Anatole de Grunwald

Anatole de Grunwald

Рождение : 1910-12-25, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire

Смерть : 1967-01-13


Anatole de Grunwald


Желтый Роллс-Ройс
Три новеллы о любви и разлуке. Объединяет их «Роллс-Ройс»- именно он служит пристанищем для влюбленных. Увы, их первое свидание в силу разных обстоятельств обычно оказывается и последним, после чего владелец машины предпочитает избавиться от нее, но, похоже, этот «Роллс-Ройс» заколдован — с каждым следующим покупателем происходит то же самое….
Очень важные персоны
Лондонский аэропорт оказался ловушкой для четырех очень важных персон, направляющихся в США, и желающих побыстрей покинуть туманный Альбион, но именно туман становится на пути всех вылетающих. Этой ночью в аэропорту деловой магнат Пауль, который всегда считал жену Франческу чем-то само собой разумеющимся вдруг понимает, что может ее потерять, ведь она готова бросить его и уйти с первым встречным! Интрига жены стоит боссу-мужу нескольких нервных часов безысходного состояния.
I Thank a Fool
After mercifully killing her terminally ill lover, Dr. Christine Allison loses her medical license and spends two years in prison. Once she has completed her sentence, the lawyer who prosecuted Christine, Stephen Dane, hires her to care for his emotionally unstable wife, Liane. Christine takes the job, but when Liane's allegedly dead father reappears, Christine sets out to reveal the family's dark secrets.
Ветеран Второй мировой войны, страдающий частичной потерей памяти, обвиняется своим бывшим сослуживцем в самозванстве...
Ветеран Второй мировой войны, страдающий частичной потерей памяти, обвиняется своим бывшим сослуживцем в самозванстве...
The Doctor's Dilemma
Four doctors face a serious dilemma when the beautiful wife of a TB-stricken artist begs one of them to cure her brilliant, but amoral, husband.
The Doctor's Dilemma
Four doctors face a serious dilemma when the beautiful wife of a TB-stricken artist begs one of them to cure her brilliant, but amoral, husband.
Невиновные в Париже
Группа иностранцев, находящихся в Лондоне, летит в Париж, чтобы провести там выходные. В Париже каждого из них ждут невероятные приключени
Невиновные в Париже
Группа иностранцев, находящихся в Лондоне, летит в Париж, чтобы провести там выходные. В Париже каждого из них ждут невероятные приключени
Women of Twilight
When a nightclub singer is arrested for murder, his pregnant girlfriend moves into a boarding house for women, but the mother-to-be soon discovers that her new lodgings harbors a horrific secret.
The Holly and the Ivy
An English clergyman's neglect of his grown children, in his zeal to tend to his parishioners, comes to the surface at a Christmas family gathering.
The Holly and the Ivy
An English clergyman's neglect of his grown children, in his zeal to tend to his parishioners, comes to the surface at a Christmas family gathering.
Treasure Hunt
Short of money the owners of Ballyroden Hall must attempt to run it as a guest house, but not everyone is happy about the plan.
Home at Seven
Unable to recall the past 24 hours, a British bank clerk is the prime suspect for a robbery/murder.
Flesh and Blood
Based upon the play A Sleeping Clergyman by James Bridie, it tells the story of three generations of the Scottish Cameron family, with its various conflicts and romances.
Flesh and Blood
Based upon the play A Sleeping Clergyman by James Bridie, it tells the story of three generations of the Scottish Cameron family, with its various conflicts and romances.
Golden Arrow
On a journey from Paris to London, a Briton, a Frenchman and an American bond with each other and indulge in a romantic fantasy about a girl they see.
Golden Arrow
On a journey from Paris to London, a Briton, a Frenchman and an American bond with each other and indulge in a romantic fantasy about a girl they see.
Now Barabbas
A humane prison governor deals with a variety of different prisoners, including a charming murderer.
Now Barabbas
A humane prison governor deals with a variety of different prisoners, including a charming murderer.
The Last Days of Dolwyn
An old woman fights a group of industrialists who are planning to build a dam and flood the valley where she grew up.
Пиковая дама
