Joette Waters

Joette Waters


Joette Waters
Joette Waters
Joette Waters
Joette Waters


Bride of the Killer Piñata
The Shopkeeper
A sequel to the horror-comedy beloved by hundreds. 10 years after finally defeating the Killer Piñata, Lindsey Goodman finds herself struggling with domestic life in the suburbs. When a new piñata arrives looking for help, the Killer Piñata wakes, mentoring her in his murderous ways and reigning hell down on the suburbs. With her family in the cross hairs, Lindsey must rally the old crew one last time to send the Killer Piñata back to hell for good.
Богом клянусь
Anita Adams
Когда Дэниэл Адамс узнаёт, что неизлечимо болен он впервые в жизни обращает свой взгляд к Господу, он просит его об исцелении взамен обещая стать лучшим человеком. Но узнав, что диагноз был поставлен неверно исполнит ли Дэниэл всё, что так клятвенно обещал Богу?
Рождество с Фелисити
Фелисити остаётся без работы прямо перед Рождеством. Родные предлагают ей приехать в родной городок, чтобы вернуть ей дух праздника и помочь снова встать на ноги.
The Misadventures of Mistress Maneater
Ava Moriarty, Art History PhD dropout-turned-dominatrix, wants OUT. But there's no safeword for golden handcuffs. When her mobster ex gives her 30 days to repay a massive loan, she's forced to agree to one last job--seducing and extorting "Father Dracula," a small town Episcopal priest. But Father Radovan Markovic brought his own secrets from Serbia, and moonlights as an MMA fighter while unwittingly hiding the world's greatest lost painting. Not to mention he's the one hot guy avoiding Ava like loose glitter. Certain he's embezzling a priceless art collection, will she win his heart only to destroy his life, or doom herself to a custom pair of concrete stilettos?
Coriander & A Penny's Worth of Lonesome
When vaudeville performer Coriander Simm is plucked from the stage, she has no idea what lies ahead performing as Valentino's last love during his 1926 wake in NYC.
A Very Tight Place
Ginny Grunwald
After crossing a rival real estate entrepreneur, a man gets trapped in a Port-A-Potty by his widow.
Блуждающий разум
Anna Marshall
Айван с помощью экспериментальной медитации пытается научиться астральному выходу из тела, чтобы излечиться от редкой формы психологического заболевания. Когда старый друг приглашает его в поход, он соглашается, чтобы скрыть свою тайную связь с его невестой. В итоге их игра в кошки-мышки может указать ему путь к совершенно неожиданному способу излечения.
Speed of Sound
Delilah Rodgers
After the death of her husband, an elderly woman attempts to reconnect to her late love through the piano.
Human Resource Manager
Nothing ever went right for Ellie until, in the blink of an eye, everything did. But she should have been careful what she wished for.
Убежище страха
Nurse Hemming
Команда исследователей паранормального соглашается проверить давно разрушенное психическое учреждение, где обнаруживает ужасающие подсказки и раскрывает причину жестокой резни, устроенной безумным врачом в 1960-х годах.
Killer Piñata
The Shopkeeper
A possessed piñata, seeking to avenge the savagery that humanity has inflicted on his kind, picks off a group of friends, one by one, in an unending night of terror.
It's All Good
Aaron, Vinny and Cooper are dead broke and ready to give up on their pursuit of becoming big shot filmmakers. Desperate to keep the dream alive, they turn to crowdfunding for their first feature film and raise $75,000 dollars. However, they are overtaken by greed and instead blow the money on frivolous luxuries. Now they must face the consequences, including some shady acquaintances interested in their fortune, and an onslaught of angry donors who have been deceived.
Sister Mary Ascensia
With quiet strength, a young girl on the verge of womanhood battles, mentally and physically, against her religious father who believes women are sinful creatures.
Irate Customer
In a gritty underworld, a young man with a broken brain is lured into an underground fight tournament, where he must win to save his brother.
A Modern Giallo Horror Film, YELLOW tells the story of a lonely young woman who begins an unlikely relationship with dire consequences.