Gastón Pauls

Gastón Pauls

Рождение : 1972-01-17, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Gastón Pauls
Gastón Pauls


Tu forma de ver el mundo
A couple, dragged by the bustle of their daily lives, are increasingly estranged from each other. With the arrival of the pandemic and social isolation, despite the vicissitudes, they work to recover what they had joined: the essential.
Himself (voice)
Никто не знает, что я здесь
Мэмо Гарридо живет на овцеводческой ферме, скрывая свой красивый голос от всего мира. Он не может перестать думать о том, что возможно, успех ждал его еще в детстве. Что же произойдет, когда весь мир услышит его голос?
The Heavenly Plan
Two altar boys that live in a small church in the middle of the jungle. They grew under the tutelage of Father Roberto, an elderly priest who was their mentor. Now, at the end of his life, they must protect and take care of him. Eustaquio pretends to be in command of the church and Heriberto only thinks about Maria, a beautiful young woman that barely pays attention to him. These young men face their frst existential crisis that leads them to launch a risky plan, a heavenly plan
Che Pibe
20-летний Жайме отбывает срок за убийство по пьяни близкого друга. В тюрьме юноша находит себе влиятельного покровителя по кличке Жеребец. Страстные отношения мужчин помогают им противостоять окружающей дикости, под защитой любовника Жайме становится Принцем.
Palau the Movie
Luis Palau
After his father passes away at age 10, the lives of Luis Palau and his family are changed forever. Within a few years of his father's death, Luis, his siblings, and his mother are left nearly destitute. Luis is forced to discontinue his education at an elite boarding school in Argentina and provide for his family as they slip into poverty.
La guarida del lobo
Toco is a hermit mountain man who finds an injured man on the road and decides to take him home to help him recover. They start to get along when a third man, obsessed with buying Toco's land, appears. Things will escalate and the men will begin to show their animalistic nature.
Cuando brillan las estrellas
As a child, Lucas falls in love with Ana. His story is truncated: she moves away and he loses track of her. Today Lucas does crossword puzzles and has almost zero love-sexual life. Meanwhile, his friend Santiago has a blind date with Verónica that ends after a few seconds. Verónica's neighbor is in a secret and quite toxic relationship.
Yanka y el espíritu del volcán
Padre Yanka
Fontanarrosa, lo que se dice un ídolo
A Place in the Caribbean
Gael travels to the Island of Roatan to finish his last novel and finds love at first sight. Sofia and her father missed their cruise and are forced to stay in the wonderful island. Three love stories around this magical place.
Ночной сторож
Фернандо, одинокий и измученный человек, устраивается на работу ночным сторожем на склад, близкому к сносу. Здание огромное, с несколькими этажами и крыльями, соединенными запутанной сетью коридоров и лестниц. Однажды ночью Фернандо слышит странные звуки и находит ворота открытыми, которые должны быть закрыты. С того момента, жизнь его уже не будет как прежде.
The best kept secret of The Andes will be revealed… For some, he is the thinker that set in motion a spiritual and political movement that passed through borders and extended from Argentina to India. For other, he is the leader of a sect, a skillful manipulator and demagogue. For most, he is still a mystery. Through this feature length documentary film we try to tell the life and work of this extraordinary person, posing a disturbing question: Who is Silo?
Fermín Glorias Of Tango
Ezequiel Kauffman
A patient expresses himself using the lyrics and titles of tango songs as a result of a post traumatic stress disorder discovered by a psychiatrist.
20,000 Kisses
Juan is in his 30s, bored with his life, and isolated from his friends. He is just dedicated to being a good boyfriend. One day, his girlfriend dumps him, and he leaves the house they shared not knowing where to go. Eventually, he starts enjoying his life again.
Танец реальности
Liberator 1
Алехандро Ходоровский прославился не только своими сюрреалистичными фильмами, часто повергающими зрителей в настоящий шок, но и разработке собственной теории психомагии. Эта методика психологической терапии направлена на избавление от различных психических травм, которые человек получает в первые годы своей жизни. При её разработке Алехандро опирался на собственные воспоминания о детстве.
The Office Trip
Blas Benedetto
An international company has acquired “Supermarkets Océano”. The long-awaited end-of-the-year tour has been replaced by a day of integration according to "international standards". A group of workers willing to demand their rights will make this Office Trip an unforgettable day.
Days of Vinyl
Damián, Facundo, Luciano and Marcelo have been friends since childhood and they share the passion for classic rock and roll on vinyl records. Their relationship is also marked by other big subjects: friendship and girls. When one of them decides to get married the four lives stir up.
The Forbidden Education
Professor Javier
An analysis of the logics of modern schooling and the way of understanding education, while showing different, non-conventional educational experiences that raise the need for a new educational paradigm.
El vagoneta en el mundo del cine
Cabeza de pescado
A taxidermist living with his wife and son who suffers from a virus which is mutating himself into another being, then he meets a woman who will tragically change his life
Flesh on Flesh
Documentary on Argentine actress and sex symbol Isabel Sarli, including clips from her films and interviews with her and other actors.
Malvinas: La retirada
Malvinas: La retirada
Sovereignity Operation
Self - Narrator (voice)
