Carlos Savage

Рождение : 1919-05-20, Mexico City, Mexico

Смерть : 2000-09-29


Carlos Savage Suárez (Mexico City, May 20, 1919 - September 29, 2000) was a Mexican film editor and actor. Carlos Savage entered the México Films studios as an assistant to his uncle José Marino, who was an editor. Later at the Estudios Nacional he was head of the synchronic court and by 1938 with the film La rosa de Xochimilco he became editor. From now on, and until 1995, he would participate in the editing of more than a thousand feature films, short films and documentaries. He was an active collaborator of Luis Buñuel.


Падшая любовь
о роману Нагиба Махфуза "Тупик Милагро". Действие происходит в бедном районе Мехико и ограничено небольшим двориком, главной достопримечательностью которого является бар дона Рутильо. С его посетителями и знакомит фильм. Зритель постепенно знакомится с многочисленными персонажами, выписанными с теплом и любовью, узнает об их взаимоотношениях, жизни, радостях и проблемах. Чава, сын дона Рутильо, очень хочет вырваться из бедной, однообразной рутины и уехать в Штаты, для чего изучает английский язык. Авель любит местную красавицу Альму (Хэйек), дочь донны Каты. Уже немолодая и щербатая Сусанита, владелица дома, мечтает найти мужчину для своего доброго сердца. Дон Рутильо влюблен в... продавца из магазина одежды, что очень не нравится его пышной супруге и сыну. У Альмы появляется шанс выйти замуж за старого и обеспеченного дона Фиделя, но тот умирает от сердечного приступа за партией в домино.
Fray Bartolomé de las Casas
Three moments in the life of Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas; his youth encounter with the natives; his resignation in maturity to lands and encomiendas to evangelize and defend justice and dignity against the cruelty of the Spanish and his reflections at the end of his life
Kino: The Legend of the Black Priest
Propped up on his deathbed, a 17th century Spanish missionary named Father Kino (Enrique Rocha) looks back on his remarkable life and relives one of his greatest challenges: bringing the teachings of Christianity to California's native population while convincing the Spanish military to respect the Indians' traditions.
Colmillos, el hombre lobo
Horse-trainer discovers a magical statue and steals it from its hiding place. The curse of the werewolf results.
Hell's Trap
Seven young people go to a desolated forest looking for a bear, what they don't know is that a crazy Vietnam vet lives there and he is waiting for fresh blood.
Rescate mortal
A college student goes on vacation to a South American country after learning he has cancer, and gets involved in the local civil war after his best friend is kidnapped by the revolutionary guerilla.
Música de Viento
Гражданская война 1917 года вносит разлад в семью дворян Ольховских. Глава семьи - врач Алексей Ольховский - сочувствует большевикам, его дочь Тамара - комиссар Красной Армии, брат Анатолий - эсер, младший сын Владимир с первой волной эмиграции покидает Россию и волею судеб остается в Мексике навсегда...
All Souls' Day
Two families gather at a cemetery to honor their departed.
Mariana Mariana
The story runs in the 1940s Mexico City. A schoolboy (Carlos) falls in love with his best friend's mother (Mariana). Carlos is impressed because this family is not like the ordinary mexican families of the time, because they have many expensive American things, although they are not rich. The drama begins when Carlos gets out of school to go to declare his love to Mariana, and is discovered by his teachers.
The Realm of Fortune
Poor Dionisio finds himself as recipient of the good fortune, but soon he forgets that everything that goes up also has to go down, and that in the depressing nothingness of his town it is easy to die.
Яд для фей
Две маленькие девочки: блондинка Вероника и брюнетка Флавия. Вероника является очень странной девочкой: она имеет неплохие познания о ведьмах и всём, что с ними связано, а также является довольно жестоким ребенком. Постепенно путем своей изобретательности и различных ухищрений она убеждает Флавию в том, что перед ней настоящая ведьма, знающая многое о колдовстве и имеющая связи в мире тьмы. И теперь, когда Флавия безоглядно верит всему, что ей говорят, Вероника просит её помочь приготовить яд для Фей. Чем же закончится эта невинная на первый взгляд, детская игра?
Three of Cups
While touring the towns, two revelers meet a beautiful woman who awakens greed and passion in both.
Кошмар на кладбище
В центре событий — доктор, ставший религиозным фанатиком после того, как увидел во сне воскресшего мертвеца.
Главный герой Джон Шарп отсидел 8 лет за убийство убийцы своей жены. Теперь он вышел на свободу и решает уйти из мира людей и поселиться в домике в лесу среди дикой природы. Но и там ему не дают покоя: местные отморозки начинают задираться к нему и, в конце концов, убивают его дочь и её друзей. Тогда отставной полицейский решается на кровавую месть и в одиночку расправляется с целой бандой…
Nosotros los pelados
Slice-of-life comedy/melodrama aout life in a working-class neighborhood.
Siete en la Mira
A quaint small town is terrorized by a group of sadistic bikers.
La muerte del chacal
A psycho-killer is on the loose targeting only young women. Grisly deaths pile up, one after another. The real problem is not finding out who he is, but instead, how to stop him.
Charrito is the villain actor in a movie, which is filmed in a town, that only produces headaches to the director, for being extremely distracted
To Kill a Stranger
Cristina Carver (Angelica Maria) finds herself in dire straits after she arrives to spend some time with her TV-reporter husband (Dean Stockwell) who is visiting a Latin American country run by a military dictator. After a car accident one day, Cristina brings the helpful Col. Kostik (Donald Pleasence) home and then kills him in self-defense when he violently attempts to rape and murder her. Terrified, she covers up her act and hides the body, yet in spite of her husband's efforts to protect her, a local police detective starts to figure out what really happened.
