Marie Burchard

Marie Burchard

Рождение : 1982-10-06, Bonn, Germany


Marie Burchard


Oskars Kleid
Since Ben has been living apart from his ex-wife Mira and his children, his life has fallen apart. But unexpectedly, he gets a second chance: when Mira, pregnant to the teeth, has to be hospitalized, his children live with him again. This time, everything will be fine - he thinks! But his son Oskar brings a small problem: he wears a dress that he doesn't want to take off.
A Thousand Lines
Star reporter Lars Bogenius is a respected journalist and knows how to wow his readers and critics with emotional reportage. Emotional, realistic and moving, his style regularly promises to win him the industry's most coveted awards. His publishing house is also grateful to the exceptional journalist, because the paper's numbers are sinking and are being cushioned by Bogenius' reportage, among other things. Everything sounds too good to be true - at least that's the opinion of freelance journalist Juan Romero, who takes on the inconsistencies and looks deeper behind Bogenius' research and reportage. It's a dangerous plan that faces numerous obstacles. But what he discovers turns out to be the biggest journalism scandal in Germany.
Tausend Zeilen
Star reporter Lars Bogenius is a respected journalist and knows how to wow his readers and critics with emotional reportage. Emotional, realistic and moving, his style regularly promises to win him the industry's most coveted awards. His publishing house is also grateful to the exceptional journalist, because the paper's numbers are sinking and are being cushioned by Bogenius' reportage, among other things. Everything sounds too good to be true - at least that's the opinion of freelance journalist Juan Romero, who takes on the inconsistencies and looks deeper behind Bogenius' research and reportage. It's a dangerous plan that faces numerous obstacles. But what he discovers turns out to be the biggest journalism scandal in Germany.
Dear Kurt
Hunting Season
In the German comedy Jagdsaison, a wellness weekend for three friends is in danger of derailing: Marlene is in a serious midlife crisis and is looking for a sex date. She accompanies the divorced Eva and her ex-husband's new wife to protect them from stupid things. Unfortunately, the three seem to attract chaos almost magically.
Wenn Fliegen träumen
Inga Knudsen
A lonely therapist and her suicidal half-sister are on their way to Norway in a red fire-engine. Accompanied by a Spaniard who wants to go to Finland. Haunted by a bunch of stranded personalities. And two flies who suddenly start dreaming.
A young man from the Congo in search of his brother attempts to cross Europe's borders. In Morocco, he teams up with a sharp-witted British runaway who pinched his stepfather's recreational vehicle in order to escape from a family holiday. On their journey, the disparate duo have to make decisions that will also influence the lives of others.
Romantic comedy about the love confusion of four girlfriends, whose lives are properly turned upside down by their four-legged friends. After being abandoned by her boyfriend, Ella adopts a half-breed called Bozer, who jumbled up her everyday life, but also makes her happy again. Cecile, on the other hand, is about to divorce, but the meek four-legged Simpson averts the worst and is also there for the children. Silke works as a dog trainer and knows very well about the animals, but she has her problems with her fellow human beings. She meets former footballer Olli. And also Lulu has met someone, but her acquaintance is a dog lover, while she has a preference for cats.
Встреча выпускников 1.0
Когда им было всего 18 лет, Нильс, Томас и Андреас считали себя бессмертными. Увы, приглашение на встречу бывших одноклассников 30 лет спустя лучше любых слов напоминает, как быстро летит время. Приятели считают, что это отличный повод снова пуститься в разгул: их ждут лихие вечеринки, выпивка и женское общество! По крайней мере, таков был первоначальный план… Но вместо этого их ждут сопутствующие возрасту проблемы, неоднократно разбитые сердца и непослушная дочь женщины, когда-то сумевшей покорить Томаса: семнадцатилетняя Лили обожает указывать старшему поколению на его ошибки! Щедрая порция гелия, много коктейлей мартини и вдохновенная лекция о вреде «экстази» пускают их планы под откос. К счастью, по дороге домой друзья осознают, что в жизни есть вещи и поважнее — дружба, семья и настоящая любовь!
Verliebt, verlobt, vertauscht
Katharina Lobreyer
Воровка книг
Германия, начало 1939 года, канун Второй мировой войны. Смерть готовится начать свою жатву. Девятилетняя Лизель переезжает в Мюнхен к своим приемным родителям и с их помощью учится читать. С каждым днем чтение становится ее жизненной потребностью, и Лизель начинает воровать книги — единственную отраду ее жизни. Все, что она узнает из них, помогает ей понять события, происходящие вокруг нее — гонение на евреев, антифашистское движение, унижения и голод. Все это, в конце концов, сложится в ее собственную историю, историю ее жизни.
Die letzte Lüge – Wer zuletzt lügt liebt am besten