On the verge of a break-up, a couple go on vacation with its three children in the family home. They decided to divorce right after Christmas, without warning their children not to ruin the party. But they discover the decision and decide to lock their parents up until they reconcile.
The last sequence of a Western is ready to be shot. In the blink of an eye, the Director modifies the classical happy ending, because revenge is not happy - and it is never the end of the conflict. He travels the world, horseback riding, seeking a better solution for any war. And he finds out that forgiveness has been tested all over the world, with the best results.
The last sequence of a Western is ready to be shot. In the blink of an eye, the Director modifies the classical happy ending, because revenge is not happy - and it is never the end of the conflict. He travels the world, horseback riding, seeking a better solution for any war. And he finds out that forgiveness has been tested all over the world, with the best results.
A figure skater seeks wisdom from a local sage to cure her diabetes.
A figure skater seeks wisdom from a local sage to cure her diabetes.
Abogado del Diablo
A figure skater seeks wisdom from a local sage to cure her diabetes.
Pablo was a priest. He knew he was going to die young. He gave his life to God ... and God accepted the offer. Now they say he's alive. Pablo was known and loved by countless people, that have gone on record about it after his death.
Juan Manuel Cotelo
Pablo was a priest. He knew he was going to die young. He gave his life to God ... and God accepted the offer. Now they say he's alive. Pablo was known and loved by countless people, that have gone on record about it after his death.
На дворе 1973 год, и в Испании бушует франкистская диктатура. Вопреки запретам простой коммивояжер Альфредо собирается пойти на явное преступление — снять 8 эротических «образовательных» фильмов и переправить их в лояльную Скандинавию. Он и подумать не мог, что его жена Кармен, «сыгравшая» в фильмах главные роли, в северных странах станет порнозвездой, и из Дании к Альфредо пожалует съемочная группа, чтобы помочь снять ему вдохновленный творчеством Бергмана фильм «Торремолинос 73»…