David Axlerod


Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude
It was one of humankind's most epic quests - a technical problem so complex that it challenged the best minds of its time, a problem so important that the nation that solved it would rule the economy of the world. The problem was navigation by sea—how to know where you were when you sailed beyond the sight of land - establishing your longitude. While the gentry of the 18th Century looked to the stars for the answer, an English clockmaker, John Harrison, toiled for decades to solve the problem. His elegant solution made him an unlikely hero and remains the basis for the most modern forms of navigation in the world today. This film will be both a celebration of Harrison's invention and an adventure story. An expedition on a period sailing vessel as it sails the open sea will demonstrate the life and death importance of finding your longitude at sea.
Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude
It was one of humankind's most epic quests - a technical problem so complex that it challenged the best minds of its time, a problem so important that the nation that solved it would rule the economy of the world. The problem was navigation by sea—how to know where you were when you sailed beyond the sight of land - establishing your longitude. While the gentry of the 18th Century looked to the stars for the answer, an English clockmaker, John Harrison, toiled for decades to solve the problem. His elegant solution made him an unlikely hero and remains the basis for the most modern forms of navigation in the world today. This film will be both a celebration of Harrison's invention and an adventure story. An expedition on a period sailing vessel as it sails the open sea will demonstrate the life and death importance of finding your longitude at sea.
Winners Take All
Executive Producer
Billy Robinson has become the hottest hot-rodder on the professional motorcycle-racing circuit. But when he returns in triumph to his hometown to bask in all the adulation, he also skids into some pretty rank jealousy from envious motorcycling wanna-bes. And when a local race is organized, Billy must shift gears completely and compete against his best friend, Rick, for the top prize.
Чарли Чен и проклятье королевы драконов
В городе орудует убийца-эксцентрик. Во всех убийствах вообще нет никакого смысла и тем более мотива. Одно необычное убийство следует за другим, и власти приглашают их расследовать знаменитого сыщика Чарли Чана. Его внук, «проклятый в свое время» «королевой драконов», пытается ему помогать, но постоянно попадает впросак...
Стук сердца
Биографическая зарисовка из жизни американского писателя Джека Керуака, родоначальника бит-поколения, рассказанная от имени жены его лучшего друга и вдохновителя Нила Кэссиди. В фильме показаны фрагменты жизни Керуака и его друзей, начиная с конца сороковых годов и до момента выхода в свет его самой известной книги «В дороге».
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