chance to seize the Ginza territory.
Wolf Escort
Rivalry between a hoodlum group and gangster organization.
Japan Organized Crime Boss
Coming out of jail and hoping for a quiet life, Yokohama yakuza has to take the lead of his gang after the death of his boss. His small group is is taken in a crossfire between a big yakuza group from Osaka at war with the Tokyo alliance for the control of the city. He tries to keep to the old yakuza code but he is no match for the new thugs who live and fight without honor.
Yakuza Law
A story of yakuza lynching during the Edo, Meiji, and Showa periods.
A Modern Yakuza: Humanity and Justice of the Outlaw
Back after four years, Goro learns his younger brother's been thrown out of the gang and his girlfriend's married another man. It's payback time.
The Bad Boss 3
A story of rivalry between two gambling clans.
Yakuza on Foot
Tamotsu Asai
An Osaka gangster Shimamura just got married. His new bride, Mineko is also involved in drug trafficking. When she goes to China to make a deal, things get botched pretty badly. Shimamura must travel to save her and recoup his employers’ losses.
A Modern Yakuza: The Code of The Lawless
Just released on parole, one young man hurtles towards a face-off with the gangsters controlling Shinjuku and its lucrative prostitutes.
Delinquent Boss: Wolves of the City
Kosaka Hiroshi is a small time swindler and the boss of a motorcycle gang in Shinjuku. Living only to make money, he never made the big time until he gets involved with a Yakuza's daughter. But when he gets involved in a scheme to blackmail a Yakuza gang and a land developer, he realizes he's gone way over his head…
Brothers Serving Time
Tatsuo Yaguchi
While imprisoned, Tatsu encounters Danshi, a man who is a big honcho in the prison pecking order. After initial conflict they become sworn brothers. Tatsu and the sworn brothers he acquires weren’t really gangsters before their prison time, just ruffians. Prison, however, introduces them to plenty of gangland characters and three years later, they’re out of prison and enmeshed in the yakuza world.
Wicked Priest 3: A Killer's Pilgrimage
Shinkai comes to the aid of a coastal village being held hostage by a group of political revolutionaries.
Красный Пион 2: Долг игрока
Второй фильм о женщине якудза Орю по прозвищу «Красный пион». В небольшом городке местный босс якудза устраивает празднования и нанимает для этого Орю. Босс добр к Орю, он разрешает ей жить в своём доме, она присматривает за его детьми. Когда конкурирующий клан якудза, желающий подчинить себе все кланы города, убивает босса, Орю принимает на себя обязательство защитить его детей и клан.
Ichiro Yamakawa
Coal miner Isamu Oba is forced to quit his village and leave his mother and siblings behind. Mining buddy Ichiro accompanies him to Tokyo, and the pair enjoy several "fish-out-of-water" sequences before finding employment at a boxing gym with trainer Sawada and his spunky sister Tomoko. The boys also find part time night jobs as roving minstrels in the club district courtesy of benevolent gang boss Asakawa. Of course, they run afoul of boss Karasawa's cruel gang. Karasawa also has it in for Asakawa, and this indirectly throws a spanner into the works as far as Isamu's burgeoning success as a kickboxer. When Asakawa 's HQ is burned to the ground by Karasawa's men, Asakawa tries to kill Karasawa - which, of course, leads to his own gruesome death. Isamu goes on the rampage with his sword, wiping out Karasawa and men.
Brothers'Code - The Back Relation
Yakuza Kojima appeared in Yokkaichi in search of her mother who died when she was young. There he met Torajiro, a master of kendo, who had just left prison after slashing his adoptive father who stole his son's wife. Torajiro was on his way to his brother-in-law, Iwai. While talking about themselves, they someday felt something similar to friendship.
Bakeneko: A Vengeful Spirit
Shibayama Ukon
Nabeshima Naoshige murders his lord, Ryuzoji Takafusa, seeking to gain power and steal his Lord’s wife. To avoid her fate, Lady Takafusa drowns herself along with her cat in a nearby marsh. A decade later, Naoshige’s efforts to steal another woman trigger a curse on him when she also commits suicide at the same marsh — forcing him to suffer the consequences of his past actions.
Wicked Priest 2: Ballad of Murder
The long awaited second film in the Wicked Priest series is a masterpiece of sword swinging fury as Shinkai is asked by a man on the run to bring his young son to live with his grandfather, the master of a ju-jitsu dojo during the Taisho period of the early 20th century. Shinkai then runs afoul of a gangster group using strong-arm tactics to take over the profits from local gambling. When he proves to be more than they can handle, they hire the one man who has the ability to kill Shinkai and exact revenge, Ryotatsu, the karate priest whom Shinkai blinded in the first film. This ultra-violent entry has long been considered the best movie in the series and never made its way to home video before. See a spectacular display of Wakayama Tomisaburo’s martial art expertise in this action packed film. The Holy Grail of sword movies has arrived at last! /Winterheart of CG
Якудза из разных банд зачисляются в японскую армию, где у них много проблем с адаптацией к новой жизни и войне в Китае.
