Milada Smolíková

Milada Smolíková

Рождение : 1891-10-18,

Смерть : 1972-11-01


Milada Smolíková
Milada Smolíková


Жижковский романс
Картина рассказывает о женщине, которая поставила свои материнские обязанности выше чувства любви. У героини есть ребенок, о существовании которого она не говорит любимому человеку. Когда же он узнает о ребенке, проявляя при этом малодушие и эгоизм, женщина решает с ним порвать.
Вторая жена
Forester's wife
…Накануне своей свадьбы трагически погиб молодой лесоруб Ян. Много горя хлебнула его возлюбленная Франтишка, оставшись с «незаконным» — внебрачным — ребёнком на руках. Погналась она за призрачным счастьем — согласилась стать женой старого, но богатого вдовца Подешвы, и жизнь её превратилась в сплошные муки и унижения. Лютой ненавистью, нескрываемой злобой встретила новую хозяйку дома Розина. Она жила здесь с давних пор на правах экономки Подешвы, но на самом деле была его любовницей. Розина досаждала Франтишке на каждом шагу и поедом ела её сынишку — маленького Метудека. Когда Подешва сватался к Франтишке, он обещал любить ребёнка, как своего родного сына. Ничего не осталось теперь от этих обещаний! Розина натравливала Подешву и против его жены и против мальчика…
Экспресс из Нюрнберга
Учительницу Веру в Хебе провожают на перроне ее ученики, она садится в проходящий поезд, который идет из Западной Германии в Прагу. Когда девушка в купе хочет привести себя в порядок и достает зеркало, то неловко роняет его на пол. Наклонившись, Вера видит в его отражении под сидением спрятанную коробку из-под сигарет, не обнаруженную таможней в ходе проверки. В коробке находится план Бротской плотины и инструкция по ее уничтожению. С этого момента начинаются злоключения и смертельно опасные "приключения". Один из первых триллеров о работе разведки и контрразведки сделанных в Чехословакии, рассказывающий о борьбе органов государственной безопасности с иностранной агентурой.
It was in May
Hostinec „U kamenného stolu“
Red Lizard
Grammar school teacher Bláha hurts himself in pursuit of a red lizard, and is lying unconscious in the lonely house of Santrucek family. The postman, who found Bláha's coat and hat in the water, announces to everyone in town that the professor has drowned. But, the venerable citizens are at that moment more interested in the theatre group with the beautiful guest actress Eva Gazdová. They demand a change of repertoire and manage to persuade the theatre manager to have the group play the musical comedy The Red Lizard instead of an established play.
Lost in the Suburbs
Czechoslovak drama film about soldiers returning from World War II
O ševci Matoušovi
The Portrait
People are afraid of the usurer Chazaj and are convinced that he is the bearer of evil. One day Chazaj pays a visit to the poor artist Simon Jordán and asks him to paint his portrait. Simon agrees but as he progresses with the work his mind conjures up terrible thoughts and in the end he commits suicide. The portrait looks lifelike and Chazaj is content with the results. After Chazaj's death the picture changes hands and brings misfortune to all who own it. The last victim is the young painter Roman who buys Chazaj's portrait in a bazaar. He finds a treasure in the frame and begins to live well off it. The comfortable life suits him so well that he rejects his original artistic aims and becomes a painter of fashionable kitsch.
Capek's Tales
Five crime stories connected by the narration of police superintendent Bartosek.
The Adventurous Bachelor
Shown in Cannes 1946.
Počestné paní pardubické
Bláhový sen
Karel a já
Valentin Dobrotivý
Pantáta Bezoušek
Bezouškova dcera
Rich spinster Berta celebrates her sixtieth birthday. Her faithful admirer Dr. Jelinek proposes. But Berta can not forget Edward, the great love of her life, and refuses the offer…
Artur a Leontýna
Příklady táhnou
Venice Film Festival 1939
Její hřích
Venoušek a Stázička
Děvče z předměstí anebo Všecko příjde na jevo
Lízino štěstí
Slávko nedej se!
Andula vyhrála
kuchařka Kristýnka, teta Anduly
School Is the Foundation of Life
Lejsalová, manželka latináře
Seventh form pupils at a grammar school in Přívlaky are preparing for a secondary school sports competition. Class creep Krhounek gives the class teacher Lejsal a copy of the seventh form’s magazine Roar. Most of the teachers insist on severe punishing the culprit. The author does not own up and consequently the whole class is punished by being banned from taking part in the schools competition. The most gifted pupil, Benetka, rather sharply criticises the school in a homework essay on a subject of his choice. The strict Czech language teacher is convinced Benetka is the author of the school magazine. Benetka denies the charge but his expulsion from school is proposed anyway on account the views he expounded in his essay. Eventually, Boukal, the author of the school magazine comes forward and admits to writing it. The pupils are allowed to take part in the contest and thanks to Benetka they win. In the meantime however the teachers vote to expell him.
Pán a sluha
The Guild of the Kutná Hora Virgins
A morally questionable lord comes to the aid of a working class man who is to be executed for speaking out about thieving rich scoundrels sticking it to the poor.
The World Where One Goes Begging
Venice Film Festival 1938
Její pastorkyně
Poslíček lásky
History of Philosophy
A student rebellion precedes revolutionary events in Prague.
The doomed love of a city girl caught in the vise of poverty is detailed in Vavra’s fluid, romantic work, one of the most elegant creations of the Czech Modernist era... The film lingers over its characters’ habitats and haunts, finding psychological truths in what each owns or desires, and countering every Hollywood-ready scene of gleaming restaurants and dazzling penthouses with realist moments of employment lines and crammed flats. Vavra’s classical camerawork and aura of romantic defeatism give Virginity a force comparable to the master of this genre, Hollywood’s Frank Borzage. (BAM/PFA)
Děvče za výkladem
Camel Through The Eye Of A Needle
Slightly ironic comedy of wretches, who come to understand the rich and are able to accept charity, and also about how love and work prevail over the factory owner's son.
Srdce v soumraku
Král ulice
Jedenácté přikázání
Na růžích ustláno
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán
Mrs. Broniková
Záhada modrého pokoje
Conversion of Ferdys Pistora
Román hloupého Honzy
Otec Kondelík a ženich Vejvara II.
The Loves of Kačenka Strnadová
Pork-butcher's Wife
The film depicts the adventures of Kacenka (Zdena Kavková) and Vincek (Vlasta Burian), two innocent country bumpkins who live in a Czech small town, and the various jobs that Kacenka has once she moves to Prague, that beautiful capital city. Our heroine will have to bear difficult working conditions and to make things worse, she falls in love with a fake aristocrat. Fortunately her companion, Vincek who is also in Prague, has an unrequited love for her. Though he is the cause of many Kacenka's problems, Vincek finally will help and resolve her loves troubles. And of course there is a happy ending that brings the Czech couple together.
mladá babička
There in the Mountains
“And I say unto you, ask and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you”. This quote from the Gospel of Luke is read out loud by one of the characters in Tam na horách. It will manifest itself in the destinies of the two protagonists, in the story of an unmarried mother from a mountain village, who becomes a great opera singer and toast of the city salons, and in the story of her seducer, a successful painter. The fate of the two lovers offers a double perspective. One of the advertising slogans for Tam na horách was “The first Czech film of international production”, which helped to rise the audience’s expectations.
Little Heart of Gold
Directed by Antonín Fencl.