After being asked by his ex wife to take care of their daughter for one night, Guido is shocked when she seems to have disappeared from the apartment.
Giovanni Bertone a former colonel, is a fraudster who extorts money from the families of the Nazi-Fascist prisoners. He promises them their freedom. Discovered by Colonel Muller he is offered a pact: to save his life, he must go to Milan with a false identity to discover the members belonging to the Resistance.
Генуя. Осень 1943 года. Немцы хозяйничают в Италии. Итальянские евреи, не без оснований опасающиеся преследований, всеми правдами и неправдами пытаются выехать из страны. Принимаются законы, запрещающие не только помогать евреям скрыться, но и просто иметь с ними какие-либо отношения. Большинство итальянцев подчиняются этим законам. Однако, есть среди них и те, кто, рискуя собственной жизнью, готов спасти несчастных…
Алессандро, двадцати лет отроду, внезапно становится сиротой и должен занять ответственную должность на предприятии семьи, но для него это слишком обременительно, поэтому он решает убежать и находит работу оператора у Тонино, любопытного и эксцентричного главы фотоагентства, специализирующегося на съемках свадебных торжеств. Шестнадцатилетняя Глория вынуждена вступить в брак из-за беременности, — будучи мятежной душой, перед началом церемонии она сбегает, невольным соучастником ее побега становится Алессандро.
Klaus and Carla, two young people whose personalities are as different as night and day, are hired for a week-long trial period as salespersons for Telematic International, a computer company. They must conclude ten contracts before the company hires them permanently. This proves to be more difficult than they assumed, partly because Klaus and Carla despise each other.
A man enters a restaurant in Trastevere, in the suburbs of Rome, and asks the owner to cook him the superb bass he has just been given. He wants it served at the dinner gathering like every year the group of inseparable friends he is a member of. The others join him. The last to come is a lawyer who has just liquidated the succession of the one that will be missing tonight. The deceased leaves them an estate in Umbria provided they live there in community. What will the friends decide during this dinner like no other?
Вендетта. Семья истребляет семью. До единого человека. Мужчины, женщины, старики, дети... Ведь если кто-нибудь выживет, неизбежен новый круг возмездия... Ответный. Герой картины - деревенский мальчик, случайно уцелевший в подобной резне. Умирая, отец наказал ему найти в городе дядю и затаиться у него. С невероятными трудностями мальчику это удается, но «кровникам» становится известно, что он ещё жив. Начинается безжалостная охота на ребёнка...
A writer is haunted by eerie appearances after the death of his wife.
What is the shady affair in which the woman is involved, and what is her role? Is or isn't the man a marquis? Who is the young man played by Fabrizio Bentivoglio, and why does he own that car? Does Basque nationalism have to do anything with the story? Everybody has something to hide, everybody seems guilty.
Lidia (Christiana Borghi) passes herself off as a stage actress to interview international star Silvana (Genevieve Page) for her writer boyfriend (David Brandon). Her first obstacle is the boarding house owner and former stage star Pola Mareschi, who is very protective of her tenant's privacy. Lidia is robbed by a motorcycle gang in the middle of the living room and is caught up in a performance put on by the residents. Lidia soon finds herself wanting to stay with the quirky actors as she becomes a performer in their offbeat antics.
Assistant Editor
Marino Stroppaghetti is a breadwinner in a layoff fund who, in order to make some money, arranges himself by doing small tailoring jobs at home. Desperate for having received the eviction, he turns to the City of Rome, where he discovers that there are as many as 80 thousand questions before his. How to do?