Удивительные приключения Робинзона Крузо, моряка из Йорка, прожившего двадцать восемь лет в полном одиночестве на необитаемом острове у берегов Америки близ устьев реки Ориноко, куда он был выброшен кораблекрушением, во время которого весь экипаж корабля, кроме него, погиб.
French TV star Nagui, described by Variety as "popular for his lowbrow-Letterman approach," portrays Zak, who learns about "the curse of Onan" experienced by males in his family. If Zak does not impregnate a woman before his 33rd birthday, the joys of sex evaporate forever. However, Zak's interest in married women creates a roadblock. Even his current girlfriend, art auctioneer Florence (Cristiana Reali) is a married mother of triplets. So Zak's rabbi cousin Joseph (Thomas Langmann) fixes him up with an attractive supermodel (Joanna Rhodes). It's a race against time before permanent impotence strikes.
Julien, a boy in the sixth grade, was badly depressed by the divorce of his parents. But he soon found that half of the class had come from broken families.