Alain Floret

Alain Floret


Alain Floret est un acteur français. Malgré sa longue carrière au cinéma et à la télévision, Alain Floret est toujours resté discret. Il a participé au casting du "Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain" et a joué en 2010 dans "La Fête des voisins".


Alain Floret


L'ordre du temple solaire
Jo Di Mambro
The Order of the Solar Temple was particularly twisted, apocalyptic, sinister and lethal cult. It had the particularity of recruiting rich people, in France, Switzerland and Quebec. It became famous through a controversial collective suicide in 1994. The cult was led by Jo Di Mambro and Luc Jouret.
J.S. Bach: The Music, The Life, The Legend
Monsieur Buxtehüde
A dramatic exploration of the life and struggles of the great composer, J.S. Bach, from his orphaning at the age of nine, through his struggles for the freedom to compose music in a restrictive society, to his eventual recognition after death.
If I Were a Rich Man
Monsieur Louis
Between Alice, a hospital nurse and Aldo, a shampoo sales representative, things have turned sour of late. Alice blames her husband for lacking ambition and contemplates divorce.One day Aldo wins the ten million euro lotto prize. But, unwilling to share the bonanza, he keeps mum about it, all the more as he finds out Alice has an affair with Gérard, Aldo's former friend and ... new boss. However, Aldo, leading a double life, starts spending his money ...
Concierge's Husband (voice)
Знаете ли вы, что все события, происходящие в нашем мире, даже самые незначительные, взаимосвязаны самым удивительным и чудесным образом? Как полет крошечной мухи может вызвать где-то далеко мощный ураган, так и странные и, на первый взгляд, непонятные поступки тихой и одинокой девушки, живущей в мире своих фантазий, могут навсегда изменить жизнь совершенно разных людей, подарив им счастье и раскрасив окружающий мир яркими, головокружительными красками. Эту девушку зовут Амели Пулен.
Dormez, je le veux!
Cora is a teenager and has a lot of problems (mostly because of the relationship with her parents). One day she meets Katz, a hypnotizer who makes shows in the whole country, and his assistant Pedro. Then she manages to convince Katz to bring her with him in order to teach her his job. Thus Cora leaves her home without saying any word to her parents and begins a long trip through France with a very tumultuous relationship with Katz and Pedro.
Призрачное сердце
После развода с женой, которая ему изменила, художник Филипп начинает новые отношения с юной Жюстиной, но не находит душевного покоя – его мучают угрызения совести из-за того, что он оставил своих дочерей.
Pas d'amour sans amour!
After her gynecologist tells her that her current involuntary celibacy could result in her being unable to enjoy sex in the future, Eva begins to consider ways that she could take active steps to get some action going in that area. Unfortunately, none of the men she currently knows are interested in going to bed with her, including her business partner, who just might be sexually attracted to trees but certainly isn't to her. That being the case, it is particularly galling that he gets jealous at the very notion of her having sex with business clients. Eva discusses these issues (and a great deal more) with her similarly forty-ish gal-pals.
Честь капитана
L'animateur du débat TV
Патрицию Карон повергают в шок высказывания на теледебатах о ее давно погибшем муже. По голословным обвинениям, ее муж, капитан Марсель Карон- является военным преступником, замучившим и убившим десятки людей во время войны в Алжире. И хотя совместная жизнь супругов Карон была скоротечна, а сам Марсель погиб более двух десятков лет назад, вдова не намерена мириться с подобными заявлениями и подает иск за клевету. В Париже начинается судебное разбирательство...