Shimamura is a violent street thug who joins the yakuza & is merciless & unscrupulous on his rise, lacking any sense of either duty or chivalry. When imprisoned, he is repeatedly transferred from one prison to another, because no one can handle him.
Enlisted Yakuza
It is the third film in the Gokudo series. In this episode, set in 1937, the main character of the series gang leader Shimamura is drafted into the military and fight in China.
Wicked Priest
During the Taisho Period (early 1920's) a monastery of warrior monks was split apart between two factions. One of these factions was led by the Chief Abbot and his protege, Shinkai. When Shinkai intercedes in a fight between a rival priest and some ruffians it leads to his expulsion from the order. This story introduced us to the character of Shinkai, a "Karate Priest" and his long running feud with Ryotatsu, his greatest rival. There are touches of humor as Shinkai breaks all the commandments of a priest, including fighting, gambling, and running after women. All this leads to an awesome conclusion as he must destroy a gang of yakuza aided by corrupt priests. The fighting is fast and furious as Ryotatsu waits to see if Shinkai can live long enough to face him in the ultimate test! /Winterheart of CG
A Story from Abashiri Prison—Duel in Snow Storm
Convict son revenges innocent father's death.
Трагическая любовь на фоне знаменитого военного переворота 26 февраля 1936 года, который неоднократно привлекал внимание кинематографистов Японии. В этой версии лирические и эротические переживания затмевают политические дискуссии и философские идеи.
Secret Agent 101
Japan-Hong Kong co-production.
Opium Plateau: Hell Squad, Charge!
Following “A Man's Face Shows His Personal History”, this movie is the second of the “Trilogy of the Wartime Generation”. It is a war drama set in China and depicts battles over opium.
School principal
Масштабная экранизация одноименного романа Савако Ариёси, опубликованного в 1959 году. Повествование начинается в последний год XIX века и разворачивается на фоне всех основных событий в жизни Японии вплоть до конца 1950-х годов. Хана приходит в дом Матани юной невесткой и становится стержнем этой семьи. Она изо всех сил старается передать эту эстафету свой дочери и внучке.
A Sky Full of Tears
Popular guitarist Shunsuke Sugi had a busy schedule and lived a puppet life with manager Yoko Ohara. On the way home from the Tohoku tour, he rescued Akiko, a girl who had passed out in a car accident. Ahead of him was the bustle of Tokyo. He suddenly met Akiko during a noisy party with friends. He tried to persuade Akiko, who wanted to become a singer, to return to the village, but it didn't work. One day he invited Akiko to play in Yokohama. When they returned to childhood and talked about their dreams, they felt love for the first time. Meanwhile, returning home, Yoko turned her jealousy on the two of them, and announced the death of Shunsuke's mother...
By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him
Also known as "History of a Man’s Face" and "By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him" . Immigrant gangs terrorize a Japanese town with their threats, loud jazz, and tasteless fashion sense, and only the tough but suave Dr. Amamiya (Ando) can stop them, as long as he gets rid of his silly peace-loving ideals.
Flame and the Code
Sword: Flower-Strewn Path of Courage
Minoru Akihara
After serving his sentence, Yakuza family member Toshin-gumi Umebayashi is released from prison. Toshin-gumi was already headed by the boss in the second generation of Shotaro, but Shotaro fell into a trap, he is manipulated by his sworn enemy Kanzaki-gumi. Kanzaki-gumi captures the Toshin-gumi oil fields mined by the first boss. Umebayashi explodes in anger and attacks Kanzaki-gumi, but...
King of the Highway
Zoku seiun yakuza - ikari no otoko
Blood and Law
Based on the autobiography of Noboru Andô .
Samurai from Somewhere
Yoshioka Shinnosuke
Young Lord Takenaka stands to succeed his father until a series of violent actions lead his retainers to think that he has gone mad with blood-lust. Never offering any explanation, he continues his seemingly unprovoked attacks until he is sent away from his domain.
The Shape of Night
Yoshie Nogami, a factory worker by day, moonlights as a hostess at a bar. One of the regulars, Eiji Kitami, invites her out on a date. Still only 19, she goes along out of curiosity and ends up spending the night at a hotel where she gives herself to him. They begin a passionate love affair and move in together, after which Yoshie begins skipping work at the factory and rarely returns to her family home. Before long, Eiji’s demeanor changes and he begins to constantly ask her for money. Despite claiming to be a businessman, he is actually a local thug, and his inability to pay his dues to his gang leads him to force Yoshie into prostitution.