When the fight against a supposed subversive threat seems not to be enough to ensure national unity, the Argentine military dictatorship rekindles the extinguished fire of an old border dispute with Chile in order to make the nation close ranks around the criminal regime: the chronicle of an internal political conflict that was about to turn into a bloody war.
A Star and Two Coffees
In a small town in Argentina, where he arrives Carlos (Gaston Pauls), a young architect, to design a complex of cottages. The architect, partner in crisis, strikes up a casual relationship with Estela (Marina Vilte), a 13-year instead, without realizing that this encounter, naive and Plato, make the girl discovers love and end up make it a teenager. Only the arrival of his wife, Ana (Ariadna Gil), who will try to mend her relationship, she will discover the importance of that feeling that you've already lost.
Ricardo Coppa
Could a brilliant composer's music actually be killing his loved ones? Eliseo can't help but believe it when his younger sister dies tragically and then his pianist Georgina suddenly dies on the piano. Completely traumatized, Eliseo is taken to a mental hospital where he can find escape only through music.
The Blow: Chronicle of a Conspiracy
Self - Narrator (voice)
Argentina, 1973. The return of democracy marks the beginning of a new countdown to the next coup d'état: on March 24, 1976, the worst dictatorship in Argentine history is installed, the bitter fruit of a plot carefully hatched for months.
La demolición
Blessed by Fire
Esteban Leguizamón
Argentine film about the experiences of conscripts in the Falklands War.
The Die Is Cast
Felipe, an aspiring actor, believes he is jinxed after an unfortunate event. His struggle to find the cause and cure of his jinx. His half-brother is not doing much better, but among the two of them embark on a mission to change their lives and fulfill their father's dream.
Kept and Dreamless
Florence, a young irresponsible mother and her precocious daughter, Eugenia, have an unusual relationship. The roles between the two are reversed. Florence is totally inept at caring for a daughter, whereas Eugenia, only 10 years old, shows maturity and responsibility far beyond what her age might lead you to suppose.
Rapid Exchange
To break the plane during flight 747 and steal a quarter of a billion dollars is needed pervaded team, however, the members are given betrayals that can spoil the coup.
La vida aquí
After a terrorist with an implanted nuclear detonator gets shot, a team of scientists must defuse the bomb by miniaturizing themselves and going into his bloodstream. His organism's antibodies start to mass against them.
Gastón Pauls
One more Saturday in a desolate Buenos Aires hard to recognize. Six young people that try to avoid their solitude by complicating their daily routes, unsuccessfully looking for a glance that changes something or a new sensation that reveals them some sense. A couple used to their common tediousness, a girl who has already decided she wants to be alone, his boyfriend who does not know how to deal with that, a famous actor who does not seem to feel comfortable anywhere and a girl who pretends to get fun without realizing she's always bored.
Последний поезд
Jimmy Ferreira
Богатая голливудская студия купила в Уругвае для своего очередного фильма старинный локомотив XIX века. Но это известие встречают в штыки старички - члены ветеранской Ассоциации железнодорожников. Они решают бойкотировать сделку и не дать переправить поезд в США. Трое самых отчаянных пенсионеров и внук одного из них похищают локомотив и с лозунгом "История не продается" сбегают от новых владельцев и полиции по заброшенным узкоколейкам Уругвая. Естественно, по пути с ними случается масса приключений в духе самого настоящего вестерна. Но главное - их поступок становится лучом надежды, символом сопротивления для многих и многих уругвайцев, которые встречаются им на пути.
El lugar donde estuvo el paraíso
In Iquitos, during the era of military dictatorships, a consul must face the arrival of a daughter he does not see in years and the stalking of a military collaborator diplomat who comes to discover his protection to a deserter pilot.
Nuts for love
Three stories of ordinary people intersect on Christmas Eve: a dentist desperate to find his son's toy; a writer who is not happy and decides to look for the woman of his dreams; and a doctor who intends to flirt with a Spanish woman.
Девять королев
Однажды рано утром Маркос, который обманывает каждого, включая своих родных сестру Валерию и брата Федерико, замечает Хуана — ребяческого и приятного мошенника, когда тот успешно осуществлял изменение счета на кассе. Хуана поймали, так как он пытался проделать это же самое жульничество и на следующем счете. Маркос вступает в разговор, представившись полицейским, и выводит Хуана из магазина. Но как только они оказываются на улице, коварный Маркос открывает себя совсем с другой стороны, он оказывается жуликом, но с игрой намного более высоких ставок. Объяснив Хуану, что не может работать без напарника (предыдущий пропал неделю назад), Маркос приглашает его стать своим партнером по преступлениям, которого он давно искал, и предлагает давать ему уроки по проведению преступлений. Хуан принимает предложение, потому что он очень нуждается в деньгах. Но они договариваются о сотрудничестве пока только на один день — попробовать.
What Your Eyes Don't See
A murder in a house in Tigre triggers an investigation in the sphere of a political weekly. Crimes follow one another and the police can't solve the puzzle. A magazine journalist will try to get to the truth without knowing that more than one surprise awaits her.
In a dystopian society, a government uses therapy and dreams to recover, or perhaps implant, memories to those lacking them.
El desvío
Comanche Territory
Spanish TV reporters covering the War in Bosnia. Based on true experience.
Tells the irruption of a John Lennon impersonator, whom a stunt manager presents as the real idol, deceiving a famous television host who plans fearsome revenge.
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