Единственная западная экранизация повести Александра Сергеевича Пушкина «Пиковая дама». За карточной игрой один из офицеров рассказывает друзьям о своей престарелой родственнице - графине Раневской (Эдит Эванс), которой некогда сам граф Сен-Жермен открыл тайну трёх верных карт, выигрывающих кряду. Герман (Антон Уолбрук), который никогда не садится за игровой стол из боязни проиграть, загорается идеей выведать у графини эту тайну. Для этого он знакомится с воспитанницей графини Лизой (Ивонн Митчелл). Девушка влюбляется в него и даёт ему ключ от дома. Ночью Герман проникает в дом графини, чтобы выпытать у старухи тайну трёх карт. Графиня отказывается отвечать и умирает. Следующей ночью Герману является призрак графини и называет «верные» карты - это тройка, семёрка и туз. Герман ставит на кон всё своё состояние, выигрывает первые две ставки на тройке и семёрке, но затем открывает вместо туза пиковую даму и сходит с ума...
The Winslow Boy
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
The Winslow Boy
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Bond Street
Charts the events occurring during a typical 24-hour period on London’s thoroughfare Bond Street. Linking the four stories together is the impending wedding of society girl Hazel Court and Robert Flemyng.
Bond Street
Charts the events occurring during a typical 24-hour period on London’s thoroughfare Bond Street. Linking the four stories together is the impending wedding of society girl Hazel Court and Robert Flemyng.
While the Sun Shines
Lady Elisabeth Randall is an English Air Force corporal during World War II. She is on her way to marry her fiancé when she finds herself being romanced by two different men.
While the Sun Shines
Lady Elisabeth Randall is an English Air Force corporal during World War II. She is on her way to marry her fiancé when she finds herself being romanced by two different men.
Через тернии к звёздам
Старшина Питер Пенроуз начинает службу в подразделении бомбардировщиков и проходит путь от новичка до опытного лётчика. Он влюбляется в молодую девушку Айрис, которая живёт в отеле недалеко от военной базы. Но Питер не решается попросить руки Айрис, зная, что в любой момент может погибнуть, тем самым обрекая её на горькую участь вдовы...
English Without Tears
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
English Without Tears
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
The Demi-Paradise
Ivan Kouznetsoff, a Russian engineer, recounts during World War II his stay in England prior to the war working on a new propeller for ice-breaking ships. Naïve about British people and convinced by hearsay that they are shallow and hypocritical, Ivan is both bemused and amused by them. He is blunt in his opinions about Britons and at first this puts off his hosts, including the lovely Ann Tisdall, whose grandfather runs the shipbuilding firm that will make use of Ivan's propeller. The longer Ivan stays, however, the more he comes to understand the humor, warmth, strength, and conviction of the British people, and the more they come to see him as a friend rather than merely a suspicious Russian. As a romantic bond grows between Ivan and Ann, a cultural bond begins to grow as well, particularly as the war begins and Russia is attacked by Germany.
The Demi-Paradise
Ivan Kouznetsoff, a Russian engineer, recounts during World War II his stay in England prior to the war working on a new propeller for ice-breaking ships. Naïve about British people and convinced by hearsay that they are shallow and hypocritical, Ivan is both bemused and amused by them. He is blunt in his opinions about Britons and at first this puts off his hosts, including the lovely Ann Tisdall, whose grandfather runs the shipbuilding firm that will make use of Ivan's propeller. The longer Ivan stays, however, the more he comes to understand the humor, warmth, strength, and conviction of the British people, and the more they come to see him as a friend rather than merely a suspicious Russian. As a romantic bond grows between Ivan and Ann, a cultural bond begins to grow as well, particularly as the war begins and Russia is attacked by Germany.
Tomorrow We Live
British World War II film set in occupied France, portraying the activities of members of the French Resistance and the Nazi tactic of taking and shooting innocent hostages in reprisal for acts of sabotage. The opening credits acknowledge "the official co-operation of General de Gaulle and the French National Committee". It was released as "At Dawn We Die" in the US.
