Lt. Elsie Bollenbacher
В начале декабря 1941 года группу медсестер армии США отправляют из Сан-Франциско на военно-морскую базу на Гавайях. Нападение японцев на Перл-Харбор 7 декабря 1941 года изменило адрес их переброски: корабль, на котором они плыли, направляют на полуостров Батан, Филиппины. Туда же посылают группу медсестер во главе с лейтенантом Джанет Дэвидсон. В ее составе медсестры, не имеющие опыта работы и ожидавшие райскую жизнь в Гонолулу. Суровая действительность, с которой они сталкиваются по прибытии на Филиппины быстро позволяет им набраться опыта и, несмотря горечь потерь, утрату близких и тоску по дому, стать профессионалами своего дела. Военно-патриотический фильм США времен Второй мировой войны.
Blonde Elevator Passenger (Uncredited)
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
Miss Ames
Hubert Abercrombie Gumm, a flighty, eccentric screwball acquires a job as an executive at a radio station at the insistence of his only-slightly less eccentric aunt Fannie Handley, who is married to one of the company owners. After mixing up the script pages to the various radio programs, Hubert sets out to get the name of a returning explorer on a contract for the radio station. Other than the title, this film has no connection at all to the 1934 W.C. Fields film of the same title even though some sources give the plot of the Fields' film as the plot of this film.
In Hoyt City, a statue of founder Ethan Hoyt is dedicated, and 100 year old Hannah Sempler Hoyt (who lives in the last residence among skyscrapers) is at last persuaded to tell her story to a 'girl biographer'. Flashback: in 1848, teenage Hannah meets and flirts with pioneer Ethan; on a sudden impulse, they elope. We follow their struggle to found a city in the wilderness, hampered by the Gold Rush, star-crossed love, peril, and heartbreak. The star "ages" 80 years.
The story concentrated on a group of test pilots, busily experimenting with a revolutionary all-plastic airplane. Ace flyboy Brad Farrell (Richard Arlen) is determined to prove the practicality of the new aircraft, designed by Professor Blake (Thomas Ross), father of Brad's sweetheart Carol (Jean Parker). Back on solid ground, Brad must vie for Carol's attentions with his own brother, engineer Doug Farrell (Don Castle).
Jessica leaves her upper class home to assume an anonymous working class identity. She meets a blue collar guy, Chet and falls in love with the poor but ambitious man. Chet observes a series of suspicious, clandestine meetings with her rich father and his chauffeur which makes him think she is stringing along a "Sugar Daddy" on the side. Financial trickery and sequences of misunderstandings and coincidences culminate with a wedding that turns out much differently than planned.
Когда-то Бифф Граймс работал в строительной фирме, но из-за недобросовестности своего делового партнера Хьюго Барнстеда, Граймс угодил в тюрьму, где провел пять лет. За эти годы Хьюго увел подружку Биффа, и Граймс, когда вышел на свободу, нашел себе и другую девушку, и другую работу: Бифф стал дантистом. И вот, однажды, в его кабинете раздался телефонный звонок: высокопоставленный чиновник нуждался в срочном вмешательстве зубного врача. Звали чиновника Хьюго Барнстед. Бифф Граймс понял, что судьба посылает ему замечательный случай расквитаться за все обиды…
Girl in Elevator (uncredited)
Живущие в Филадельфии Вин Страффорд, большой босс, и Китти Фойль, его служащая, любят друг друга. Китти ждет предложения. Но не все так просто... Встреча в Нью-Йорке с романтичным, но бедным доктором Марком Айзеном. Предложение руки и сердца Страффорда. Свадьба вдали от родных. Их неприятие невестки. Социальное неравенство секретарши и дельца из высшего общества. Развод, подчиненный обстоятельствам. Второй брак Страффорда. Предложение доктора Айзена. К чему же это все приведет?
Two strangers split a sweepstake prize to go on a fake honeymoon with predictable results.
Enemy agents are everywhere and they are sabotaging all important war deliveries. The body of a hobo found in a train wreck had a money belt with $50,000 and a tattoo of a circle and arrow. This is a tattoo for saboteurs for hire and Brass must impersonate the dead man to find out what his orders are. As Steve Coe, he meets with the band of enemy agents in California and everything goes well until the wife of the dead 'Hobo' shows up. Luckily, Gabby is able to save Brass and Brass learns what is his assignment. He is to board the USN airship 'Mason', which is testing the super secret Inertia Projector, and destroy the airship.
Charley, over his wife's objections, has invited his boss over for dinner. Mrs. Chase walks out, and Charley hires a waitress to pose as his wife. Meanwhile, the boss picks up Mrs. Chase and brings her as his dinner guest.
Society Girl (uncredited)
Two playboys try to forget previous romances in Singapore - until they meet Dorothy Lamour...
Умственно отсталый здоровяк и его здравомыслящий опекун устраиваются на работу на ранчо, где царит насилие и садизм во времена Великой депрессии.
A loud-mouthed Texas cowpuncher tries his hand at polo finding himself at odds with high society and trying to save a floundering Wild West show.
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
Marie Templeton
Spies force former jewel thief Michael Lanyard to steal defense secrets in Washington.
Bill Reardon, a private detective, is working on a case involving stolen items from a local jewelry store. The case takes a different turn when Bill's prying wife wants to help catch the crook.
Lorna an Actress
In this musical short, a waitress at the Warner Bros. commissary gets her big break.
Cynthia Bloomar
Heiress Nancy Crocker Fleming will only receive her inheritance if she marries a "plain American." Her late father was afraid a foreign gigolo would steal her heart and money. So Nancy pays Tony Anthony, working on a WPA road project, to marry, then divorce her. When Nancy inadvertently drives off with Tony's dog, Tony seemingly kidnaps her to retrieve the pooch, which leads to a cross-country race between the two to reach Reno and the divorce court since neither one wants to be the second to file papers.
McCrea plays Joe Meadows, whose only ambition as a Kansas farm boy was a life at sea. He moves to New York to try to get a job as a sailor, finds it more difficult than he thought, and meets Helen Brown, who falls for him and uses her feminine wiles to try to prevent him leaving.
Ginger Connolly
The first musical comedy from the Grand National assembly line, Hats Off stars John Payne and Mae Clarke as rival press agents Jimmy Maxwell and Jo Allen. Both have been assigned to stir up publicity for separate expositions at the 1936 Texas Centennial (newsreel footage of which predominates throughout the film's short running time). To throw Jimmy off the track, Jo pretends to be a schoolteacher, but by the time the ruse has been revealed, the two leading characters have fallen in love.
Anti-war propaganda musical set on an ocean liner.
Blonde in Washington's Bed
It's love at first sight for singer John Craddock and Jane Blodgett who meet while John is seeking a radio job with the "Blodgett Dog Biscuit Hour," and John learns that the sponsor is Jane's father, Warren Blodgett, an avid souvenir and antiques collector. John gets himself in bad with Blodgett when he accidentally ruins a deal in which Blodgett was attempting to acquire a bedpost for his collection. To break up the romance, Blodgett and his wife take Jane to Switzerland, where Blodgett has his heart set on obtaining a jealously-guarded cowbell.
Blonde Vocalist
A musical revue in which a golfer is knocked unconscious by a golf ball and dreams that the Country Club is loaded with beautiful girls.
Elmer proposes to Molly, but she says he needs her fathers permission. He wants Elmer to become a ballplayer, but his eyesight keeps getting him into trouble. Elmer also needs a new pair of glasses.
A self-effacing prizefighter assumes a very different attitude once he hits the big time.