The most recognized band of Amazonian Cumbia, Los Mirlos represents a synthesis of a musical genre that arises from ancestry, family and the exploration of other rhythms like 1960’s psychedelic rock. Together with their leader and singer, Jorge Rodriguez, we undertake a journey into the heart of Latin America.
Когда однажды утром сотрудники отремонтированной киностудии находят труп своего коллеги, складываются кусочки головоломки сорокалетней давности о злом призраке человека, некогда жившего в этих местах.
Blaze You Out tells the story of Lupe, a strong-willed aspiring DJ, and her younger sister Alicia who live in the Esperanza Valley, a community that is suffocating by generations of heroin use. When Alicia witnesses a murder and disappears, Lupe sets out on a dangerous journey that forces her into the town's ruthless underworld. She quickly discovers that in order to save the person that matters most, she must harness the power that exists within her and connect with the divine that surrounds her.