Молодой и энергичный врач приезжает на практику в полузаброшенную психиатрическую клинику, которую вскоре потрясают два зверских убийства. Во сне он видит призрак мертвого мальчика, зовущего в лабиринты коридоров клиники… Отважный доктор Кларк решает, во что бы это ни стало, разобраться в происходящем… А поможет ему загадочный пациент палаты 44, которая находится в подвале больницы.
Free spirit Lee Ann plans to sell her baby to pay her rent, much to the dismay of her roommate.
Phil Spector
Based on the autobiography of Sonny Bono, this film focuses on the volatile relationship between Sonny (Jay Underwood) and Cher (Renee Faia) during the early 60's to their divorce in the late 70's.
Grab a six-pack, gather your closest friends and settle in for a night of solace and cheer-and of course, a few Drinking Games. Joseph Lawson's critically acclaimed debut film centers on six friends in Portland, Oregon, who come together following the funeral of one of their best friends. Packed with many laughs and moments of touching sincerity, the night unfolds through a series of odd visitors, unusual conversations and anything to keep their minds off the pain and remorse that haunt them.