Mourad Khen


Road to Istanbul
Elisabeth lives a quiet live in the Belgian countryside with her young adult daughter Elodie. After the divorce from her husband Elisabeth took care of her daughter on her own. When Elodie disappears over night and Elisabeth discovers that she travelled to Syria to join the Islamic State, she begins her journey to find her daughter.
The Rooftops
A sprawling, masterful depiction of a day in the life of Algiers by arguably Algeria’s greatest living filmmaker, Merzak Allouache.
Вне закона
Судьба разлучает изгнанных с родной алжирской земли мать и троих братьев. Мессауд отправляется воевать в Индокитай. Абделькадер становится во главе движения за освобождения Алжира в Париже, а Саид делает себе состояние в трущобах и боксерских клубах в районе Пигаль. Их судьбы, скрепленные мате
Redouane Lamouchi
Mounir Mekbek lives with his family in a small village in the heart of the Algerian countryside. Very proud and sure of himself, he has only one dream- to finally be appreciated by his fellow villagers. Screwing up his carefully maintained image is his headstrong, narcoleptic sister Rym who falls asleep anywhere and whom the village is convinced will end up a spinster. One evening, Mounir returns from town drunk and announces that he's found a suitor for his sister. The fake story snowballs and snowballs until the suitor morphs into a rich, blonde Australian. The village begins preparing for the wedding in earnest - but without a bridegroom in sight.
Bab El Oued City
Bab El-Oued, a popular district of Algiers, in 1989, a few months after the riots. Boualem works at night in a bakery and steals the loudspeaker that was installed on his roof and was broadcasting the Imam's word... therefore preventing him from sleeping. This blunder is taken as a pretext by the Islamists to put the district under their control...