Michael Ruud

Michael Ruud

Рождение : 1944-10-07, Afton, Wyoming, United States

Смерть : 1999-09-21


Michael Ruud (October 7th, 1944-September 21st 1999) was an American Character Actor who had appeared in 48 films and tv shows. He graduated from the University of Utah with a master's degree in fine arts. He also served in the Army from 1967-1969 during the Vietnam War, reaching the Rank of Sergeant and getting an honorable discharge. After his military service he found work in theater and film. On-Screen he his best remembered as "Big Al Gateway in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers(1988), where attempted to Fight Michael Myers while Protecting the Lloyd Sisters. He passed away on September 27, 1999, from a massive stroke in Murray, Utah.


Michael Ruud


The Testaments
This film depict events from the Life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament and the Book of Mormon. The story culminates with a portrayal of the Ressurected Savior's visit to the ancient Americas as seen through the eyes of a fictional family. Jesus' ministry to the members of His fold in both the Holy Land and the ancient Americas powerfully demonstrates that He is the Good Shepherd of all who hear His voice.
Rockwell: A Legend of the Wild West
Brigham Young
The feature-film debut from writer/director Richard Lloyd Dewey, this Western stars Randy Gleave as Porter Rockwell, an outlaw looking to go straight. After landing on the right side of the law as a deputy, Rockwell assembles a team and takes on the dangerous task of bringing down a corrupt business owner. Rockwell also stars NBA superstar Karl Malone and George Sullivan.
Джеронимо: Американская легенда
1885-86 годы. Пять тысяч американских солдат брошены на то, чтобы раз и навсегда подавить сопротивление индейцев. Во главе повстанцев стоит легендарный индейский воин Джеронимо. Похоже, что ему и горстке его храбрецов не страшна даже такая большая армия. Легендарного индейца удаётся взять в плен, но Джеронимо сбегает в сторону Мексики. И тогда разъярённый бригадный генерал приказывает разделаться с непокорным предводителем краснокожих…
Баллада о маленькой Джо
Russian Father
В основу фильма легли несколько реальных историй. Действие происходит в США в 1866 году. Жозефина Монаган в своём родном городе родила внебрачного ребёнка. И чтобы избежать позора, она бежит на Дикий Запад и останавливается в Рубиновом Городе. Там переодевшись в мужчину, она выдаёт себя за «Маленького Джо». В его образе она живёт на протяжении 30 лет. Поддерживает Маленького Джо его друг Фрэнк Бэджер...
Придорожное заведение
Red Rock Bartender
Майкл — бывший морской пехотинец. В его карманах пусто, а единственный шанс найти работу — заехать в придорожный бар Red rock west. В это самое утро местный шериф Уэйн, на самом деле беглый преступник, укравший вместе с женой Сьюзан полмиллиона долларов и разыскиваемый ФБР, поджидает прибытия наемного убийцы из Техаса, нанятого для устранения жены. Увидев Техасские номера машины Майкла, Уэйн решает, что дождался киллера и вручает Майклу $ 5000 аванса за предстоящую работу. Майкл устремляется к Сьюзан, чтобы предупредить ее и скрыться с наличными. Но к его удивлению Сьюзан удваивает сумму, чтобы он убил Уэйна. Майкл соглашается, но чувствует, что пора смываться. А тем временем к городку подъезжает настоящий наемный убийца Лайл…
Повторно не судят
Steve Krug
Джек Харт живёт спокойной семейной жизнью вместе со своей женой Карен - у них уже подрастает юная дочь. Но в городе появляется бывшая возлюбленная Джека - Лиза. Лиза помнит о былой любви Джека и любыми путями пытается снова очаровать его и вернуть себе. Кроме того происходит трагедия - Лиза убивает своего нынешнего любовника, а Джек оказывается рядом и всё видит. Назначено судебное расследование, адвокатом Лизы становится жена Джека - Карен. Сам Джек же оказывается в весьма щекотливом положении - теперь он ключевой свидетель на суде, и от его слов многое зависит.
Trucker #3
A band of ruthless international terrorists led by Josef Szabo (David Warner) hijack a speeding railroad train loaded with a full arsenal of powerful military weaponry capable of threatening world peace. The only hero who can stop the terrorists' scheme for world domination is Jack DeForest (Terence Knox). During the battle between good and evil the hero DeForest accidentally kills the son of the Szabo. Seeking revenge Szabo locates DeForest’s family, murders his wife and kidnaps their teenage son thereby turning their fight it into a personal vendetta. So, DeForest must fight not only to save the world, but for his only remaining family.
