Alexander Stocks


King Lily of the Valley
Spring is in the air and Puck and Einar, as well as Christer Wijk are invited to a wedding in Skoga. The day before the wedding, the bride-to-be enters a flower-shop in order to inspect her bridal bouquet of lily of the valley, but suddenly vanishes without at trace. When she eventually turns up again, it is Christer who finds her. She lies dead outside her home with a bouquet of lily of the valley in her hand. Everybody close to the bride are suspects, not least her best friend, whom Christer has just begun flirting with. Everybody seems to have something to hide. Question is: are their secrets connected to the murder?
Saluhallskund 2
A man takes law into his own hands after the search for his daughter's murderer and rapist fails and instead the police go after him.
Шальные деньги
Стокгольмский таксист, решивший подработать, соглашается на предложение своего босса начать торговать кокаином. Постепенно в дело оказываются замешаны югославская мафия, сбежавший из тюрьмы латиноамериканец, на эту мафию работавший, и серб, мечтающий покончить с криминальной жизнью.
Hating Gothenburg
The gloomy, hate-filled lives of a group of teenage guys in the south of Sweden suddenly turn around when one of the guys' hippie-like cousin shows up.