British Officer at Luncheon Table (uncredited)
Во время бомбёжки Лондона, на мосту Ватерлоо знакомятся и влюбляются друг в друга молоденькая балерина Майра и красавец-офицер Рой Кронин. Он просит её руки, она даёт согласие, но внезапно его отсылают на фронт. За роман с военным строгая преподавательница исключает Майру из балетной труппы, а вскоре в одной из газет в списках погибших она видит фамилию Роя… Отчаяние, безденежье и безработица приводят несчастную на панель…
Crichton - Intelligence Agent
During WWI pretty German master spy Helene von Lorbeer is sent undercover to London to live with the family of a high-placed British official where she is to rendezvous with the butler Valdar, also a spy, and help him transmit secret war plans back to Germany.
Экранизация одноименного романа Редьярда Киплинга.
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
Dr. Lardner (Uncredited)
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Sir John Cowell
Alexander Graham Bell falls in love with deaf girl Mabel Hubbard while teaching the deaf and trying to invent means for telegraphing the human voice. She urges him to put off thoughts of marriage until his experiments are complete. He invents the telephone, marries and becomes rich and famous, though his happiness is threatened when a rival company sets out to ruin him.
Ship's Porter (uncredited)
По одноименной повести Артура Конан Дойля. Непроницаемым покровом тайны окутана смерть сэра Чарльза Баскервиля на дартмурских болотах. Племянник покойного приезжает в родовое имение, но и ему угрожает жестокая смерть. Легенда гласит, что загадочная гигантская собака преследует ненавистных Баскервилей из поколения в поколение. Знаменитый детектив Шерлок Холмс и его верный друг доктор Уотсон раскроют тайну, разгадка которой окажется куда более приземленной. После смерти своего дяди, сэр Генри Баскервиль возвращается из-за границы и открывает наследственный дом на пустынных торфяниках Девоншира. Холмс раскрывает заговор убийства сэра Генри ужасной обученной собакой.
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
Barrister (uncredited)
The sons of a disgraced British officer try to clear his name.
'Patsy' Fallon
A temperamental singer's murder leaves a nightclub full of suspects.
David Foster
U. S. Customs Agent Tom Evans is given the assignment of running down a smuggling ring which hijacks Canadian fur-shipper's trucks and sells the loot in the United States.
Fred Hammer
A radio reporter does a story on the infidelity and divorce of a wealthy and powerful businessman. The man invites the reporter to his mansion for a chat, but when he gets there, he finds that the businessman has been murdered--and that now he himself is on the killer's hit list.
Englishman (uncredited)
An ad man gets his model girlfriend to pose as a debutante for a new campaign.
Jack Delevan
Following a long investigation, Police Detective-Lieutenant Anthony "Tony" Roberts becomes convinced that there is some powerful unknown-master-mind leader behind the gangs of crooks who are terrorizing the city, and it has something to do with paroled convicts. He sets up a scheme with his supervisor to have himself shamed by being demoted to a patrolman and then caught in the act of receiving bribe-money from a racketeer. He is convicted and sent to prison, and the manner in which his parole is arranged leads him, dangerously, to the secret-head of the gang.
A girl with a reputation falls for a wealthy playboy.
Businessman (Uncredited)
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Jack Stone
Самодовольный и нелепый хозяин доверчиво пускает в дом некую подозрительную особу, которую якобы преследуют злоумышленники. Слуга догадывается, что дело здесь нечисто, и прекрасная барышня Филд — обычная мошенница. Как водится, Дживса чутье не обманывает...Фильм, надо полагать, имел успех, поскольку в 1937 г. вышел еще один фильм с А.Тричером в роли Дживса, "Шагай веселее, Дживс!".
Australian Broadcaster (uncredited)
An aviator ignores skeptics to make the first commercial flight from San Francisco to China.
Logan - Stage Director (uncredited)
Alan Tanner's new play opens in a week, but Tanner just can't finish the third act. He's retreated to a snowbound cottage to work, but blonde neighbor Pat Quinn wants to play. Producer Arthur Layton sends Alice, Alan's first wife, to help him stick to business. But then Daisy, his second wife, shows up wanting her alimony. Stranded with two wives, a girlfriend, and a jug of applejack, Alan still has to finish his play!
Kilted Man
In this romantic comedy, an aspiring socialite heads for a vacation in Monte Carlo where she befriends a wealthy widowed duchess and then begins blackmailing her after she steals a scandalous letter.