Robert Dietl

Robert Dietl

Рождение : 1932-08-07, Salzburg, Austria

Смерть : 2010-10-05


Robert Dietl


I Am My Own Woman
The life story of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, who survived the Nazi reign as a trans woman and helped start the German gay liberation movement. Documentary with some dramatized scenes. Two actors play the young and middle aged Charlotte and she plays herself in the later years.
Harry and Harriet
A bodyswitch comedy directed by Cyril Frankel.
Седьмой континент
Georgs Vorgesetzter
В дебютном фильме режиссера Михаэля Ханеке показываются фрагменты из трёх лет жизни преуспевающей австрийской семьи. Как и у всех, она не обходится без хлопот и волнений — то у мужа проблемы на работе, то у брата жены очередной приступ депрессии, то дочь начинает прикидываться ослепшей. Ну а в целом жизнь их настолько однообразна и скучна, что они понимают — больше так жить нельзя. И принимают решение всё бросить и уехать в Австралию. Или ещё куда-нибудь. Главное, подальше от монотонности будней.
Gardener at Old Grafin's
Attorney Henry Strauss grew up in Germany, but left the country with his Jewish family during the rise of the Third Reich. Still wondering about what happened to his boyhood friend Konradin Von Lohenburg, Strauss travels back to Germany for the first time since he was a young man, bringing up some painful memories.
East German Lawyer
Persona Non Grata in his homeland, protest singer Klaus Drittemann must leave East Berlin, his wife and child and emigrate to West Berlin, where the representatives of an American record company are eagerly waiting for him. They plan to exploit his defection from communism both ideologically and financially. But Klaus, as ill-at-ease in the West as he was in the East, is reluctant to be used as an expendable commodity. Leaving his contract unsigned (or signed in his manner), he leaves for Cambridge to meet his father, a concert player, who -just like him - left East Berlin thirty years ago as Klaus was a little boy. He is accompanied by a young French journalist, Emma, who knows where his father has been living since he disappeared for more than a decade. The young lady is cooperative but might hide things from him...
Käthe Kollwitz - Auf der Seite der Schwachen
Conrad: The Factory-Made Boy
Factory director
Mrs Bartolotti doesn’t really like children. She is therefore completely taken aback when she receives a son in the post: Konrad. Konrad is actually delivered in a tin! He is dreadfully tidy and almost perfect and Mrs Bartolotti is very chaotic. She actually becomes so fond of him, however, that she never wants to let go of him again, even if the weird people from the tin factory are already looking for him...
Die Geschichte einer Vielgeliebten
the Prince
Rosamunde is a suburban girl and works as a model in Vienna. The men around her are not only fascinated by her beauty. It's also her lust for life and her unassuming, spontaneous manner which knocks them out. Dr. Zoller, a journalist, as well as Silberer and a young aristocrat are drawn to her. Because of her vain efforts not to hurt any of her admirers and to please all of them, Rosamunde breaks down under the pressure.
Эгон Шиле - Скандал
In 1912, in Austria, the painter Egon Schiele is sent to jail accused of pornography with the nymphet Tatjana in his erotic paints. His mate, the model Vally, gets help from a famous lawyer to release him. Then he leaves Vally, marries with another woman and goes to the war.
Operation Hydra
The film jumps between the 40s and the 70s in Germany. Fateful and foreshadowing it highlights the entanglement of the economic system with the activities of the Nazi party, the Holocaust and the attempts to come to terms with the stories of the past. A spy thriller that tries to be everything at once.
Der Gute
Dr. Thomas Birka
Egon Schiele
Biographical TV movie about controversial Austrian artist Egon Schiele.
Berggasse 19
Josef Breuer
Diary of a Lover
A diary of a lonely 30 year old man who works as a butcher in a supermarket. The movie shows his daily life between the supermarket and his flat. His ability to communicate is limited. From time to time his mother visits him. But his relationship to her is rather reserved. Constantly he's waiting for his girlfriend which is not visiting him anymore after they had a fight.
Alkeste - Die Bedeutung, Protektion zu haben
Adi (Admitos) is under the protection of Apollo, the son of a man with money and relationships. The two are in jail, suspected of murder, but without evidence. So they are released. Adi loves Claudia (Alkeste), the domestic partner of his arch enemy, who finds death in a - metaphysical - duel. The power of Apollo is with Adi, who subsequently even finds out how to overcome death, after the apocalypse.
Berliner Antigone
Liselotte von der Pfalz
Das Märchen
Dr. Leo Mildner
Der Hochzeitsgast
A short comedy directed by Kurt Nachmann.
Alle meine Söhne
Georg Deever
The High Life
Albert Scherer