Secret Mission
World War II drama in which a member of the French Resistance and three British agents undertake a hazardous mission to infiltrate a German HQ in search of vital information that could lead to the overthrow of the Nazis.
История истребителя Спитфайер
История создания легендарного истребителя Спитфайера. Боевое применение его во время Второй Мировой войны. В фильме принимали участие летчики Королевских ВВС Англии. Картина была снята при поддержке Уинстона Черчиля, что позволило снимать прямо в районе реальных боевых действий. Один из последних фильмов Лесли Говарда. 1 июня 1943 года. Рейс N777 Лиссабон-Лондон, самолет DC-3 «Дакота». Сбит над Бискайским заливом немецким истребителем. Все погибли.
Unpublished Story
Morale-boosting story released in the middle of World War II. A journalist uncovers a peace organisation at the centre of disreputable dealings.
The Day Will Dawn
Sports journalist Colin Metcalfe is picked for the job of foreign correspondent in Norway when Hitler invades Poland. On the way to Langedal his boat is attacked by a German U-Boat, however when he tells the navy about it they do not believe him and, to make matters worse, he is removed from his job. When German forces invade Norway, Metcalfe returns determined to uncover what is going on and stop the Germans in their tracks.
The Day Will Dawn
Sports journalist Colin Metcalfe is picked for the job of foreign correspondent in Norway when Hitler invades Poland. On the way to Langedal his boat is attacked by a German U-Boat, however when he tells the navy about it they do not believe him and, to make matters worse, he is removed from his job. When German forces invade Norway, Metcalfe returns determined to uncover what is going on and stop the Germans in their tracks.
Penn of Pennsylvania
Penn of Pennsylvania is a 1941 British historical drama film directed by Lance Comfort and starring Deborah Kerr, Clifford Evans, Dennis Arundell, Henry Oscar, Herbet Lomas and Edward Rigby. The film depicts the life of the Quaker founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn. It portrays his struggle to be granted a colonial charter in London and attracting settlers to his new colony as well as his adoption a radical new approach with regard to the treatment of the Native Americans. It is also known by the alternative title Courageous Mr. Penn.
Based on Aimee Stuart's play. Little Scots girl decides to use her inheritance for a "grand tour" of the Continent.
Cottage to Let
Allied spies and Nazi Agents insinuate themselves at a Scottish cottage (converted to a wartime hospital) with interests on an inventor's nearly perfected bomb sight.
'Pimpernel' Smith
Scenario Writer
Eccentric Cambridge archaeologist Horatio Smith takes a group of British and American archaeology students to pre-war Nazi Germany to help in his excavations. His research is supported by the Nazis, since he professes to be looking for evidence of the Aryan origins of German civilisation. However, he has a secret agenda: to free inmates of the concentration camps.
'Pimpernel' Smith
Eccentric Cambridge archaeologist Horatio Smith takes a group of British and American archaeology students to pre-war Nazi Germany to help in his excavations. His research is supported by the Nazis, since he professes to be looking for evidence of the Aryan origins of German civilisation. However, he has a secret agenda: to free inmates of the concentration camps.
Quiet Wedding
A young couple become engaged, but enjoy a number of comedic aventures before their wedding day.
Spy for a Day
During World War I, a British farmer is abducted by the Germans to take the place of a spy about to be executed whom he closely resembles.
French Without Tears
It is based on the popular West End stage comedy by Terrence Rattigan. It all begins when Diana (Ellen Drew), the sister of a British boy studying in France, arrives in town to flirt with all of her brothers' schoolmates. Alan (Ray Milland), one of the students, successfully resists Diana's charms-meaning of course that Alan and Diana will be in each other's arms by fadeout time. (AllMovie)
Carroll Levis brings newly discovered talent to the screen.