Хэллоуин 4: Возвращение Майкла Майерса
Big Al
Черное одеяние, белая мертвенная маска, нечеловеческая сила — это Майкл Майерс! Самый неистребимый монстр всех времен и народов возвращается, совершив побег при транспортировке из одной психиатрической клиники в другую. В ночь кануна всех святых он снова объявляется в родном городе, истребляя всех на своем пути к главной жертве — маленькой племяннице Джеми…
Promised Land
Cowboy in Casino
Three recent high school grads - star athlete Hancock, his cheerleader girlfriend, Mary, and the awkward Senator - aim to leave their small town behind and realize big dreams, but their idealistic plans collide with life's harsh realities.
A Hobo's Christmas
Omaha John Boswell
A hobo played by Barnard Hughes decides it's time to go home. Drifting from place to place, Hughes finds himself in his hometown of Salt Lake City at Christmas time. Here he hopes to close old wounds and be reunited with his unforgiving son played by Gerald McRaney, and get to know the grandchildren he has never met. McRaney, still resenting the fact that Hughes ran out on his family 25 years earlier, gives his father only one day with his grandkids; after that, he's expected to leave and never come back. All the while Hughes' friends warn him that his son and the past are memories that are best left alone, and should leave, but he has to find out for himself.
Konrad is a factory-made child, perfect in every way. When he is mistakenly delivered to the eccentric Mrs. Bartelotti, the factory demands his return. Konrad must go against everything he has been taught to stand up to his creators.
Sid Matthews
A woman named Liz Brantley takes a three-legged solo flight and then her plane crashes.
A Killer in the Family
Three teenage boys break their father out of prison only to discover that he is a murderous sociopath. Based on a true story.
Nashville Grab
A dashing, fast-living country singer almost turns Nashville upside-down after he is kidnapped by a pair of conniving female convicts determined to use him as a passport to freedom.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The escapades of Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, and the runaway slave, Jim, drifting down the Mississippi on a homemade raft, and their encounter with the Duke and his cohort, Dauphin.
The Adventures of Nellie Bly
A "Classics Illustrated" account of pioneer female journalist Nellie Bly, who became a legend through her exposes of corruption and inhumane conditions in New York of the 1880s in "The New York World."
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Winthrop Palmer
A TV adaptation of Washington Irving's classic ghost story. Humor is the drawing card in this version, with Jeff Goldblum a nerdish Ichabod Crane, Dick Butkus an appropriately nasty Brom Bones, and Meg Foster as spirited Katrina van Tassel. Angered that Katrina has grown fond of schoolmaster Crane, Brom Bones determines to scare off the interloper by filling his head with spooky tales of a Headless Horseman. Crane pooh-poohs the legends, until one fateful ride home in the dark of night.
The Fall of the House of Usher
After a long journey, a traveller and his wife arrive at the Usher mansion. Upon arriving, however, they discover that the mansion's sibling inhabitants, Roderick and Madeline Usher, have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become nearly catatonic. That evening, Roderick tells his guests of an old Usher family curse: any time there has been more than one Usher child, all of the siblings have gone insane and died horrible deaths. As the days wear on, the effects of the curse reach their terrifying climax.
Abraham's Sacrifice
Tale of Abraham who battles a King for his land and who seeks revenge on Abraham for killing his son. And the birth of his son, Isaac and the scheming of a slave who wishes for his freedom and is willing to do whatever to get it. And eventually his test where he has to sacrifice Issac.