Linda Bishop


Игры с огнём
Scenic Artist
Когда суровый начальник пожарной части Джейк Карсон и его элитная команда опытных пожарных спасают троих детей, оказавшихся на пути наступающего лесного пожара, они быстро понимают, что никакие тренировки не могли подготовить их к самой сложной работе — стать няньками. Не имея возможности найти родителей детей, они сталкиваются с тем, что их жизни, работа и родное пожарное депо стремительно переворачиваются с ног на голову, ведь дети — как и пожары — дикие и непредсказуемые.
The Kingdom of Heaven
Asian Woman (voice)
Jesus uses a series of short stories, parables, to help us learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and about how to live each day. Eternal life, faith, judgment, obedience and preparedness are the principles explored in this video. The Kingdom of Heaven begins with Jesus in the clouds and angels in the background. There are people from different times and different races looking into the clouds and seeing Jesus. Jesus begins to speak to the people about the Kingdom of Heaven and how the treatment of others is the same as actions toward Him. Slowly, Jesus' shining garment is traded for an earthly robe and He is preaching to a gathering of people. Two Pharisees watch and listen. Boaz, one of the Pharisees, is angered by what he hears Jesus saying and the other Jeremiah is intrigued. David and Sarah, brother and sister, listen also. Boaz says that all Jesus does is tell silly stories. Jeremiah tries to explain that perhaps Jesus wants everyone to discover the meaning from the stories...
The Righteous Judge
Woman (voice)
The Righteous Judge recreates the events that surround Jesus in teaching the principles of love, forgiveness and righteous judgment. In the story of the adulteress Jesus confronts the Pharisees with the simple phrase, “let him without sin cast the first stone,” and thereby teaches us of God’s immense mercy and grace. Caiaphas, who unrighteously judges a blind man sinful, is contrasted against the gratitude of the blind man when Jesus freely heals him.
He is Risen
Martha (voice)
He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world.
The Great Brain
Mrs. Hazelton
Based on the book by John D. Fitzgerald, this movie stars Jimmy Osmond as a mischievous boy out to swindle his whole town for everything they're worth...and who occasionally puts his smarts to use for a good cause.
Beyond & Back
Army Nurse
A documentary with interviews of people who claimed to have died and then come back from the dead.
Acquitted by the Sea
A Ripley's Believe It or Not short film, it tells the story of a man wrongly imprisoned who goes abroad to find his fortune and ends up getting sent back home on the Titanic.