Alighiero Noschese

Alighiero Noschese


Alighiero Noschese


La rabbia di Pasolini
Self (archive footage)
An attempt to reconstruct the complete version of Pier Paolo Pasolini's segment of La rabbia.
Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России
Antonio Lo Mazzo
В одной из римских больниц скончалась русская эмигрантка. Старая дама, некогда эмигрировавшая из России, поведала своей внучке Ольге, что все ее огромное состояние спрятано в Ленинграде «под львом». Это обстоятельство явилось причиной срочного отлета в Ленинград всех тех, кто случайно или специально был посвящен в эту тайну. В СССР прибыли солидный врач, итальянский мафиози, два санитара, просто горожанин и внучка Ольга. А в Москве к ним присоединился еще и гид, который усложнил и так непростые поиски сокровищ…
The Funny Face of the Godfather
Don Vito Monreale / Nick Bullione
The Godfather Don Vito Monreale knows, by chance, the Italian-American singer Nick Bouillon. Since the two are alike, Don Vito decided to exploit this similarity in his favour.
Il prode Anselmo e il suo scudiero
Il prode Anselmo da Montebello
The Terror with Cross-Eyes
Giacinto Puddu
To gain fame quickly - three actors - Mino, Giacinto and Mirella, stage a fake murder (Mirella is the "victim"), then plan to find the "body" at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, a real murder takes place in Mirella's apartment when a young woman named Margaret is killed. Having left abundant clues to the fake murder, Mino and Giacinto realise the only way to save themselves from jail is to find Margaret's killer. Despite the intrusions of a stupid police inspector, the two men discover she was killed by a mysterious "organization". Although every witness they try to question is killed by a hitman, they eventually unravel the mystery...
Nights of Boccaccio
Lambertuccio da Cecina
Boccaccio (also known as The Nights of Boccaccio) is a 1972 Italian comedy film written and directed by Bruno Corbucci. It is loosely based on the Giovanni Boccaccio's novel Decameron, and it is part of a series of derivative comedies based on the success of Pier Paolo Pasolini's The Decameron.
Il furto è l'anima del commercio!?...
Gaetano Gargiulo
Euroshow '71: May Day Special
German made-for-TV musical extravaganza starring Monty Python.
Io non vedo, tu non parli, lui non sente
Luigi Gorletti
Two spouses discover a corpse that mysteriously disappears and then reappear in their suitcase. This is stolen by a couple of teens who are suspected, like the first two, of murder.
Io non spezzo... rompo
Riccardo Viganò
The Little War
Sergeant Egisto Brugnoli
In the confusion of combat, two Italian get separated from their squadron and become hopelessly lost. As they wander the countryside attempting to find their lost comrades, they have to adopt all manner of outrageous disguises to avoid death at the hands of whomever holds the reigns of control.
James Tont Operation U.N.O.
The diabolical Goldsinger, enraged at being excluded from the UN, hatches a plot to blow up the assembly while all the heads of the state participate. Luckily, inept agent James Tont discovers the plot and sets out to stop Goldsinger.
Obiettivo ragazze
Four former soldiers meet and reminisce about the time they were in active service: a parachutist mistaking his sergeants house for a brothel, a hypnotized sailor who thinks he has changed his sex, two GIs captured by an African tribe.
I due della legione
Mustafa Abdul Bey
Ciccio and Franco flee Naples because they are wrongly accused of having murdered a local camorra boss and enlist in the Foreign Legion. They are inept but are mistaken for brave people by their commander and sent to break a weapon smuggling ring.