Michael Janisch

Рождение : 1927-07-21, Wien, Austria

Смерть : 2004-11-29


Der Feuerteufel - Flammen des Todes
Karl Hofbauer
Several emblematic buildings in Vienna suffer from a series of explosions that destroy works of art of inestimable value, as well as generating a large number of victims. Detective Peter Bender will need the help of Lena, a student of art, discover the murderer, because it uses a hidden code in the symbolism of the boxes to convey a message.
The Inheritors
A neo-Nazi organization is recruiting in the 1980s, and two youths of high-school age join for similar reasons, despite class differences. Thomas is the son of a self-made industrialist father and a scolding social-climbing mother. He attends private school and has a brother who's an accomplished musician, but neither can satisfy mom's constant demands for school and social success. She belittles them, and there's incessant bickering at their table. Charly, a dropout, is the son of an abusive, alcoholic laborer. In the youth group, each finds order, respect, camaraderie, and adults who seem to value them. Where do domestic abuse and sanctioned political violence end?
Die Geschichte einer Vielgeliebten
Rosamunde is a suburban girl and works as a model in Vienna. The men around her are not only fascinated by her beauty. It's also her lust for life and her unassuming, spontaneous manner which knocks them out. Dr. Zoller, a journalist, as well as Silberer and a young aristocrat are drawn to her. Because of her vain efforts not to hurt any of her admirers and to please all of them, Rosamunde breaks down under the pressure.
An adaptation of a novel by Joseph Roth.
Bomber & Paganini
Die Reise nach Wien
Major Kopp
Two women during WW2 living in a Hunsrück village embark on a trip to Vienna.
Der letzte Werkelmann
Vienna, a few days before the shots in Sarajevo which would trigger what was first called the Great, later simply the First World War: Job seekers from the crown lands flock to the capital of the empire in search of a better life, even if it's the factory hell . A new social class is growing faster and faster, the city overflows with the poor, lower-class workers and the unemployed. Labor fighters can be heard louder, better, clearer, every day. The nobility strongly suspects its end.
Der fidele Bauer
Zopf, Gendarm
The Refusal
The story of the last days of Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter (1907-43), who was executed by the Nazi regime because of his refusal to compromise with a perverse system.
And Jimmy Went to the Rainbow's Foot
The son of an Argentine chemist travels to Vienna, to solve the murder of his father. Step by step, he realizes that his father was internationally entangled in secret service machinations and chemical weapon sales, and ends up in mortal danger himself. Meanwhile, he also realizes that there is no connection between his father's murderess and those dubious activities. Her motive for killing him goes back much futher, to a court hearing during the Third Reich...
Fast ein Poet
Jamie Cregan
Where Are You Taking That Woman
Kurt Waldeck (Vienna segment) (uncredited)
A lady killer tracked by the police, takes refuge at a psychiatrist's home, and the doctor tells him three stories, to convince him that crime does not pay
An Alibi for Death
Martin Siebeck
Dwarf Nose
TV adaptation of Wilhelm Hauff's fairy tale.
Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald
Ladislaus Havlicek
Am Galgen hängt die Liebe
Einmal noch die Heimat seh’n
08/15 at Home
Oberleutnant Griefer
The third part of Paul May′s "08/15" trilogy based on the novel by Hans Hellmut Kirst takes place shortly before the end of World War II: In the spring of 1945, the German troops are practically defeated, and the battalion of Kowalski, major general von Plönnies and Asch who had risen to the rank of lieutenant in the meantime is left to its own devices to a large extent. They hope to be able to wait for the end of the war without having to encounter any combat operations. At the same time, Asch tries to prevent high-level Nazi officers from disappearing unnoticed and from cashing in on the chaotic circumstances.
Счастливый финиш
Сын бедных крестьян Францль хочет стать автомехаником, хотя его отец предпочёл бы, чтобы он занялся сельским хозяйством. Однажды вечером Францль угнал автомобиль, не задумываясь о последствиях. Однако, благодаря этому проступку его имя попадает в газеты и после газетной шумихи ему предоставляется возможность проявить себя в автомобильной гонке, а в итоге Францль добивается желаемого места в автосервисе.
Франц Шуберт
Биографический фильм о великом австрийском композиторе Франце Шуберте (1797-1828). За свою жизнь он не нашел признания и добился успеха только благодаря исполнению одной из своих композиций незадолго до своей смерти - ему был тогда 31 год. Он умер через год после Людвига ван Бетховена, которым он восхищался. Вся его жизнь была одним великим мучением: болезнь, бедность и несчастная любовь. Терезе, которая также любила его, было категорически запрещено жениться на этом бедном человеке.
Кнопка и Антон
Hollack, Chauffeur
Фильм о дружбе девочки из семьи богатого фабриканта и мальчика, сына одинокой официантки. Несмотря на разницу в социальном положении, они дружат на равных, уважая и помогая друг другу в сложных жизненных ситуациях, и даже успевают перевоспитывать взрослых.
Дочь полка
По мотивам одноименной комической оперы итальянского композитора Г.Доницетти. Положенные в основу фильма события происходили в Тироле в начале XIX века. Это рассказ о молодой девушке, которая с детских лет считается дочерью полка и всему на свете предпочитает свободную и независимую жизнь маркитантки.