Huma Khan


Нас не разлучить
Как бы не были крепки родственные узы, порой они не в состоянии противостоять человеческой алчности и зависти. Вот и в счастливом семействе промышленника Рама Кишанди, проживающего в огромном особняке вместе с женой, дочкой и тремя сыновьями, обзаведшимися собственными семьями, всё идёт наперекосяк, когда возникают споры о разделе имущества и ведении бизнеса...
Insaan Bana Shaitan
A young couple Raja and Rita are driving through a dense forest. They stop to take rest in an alienated bunglow without knowing that it is haunted.
Khooni Raat
A 1991 Indian horror movie.
A young girl gets vision of a murder at the time it occurred. Things get worse when she is possessed by a soul and starts to commit real murders.
Hum Se Na Takrana
Dancer / Singer
Young, orphaned and homeless Amar rescues young Vijay and gets adopted by his single mother, Ganga. Both children grow up in Sharifpur, a town that is oppressed by Thakur and his goons, with Amar making a lot of sacrifices so that Vijay gets a good education. He even gives up his love for Sundari after he finds out that Vijay loves her. After Vijay completes his education he becomes a police inspector, returns home not to make life easier for Amar but to arrest him - not only for theft - but also for murder.
Meri Lalkaar
This is a 1990 Hindi-language Indian feature film directed by Yesh Chauhaan, starring Sumeet Saigal in lead role.
Amavas Ki Raat
After a woman conceives out of wedlock, she kills herself in shame. The woman's sister then vows revenge. She uses magic to become the host body for her sister's dead baby, but the child turns out to be a demon driven to kill.
Я полюбил
Gulabiya (Milk delivery maid)
Автомеханик Каран, отправляясь на заработки, оставляет свою дочь Сумам на попечение старого друга Кишена, давно уехавшего в город и ставшего преуспевающим бизнесменом. В доме Кишена Суман знакомится с его сыном Премом. Молодые люди становятся добрыми друзьями. Им интересно вместе, у них сходные взгляды на жизнь. Но окружающие не верят в чистоту их отношений. Ползут лживые слухи о любовной связи между ними. Людская молва становится причиной ссоры между Кишеном и молодыми. В это время возвращается Каран и, застав такую картину, забирает Суман обратно с собой в деревню. Молодые люди оказываются разлученными.
Sau Saal Baad
A warlock whose lover has been turned to stone by a yogi tries to restore her back to life using the blood of one of her descendants.
A married man has an affair with a married woman in this woman's house. When the woman's husband unexpectedly shows up with a bottle of acid, which he plans to throw on his wife's face, disfiguring her for life. The woman's lover quickly responds by taking out a gun and shooting at the bottle of acid, which is smashed and lands on the husband's face, disfiguring him. The man then shoots the husband, until he is dead. Both the woman and the man, bury the dead, disfigured body, and go about their respective tasks, not knowing that they have unleashed an unstoppable evil force that will spring forth to bring death and destruction to the man, his brothers, and his wife.
Yeh Pyar Nahin
A Bollywood drama.
Aage Ki Soch
Aage Ki Soch is 1988 Hindi language movie directed by Dada Kondke and starring Shakti Kapoor, Dada Kondke, Swapna, Raza Murad, and Satish Shah
Khooni Mahal
Gangua's Girl
After years of burial, a monster is accidentally set free by a group of people, leading to disastrous sequence of incidents
Моя кровь
Говинда — простой деревенский парень — почитает как Бога своего старшего брата Дхарама. Когда в их дом входит невесткой Павитра, между ней и деверем завязываются очень теплые отношения. Вскоре Говинда влюбляется в сестру-близняшку Павитры — Гиту. Но радужные планы молодого человека срывает тхакур Дханешвар, который врывается в мирную жизнь семьи, оставляя за собой лишь пепелище...
Raat Ke Andhere Mein
A group of vagabonds happen to loot a man of ethics and on their way to their hideout take asylum (forcibly) in a house owned by a pregnant woman and her husband. They unintentionally kill the woman's husband and run away. After many years the killers have become big wheels of the society and are now into vulgar display of wealth characterized by frequent high-profile parties and events. However, little do they know that a hideously deformed monster is lurking around them and in the nearby woods seeking revenge for their sins. The killers start dying mysterious deaths at the hands of the monster. Who is this monster and will the remaining ones survive?
A dying Thakur Surjeet Singh bequeaths the entire estate to his son, Raghuvir, disowning the other, Dhurjan, the family's black sheep, who also indulges in black magic. The latter swears to use magical powers to usurp the estate, and even arranges the abduction of Raghuvir's daughters, Sapna and Aarti. Mangal and his men manage to apprehend Dhurjan, imprison him in a dungeon, and rescue Aarti. However, they are unable to locate Sapna, and Raghuvir gets killed. Before dying, he informs Mangal that Sapna has one of two pieces of a locket around her neck, while the other is on Aarti's, and when joined together will reveal the location of a treasure buried in a dungeon. 20 years later, Aarti and her boyfriend, Vijay, along with several others, will attempt to unearth this treasure - not realizing that they not only face betrayal from one of their own, but will also release and fall prey to an ageless and indestructible entity.
3D Saamri
Dancer (uncredited)
In a small town a wealthy aged male named Dharmesh Saxena, known for his worship of Devi Maa Kaali, and magic, is called "Saamri". Dharmesh knows that his end is near, he summons his lawyer and wills his entire estate to his niece, Anju Trivedi. But when Mama Taklifchand, Dharmesh's step-brother, finds this out, he, together with a gorgeous young woman, Maria, a hotel owner, Khanna, professor Chatterjee, and others, kill Dharmesh, throw his body in the river, and when the body is found, inform the police and the public that Dharmesh killed himself. With the case closed, Taklifchand & the others must find ways and means to kill Anju and keep the wealth and estate for themselves. Before they could carry out their plan - one by one they start dying horrible deaths. Looks like Saamri has arisen from the grave to hunt down his killers, and there is no one who can even dare to even think of stopping him.
Связанные одной тайной
Gulshan's sister
Друга полицейского Рави убил один известный преступник по имени Шер. Этот бандит совсем недавно сбежал из колонии. Теперь Рави изо всех сил пытается не только восстановить справедливость с точки зрения буквы закона, но и отомстить Шеру. Он принимает решение обратиться за помощью к подозреваемому Раджи. Вместе они смогут выйти на след беглого преступника и схватить его. Но сначала им предстоит найти общий язык и проникнуться доверием друг к другу, ведь без выполнения этих условий сотрудничество невозможно.
Jatin's girlfriend
When Sanam's family opposes to her relationship with Karan, they elope together. Karan's friend, Uncle Joe, saves them from the goons who hunt them down and suggests them to take a holiday.
Aapas Ki Baat
After the death of her businessman husband, Mrs. Sinha lives a wealthy lifestyle in Delhi, with her son, Vinod, who has taken over the business; and her daughter, Kajal, while she herself indulges herself with some friends to play cards - quite obsessively. Vinod would like Kajal to get married to his friend, Shyam, but Kajal does not like him.