Февраль 1938 года, Вторая японо-китайская война. После вынужденного переноса китайской столицы в Чунцин японское командование принимает решение — стереть город с лица земли. Японцы готовились к войне на Тихом океане и надеялись принудить правительство Чан Кайши к скорейшему выходу из войны. Тысячи тонн снарядов обрушиваются на мирные кварталы Чунцина.
Down on his luck and unlikely hero, Jim Crawley is having the worst day of his miserable life. He decides to end it all and even fails at that. An improbable event changes everything and he becomes a half man/half creature.
Down on his luck and unlikely hero, Jim Crawley is having the worst day of his miserable life. He decides to end it all and even fails at that. An improbable event changes everything and he becomes a half man/half creature.
In his search for the Lightbringer, Dracula crosses paths with a beautiful crusader named Alina who bears a remarkable resemblance to his murdered bride. One look at her and Dracula is immediately smitten. Could Alina be the reincarnation of his long-dead love? Dracula has Alina kidnapped and brought to his castle where the Beast must now try to win his Beauty's heart.
Funny, action-packed coming of age story portrays *Lesseos *as an ex-marine trying to adjust to civilian life and discover her feminine side, with help from best friend Sophia. Many obstacles are thrown in her path, resulting in edge-of-your-seat action scenes. Her love interest, Craig is sweet and soft-spoken but is intrigued with M.J.'s tough side, creating a hilarious dynamic duo that keeps us laughing as well as touches our hearts.
Сюжет закручен вокруг напуганной до смерти девушки Энджи, ставшей объектом охоты кровожадного маньяка. Главная героиня должна позаботиться о безопасности себя и ребенка, для которого она является няней.
Coming to Placid Pines is difficult for Tracy, who's brother, Jason, was one of Trevor's victims near the end of the original. When Tracy's nightmares begin to come true as one by one the counselors are murdered. Someone is hunting them through the pitch-black Forest and is determined to kill them all. Could Trevor Moorhouse be back?!
Bill Goodwyn
In this satiric comedy that offers a jaundiced look at the film industry, Leslie Miller (Ashley Hill) and David Johnson (King Wilder) are a producer/director team who've been working along the lowest rungs of the low-budget film industry for longer than they care to recall. Hoping to move up in the world, Leslie and David decide to start pitching a glossier project around town, and they score a deal with a major studio to make a mid-budget science fiction-thriller. However, Leslie and David soon find themselves butting heads with the head of the studio, and when the financing is pulled from their project, they find themselves trying to finish it on a budget even they find impossible. Jason Priestley, Neve Campbell, and Dean Devlin all make cameo appearances as themselves.
Associate Producer
Случайно превращенный в поросенка 8-летний Джордж вместе со своей сестрой, лучшим другом и гувернанткой отправляются в Мексику, чтобы найти единственного человека, который способен вернуть мальчику его нормальный облик.
Barry is a down-and-out-guy who takes a job at the shipping department of Technoworks, a high-tech Yuppie company. He gets invited to the house of his boss Quinn, for a weekend afternoon barbecue with some of his boss's friends. The party gets weird, Barry plays a demented version of charades while standing on the picnic table, and the next door neighbor starts screaming racial slurs over the fence. When Jude, the widow of the ex-owner of Technoworks arrives, the plot thickens. Clues to past crimes are revealed, and the real reason for the party is discovered. But not before Barry beats the hell out of a tow-truck driver, screws the boss's wife and wreaks havok with the neighbor. And as the title suggests, before the day is over, we will discover who is the Felon, or perhaps the people at party are all, one way or another, Felons.
An African elephant wanders into the lives of four wide-eyed children and all pandemonium breaks loose.
Executive Producer
An African elephant wanders into the lives of four wide-eyed children and all pandemonium breaks loose.
A single young woman moves to Los Angeles, gets a job as a chef and has casual affairs.
Post Production Supervisor
Красавчик Марти и его сестра, сногсшибательная Кэрол — плохие дети своих родителей. Марти — законченный преступник, которого ищет чикагская полиция. В поиске легких денег он намечает очередную жертву — доверчивую и страстную Лоис Арчер. Но преступная игра оборачивается чередой убийств…
Matteo Juarez is a retired detective hired by a local businessman to follow his wife Jennifer. She has a split personality and seems to be putting herself in danger without knowing it.
Brad's wife Susan is mysteriously murdered. Brad begins recounting all the affairs he had with women he met on an internet fantasy line. One of those women was the murderer. Who, and why?
After a traumatized woman kills her rich husband in self defense, his family and friends show up to secure a piece of the inheritance for themselves even if it means driving the poor woman insane - or worse.
Джим Стивенс, способный сотрудник процветающей компании внезапно становится свидетелем следующей сцены: молодая симпатичная девушка приклеивает к двери записку. В записке всего 2 слова «Спасите меня» и телефон. И с этого момента жизнь Джима превращается в какой то кошмар из цепи необъяснимых покушений, убийств и интриг, в которой сам Джим не понимает своей роли…