Цветы и благовония
По мотивам одноименного романа Савако Ариёси. Фильм в двух частях рассказывает историю Томоко Сунага, которая с раннего детства должна была сама искать дорогу к своему счастью. Её жизнь начинается с предательства матери, которая сама продала её в весёлый квартал. Жестокая судьба гейши не сломала её волю, но кровная связь с матерью запутывает её судьбу всё сильнее, и эти путы невозможно разорвать никакими усилиями. Масштабная эпопея рассказывает нам историю не только этой женщины, но и всей Японии от начала ХХ-го века до 1960-х годов. За свою жизнь Томоко меняла не только города, мужчин, но и имена: девочка Кодзи-сан, ученица О-Тёбо, воспитанница Мариа, гейша Коботан ("маленький пион"), хозяйка гостиницы Ханаю. Какое посмертное имя "каймё" получит она в загробной жизни?
Destroyer Yukikaze
Yutaro Kida, a worker at the Sasebo Naval Arsenal, volunteers for the navy but finds himself a cook's mate in the galley of a gunboat. But his dream is eventually realized when he is transferred to the new and powerful destroyer Yukikaze which he helped to build. When the Pacific War breaks out Yukikaze performs valiantly in the South Pacific, and while on shore leave, Kida meets and falls in love with Yukiko, younger sister of his commander.
For Love and Money
Легенда или быль?
Goichi Takamori
Лето 1945. Близится конец Тихоокеанской войны. После эвакуации из Токио семья Сонобе поселилась в отдаленной деревне на острове Хоккайдо. Их взрослая дочь Кэйко должна выйти замуж за сына деревенского старосты, Такамори. Но тут брат Кэйко выясняет, что Такамори творил варварские зверства во время своего пребывания на фронте в Китае, после чего Кэйко его отвергает...
Ōwarai Jiro chō ikka: Sanshita nitei kenjū
Comedy movie
August Moon
Love New and Old
A woman brings her injured daughter to the hospital, only to realize that the doctor is the estranged father of her child.
Invitation to the Enchanted Town
Live-action adaptation of Ko Kojima's manga "Sennin buraku".
Ren'ai Zubari Kôza
A omnibus movie consisting of the three parts: "Kechinbo", "Yowak" and "Kôshoku".
Five Violent Girls
Kazuhiko Nanjô
Japanese comedy film.
This Is a Man's World
Toshio Sugawara
Female Beast
Two women, an undercover cop, and a leader of the group of rude girls, defy the smuggling syndicate.
Captain Uehara
Japanese war film.
Brutal Woman
Hiroshi Taniguchi
Tired of poverty, Keiko leaves home and soon takes a lover, but leads a wanton life without paying heed to his advice. However, the younger sister Yoshiko, is an innocent and kind girl. One day, with the sudden death of their mother in a car accident, Keiko learns that she and Yoshiko are actually stepsisters, and that she is the daughter of a murderer. She now plans extortion from Yoshiko's true father who is the president of a well-known trading company.
Enigmatic Explosion of the Battleship Mutsu
Lieutenant Matsumoto
During the naval battle of Midway in WWII, the battleship Mutsu was in its home port in Japan. The ship's officers and crew were frustrated at not being able to take part in the fighting. They had been held back by orders from the Naval Ministry, but there was also a plot by saboteurs, who were trying to prevent the sailing of the Mutsu. Director Komori developed a suspenseful plot by including a fictional adaptation of the Russian spy Richard Sorge, who had been captured in Japan and subsequently executed. Komori brings a fictional Russian spy to the screen by portraying him as a military attaché at the German embassy. As Germany was an ally of Japan in WWII, a secret agent being a mole in the German embassy is a perfect cover. The interaction of the saboteurs and the officers and crew of the Mutsu make an exciting story.
Nobuo Asakura
Female Slave Ship
The year is 1945, months prior to Japan's ultimate defeat in WW2, and military lieutenant Sugawa is sent on a critical mission to deliver micro-fiche war plans to Tokyo from his base in Malaysia. But while flying over Chinese waters his plane is shot down and he is taken aboard a ship bound for Shanghai to deliver its merchandise - a ship filled with Female Slaves kidnapped from Japan. Will he abandon the women to pursue his main objective? Or will he fight foes, spies and pirates to save these women against all odds?
The Blood Sword of the 99th Virgin
Masayuki Abe
In the northern province, two waitresses Mieko and Hanako from Tokyo, are missing somewhere near the River Kitakami. At night, the villagers of Shirayama gather round a blazing fire, and utter incantations while an old headman tempers a sword...
Crazy Desire
Haunted Cave
Detective Nonomiya
The treasures of the Aoyamas were buried at the bottom of the sea when a large earthquake occurred years before. Yumi Aoyama is the only person who knows the location, but her family dies one after another through curious incidents, as if the family were under a curse. Yumi is surprised by the ghost of a dead sister who looks the same as the grim figure who jumped into the old well alter stabbing herself with a sword. Fearful that a similar fate awaits her, Yumi seeks the help of her friend Kyoko. Later the ghost appears before Kyoko and her fiancé, Detective Nonomiya. In a haunted cave, Kyoko and Yumi are in deadly peril from those who seek treasures of the Aoyamas.
Fight to the Death in a Blizzard
1959 film directed by Teruo Ishii for Shintoho.
Aishu no machi ni kiri ga furu
Nakagawa, a student