Во время поездки на восток в руках Маршала, обыкновенного служащего из универмага, случайно оказывается таинственный череп, украшенный орнаментом. Под действием его магических сил Маршал и его одиннадцатилетний сын обмениваются телами, и начинается целая череда смешных недоразумений. Ко всему прочему, за волшебным амулетом охотится парочка международных авантюристов…
A genie tends to get his master into more predicaments than he gets him out of.
Эдди, скромному художнику-декоратору, поручено оформить очередную выставку. Привычная для него работа так и прошла бы незамеченной, если бы он не поцеловал статую Венеры. И статуя ожила!
Businessman Paul Bultitude is sending his son Dick to a boarding school. While holding a magic stone from India, he wishes that he could be young again. His wish is immediately fulfilled and the two change bodies with each other. Mr Bultitude becomes a school boy who smokes cigars and has a very conservative view on child upbringing, while his son Dick becomes a gentleman who spends his time drinking lemonade and arranging children's parties.
Horace Ventimore, a young London architect, stumbles across an old brass bottle. When he picks it up a genie suddenly appears and promises Horace that he will grant every wish Horace wants in exchange for his freedom. Horace accepts the genie's offer but finds out that things aren't working out quite as well as he thought they would.
Theatre Play
The Fourteenth Man
A Jinn's magic helps a poor architect win a professor's daughter. This film is considered lost.