Szu-Cheng Mu

Рождение : 1954-11-30, South Korea


Filmography (1972-1993), Actor (70+ films), Action Choreographer (2 films), Presenter (6 films)


Rendea-Vous Of Japanese Kanto
Taiwanese/Korean co-production. Triad based action starring Mark Cheng, Sibelle Hu, and Ko Keung, with cameos from super ninja Ricky Cheng and bad boy Chang Shang.
Jen, nicknamed Ah Dai, had been a rebellious child. He fled home the age of 16. A few years later, he became the driver of the leader of the Underworld, Mr. Lin. He was deeply moved by the kindness and care Mr. & Mrs. Lin showed him, grateful enough to do anything for them in return. Ah Dai observed the conflicts and struggle for privileges in the Underworld, and its strange interactions with the police.
Kickboxer from Hell
While in Hong Kong preparing for a big tournament, American kickboxing champion Sean becoms involved with undercover British nun Sophia and her battle against his evil crew of kickboxers
Black Butterfly
Black Butterfly tells the story of a female assassin who is sent to Taiwan to clear the way so a gang from Hong Kong can take over the territory. Problems arise when she breaks the cardinal rule of an assassin -- never develop friends -- and she cannot complete the job. Now hunted by both camps, the killer must turn into a savior as she tries to help her friends.
The Falcon
Police thriller in which Taiwanese supercop Ko Keung is tucked in the middle of a nasty streetwar between gangs of arms dealers in Kaohsiung.
The Falcon
Police thriller in which Taiwanese supercop Ko Keung is tucked in the middle of a nasty streetwar between gangs of arms dealers in Kaohsiung.
The Other Kind Of Death Penalty
Taiwanese movie
Master Hui Neng
Taiwanese historical drama about the Buddhist monk Huineng.
No Greater Love
Teacher Chen
A teacher Chen Yixing, with a group of elementary school students outdoors, was attacked by hornets. In order to save the emergency, Teacher Chen took off his coat, covered the hive, and screamed for everyone to run, and finally martyred.
Семейные бомбы
Кинмен был до 1949 г мирной территорией, пока Чан Кайши не превратил остров в оборонительный укрепрайон против коммунистов, вытеснивших его национальную армию с материка. Его изначальным планом было организовать на острове лечение раненых солдат и подготовиться к наступлению на позиции Мао Цзе Дуна, однако всё случилось иначе. На острове было объявлено военное положение, и он превратился в последнюю горячую точку гражданской войны. Кинмен подвергался массированному артобстрелу с материка в течение 1950-х и 60-х гг. В частности, 23 августа 1958 г коммунисты устроили сильнейший артиллерийский обстрел Кинмена. Всё полыхали огнём, имелись большие жертвы. Фильм рассказывает о 823 артиллерийской батарее под командованием полковника Килианга Чена и событиях того времени.
Black and White
Taiwanese war film.
A Sword Named Revenge
Red Lilly
Two swordsmen from separate sects band together to kill Ruthless Chi, head of another sect.But did he really die? Events show that the Ruthless killer stills controls the strings and its up to the swordsmen to reveal his true identity.
Woman Revenger
Learning of childhood friend Meihua's death, Lingling goes to Japan to find Meihua's sister, Meifeng. Brutal gangsters demand Lingling return an item Meihua stole, and hold Meifeng hostage. Old friends help Lingling confront the gang.
Night of the Assassins
Master Wu
The swords never stop flying in this action-packed old school hit! Master Wu (Ko Keung from "Fatal Flying Guillotines"), after refusing to help the king continue his war, fights off a regiment of guards attempting to take him by force. Unfortunately, he cannot save his brother, but he can get revenge! Master Wu embarks on his journey for revenge and is joined by David Chiang ("Slice Of Death", "Challenge Of The Shaolin Masters"). Ninjas, gap-toothed kings, and a sword-wielding army are just a few of the obstacles Master Wu must overcome on his revenge quest.
Beauty Escort
Dragon's Cousin
This blood tale of a feud between two sword fighting clans is full of betrayal and intrigue, will most probably please the fans of samurai sword fighting.
Flying Sword Lee
This is a brilliant Taiwanese movie adaption of "Sentimental Swordsman, Ruthless Blade." Li "Little Flying Dagger" Xunhuan comes back to his home after three years of wandering. He has decided to have a normal life, but a group of skilled fighters and leaders are bent on killing him, so they can be ranked top by Bai Xiaosheng in his renowned list of the best warriors in the martial arts world. Li Xunhuan battles them as he searches for his estranged friend A'fei, who is now married and living in seclusion. Li asks A'fei to join forces and fight against a new threat that wants to rule the world: the Money Clan.
Кулак дракона
Master Wei Cang Long
Воин Танг Хау Юэга теряет учителя. Его убил его давний соперник, отомстивший таким образом за любовную связь со своей женой. Женщина в отчаянии покончила с собой. Несчастный ревнивец, потрясенный ее смертью, отрубает себе ногу. Тан Хау Юэг поначалу решает отомстить убийце, но вскоре враги объединяются. Они должны сообща расследовать смерть вдовы Учителя, кем-то коварно отравленной…
Астральное кунг-фу
Джеки — молодой, озорной хулиган, стоящий на страже замка Шаолиня. Во время его поста крадут очень ценную, обладающую огромной силой, книгу «Шестикулачное Кунг-фу». Как выясняется позже, ее украл зловещий воин, который хочет подчинить себе Все кланы. В библиотеке, где он часто бывает, Джеки знакомится с пятью странными призраками, которые обучают его животным стилям Кунг-фу: Дракон, Змея, Журавль, Тигр и Леопард. Теперь ему предстоит использовать все, чему он научился, в битве за будущее каждого.
Немного Кунг-Фу
Wears gold cape
В группу, охраняющую священный нефрит, приходит новичок, ничего не смыслящий в боевых искусствах. Профессионалы обучают его мастерству, и вскоре все они вступают в неравный бой с преступным кланом.
Великолепные телохранители
Wen Liang Yu
Три специалиста по боевым искусствам соглашаются на опаснейшее задание — сопровождать девушку и ее больного отца в так называемые Штормовые Холмы, где находится лекарство для него. По дороге они встречают огромное количество тех, кто не хочет, чтобы они попали в Штормовые Холмы, причем почти со всеми из них героям придется сражаться…
Drama set at the end of World War Two in China. A young woman, fighting for the independence of her homeland is tortured for the whereabouts of the treasure left by her war profiteer father.
The Fatal Flying Guillotines
Those rascally Shaolin monks are at it again, and this time they're tracking down some vitriolic villains who have heisted a sacred book. Throw in an evil prince, a flying guillotine, and manic martial hijinks, and you've got a potent mix for action.
Рука смерти
Далекая эпоха династии Цинь в Китае. Маньчжуры ведут кровавуювойну в Китае. Оплотом сопротивления китайского народа становятся воины-монахи манастыря Шаолинь, расположенного на юге страны. Молодой воин-послушник обнаруживает предателей и в смертельной схватке с многочисленными врагами одерживает верх.
The Great Escape from Women's Prison
Yeong-rim and her mother are imprisoned when she refuses the advances of the village's communist supporter, Bong-ju. Bong-ju gets himself appointed the position of warden where the two are secured and becomes increasingly threatening.
Woman Prisoner No. 407 II
Chinese Patriot
Japan conquers China just before WW2 starts. Chinese women are captured and placed in concentration camps, where they are tortured and humiliated. Some try to escape incurring enormous risks, and death if they fail.
Close Kung Fu Encounter
1930 Manchuria: Seong-Jin, a member of Korean independence army, is arrested and tortured by Suzuki. Seong-Jin’s tells his colleague Min-Wuk the location of funds. Min-Wuk puts the money into the stomach of a dead hog and floats it down the river. Soon, Min-Wuk is captured by Mokosan, a gangster from Peking and Ye-Ji, a barmaid. While Suzuki arrests all of them and kills Mokosan, Min-Wuk, succeeds in arresting Suzuki and escaping, as he continues his journey along the river to deliver the funds.
Fists for Revenge
3 felons facing the death penalty, escape the night before they are due to be executed and plot their revenge on the people that put them there.Prepare for the hardest hitting martial art action that never stops.
The Obsessed
A newlywed couple’s relationship turns into a nightmare when they start to witness paranormal activity. A “spiritualist” is hired to investigate the strange phenomenon, and discovers a deep, dark secret within the marriage that’s bringing back a vengeful spirit.
Desperate Crisis
Thrilling basher from Taiwan set amidst the dangerous and contemporary world of gangsters & counterfeiters. A young Special agent investigates the core of the racket.
Japanese crime film.
Манчжурский боксер
Wei Qi
A roaming fighter gets into the ring to win a boxing tournament to thwart an evil warlord.
The Life for Sale