Скрученные богом линии судьбы
В психиатрическую больницу Святой Терезы поступает новая пациентка Алисия Эстрада. В сопроводительных документах указано, что девушка трижды пыталась покончить с собой, в связи с чем была направлена на принудительное лечение. Между тем, сама Алисия под большим секретом признается медсестре Монтсе, что является частным детективом и проникла в лечебницу по заданию своего клиента Гарсии дель Ольмо, чей сын был якобы убит в этом богоугодном заведении. Девушке удается убедить честную и доверчивую медсестру помочь ей в расследовании. Но действия заговорщиков становятся известны врачам, которые решают проверить странную информацию. Ведь обследование сеньориты Эстрады говорит о ее полном душевном здоровье...
Mexico 2000
In Olympus the Gods decide to exterminate humanity, after deliberating one of the gods advocates not to exterminate those who live in Mexico, which in the year 2000 is a paradise where all calamities have been extinguished.
Perro callejero 2
At a Lame Pace
Ragtag crew of indigents from an asylum for the handicapped form a squadron to defend the Church during the Cristero Uprising.
Perro callejero
An abandoned child steals to survive and has problems when he decides to steal from the priest who helps him.
The Holy War
Through the humble potter Celso we will know one of the most dramatic events in the history of Mexico in the twentieth century, in which the federal government and Catholic believers, fought a bloody struggle. Time passes and the Church and the State agree to peace. Celso and his companions are rejected by both sides.
Pedro Páramo, el hombre de la Media Luna
Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister town, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…
Balún Canán
Based on Rosario Castellanos' novel, Balún Canán is about the turmoil created by the Cardenas’ land reforms. Events occur in Chiapas on the border with Guatemala, mainly in a town called Comitán. Zoraida struggles and fights to keep her properties, inheritance for her only son. For her actions, the sorcerers of Chacjatal cast a death spell over her son.
Longitud de guerra
Based on the novel Tomochic by Heriberto Frías; tells the story of the rebellion of the inhabitants of the village of Tomochi, Chihuahua, against the government of Porfirio Diaz in 1891. Mexico's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1976.
Kalimán in the Sinister World of Humanón
Kalimán: Women want to be with him, men want to be him! That old adage fits this character. The superhero was huge in Mexico, the subject of comic books and a radio show that was as popular as the Shadow's was in the States. He's a very philosophical, peace loving man who uses his brains and heart as well as brawn in his capers.
The traumatic story of an old bourgueoise in Mexico City, his relationship with his crazy grandmother, his sexually troubled past and his sick crush on the young and beautiful maid of the house.
The Naked Man
Indian child grows up to seek revenge on the man that raped and murdered his parents.
Темнее ночи
Четверо девушек переезжают в старинный дом, доставшийся в наследство одной из них по завещанию умершей от сердечного приступа тёти. Единственное условие этого завещания — присматривать за любимым чёрным котом графини, Бекером.
Two humble indigenous woodcutters discover the wreckage of a plane that has crashed at the top of the mountains and decide to steal the belongings of all the occupants killed in the accident
The Braid
A town confused by religion persecutes a woman who stole the braid from the statue of the Virgin.
While attending the birth of Isabel, the wife of foreigner Felipe, Mama Santos predicts that "something terrible is going to happen in the town." From this omen, calamities will torment the locals.
Cry of the Turtle
Two young, millionaire couples are commemorating the birthday of one of them. Jealousy, desire and ambition will end in tragedy and a dead man - the waiter.
Los perros de Dios
Fantasy-life of an upper-class girl overwhelmed with spiritual questions.
Faith, Hope and Charity
Three episodes. Faith: a woman is attacked. Hope: a fakir is crucified. Charity: a woman faces bureaucracy.
The Wall of Silence
Regina, who lives with her son Daniel, loses her teaching job because his illegitimacy. She opens a sewing shop and keeps her child away from people. The movie narrates the dramatic relationship between a mother, her illegitimate child and the puritanical society around them.
El principio
Mexico is in the midst of Revolution when the protagonist returns after studying in Paris to find his native town in Chihuahua occupied by Francisco Villa’s revolutionary forces. He visits his deserted home and remembers people and events from his adolescence that provide glimpses of pre-Revolutionary society under dictatorship: his uncle, the chief of police; his sister’s involvement with a liberal political association; bathing with the girls from a local brothel; a labor strike that ended in a massacre. Returning to the present he discovers that his father has been assassinated and, in the company of his father’s former servant, joins the revolutionary movement.
El amor tiene cara de mujer
The owner of a beauty salon and her employees discuss their lives and their struggles to get ahead in life.
El monasterio de los buitres
In an old monastery in Mexico, the faith of all young aspiring priests is tested by the prior using psychoanalysis. During the process, young people manifest indecision, sexual problems (such as incest or homosexuality) and lack of faith.
Eva and Dario
Two young people are in love, but at the same time very confused about sex, love and the world.
National Mechanics
A mechanic takes his family to a car race and a series of events occur which brings problems, betrayals, violence and the unexpected death of an elderly person.
El rincón de las vírgenes
"Faith-healer" develops a cult-like following in 1920s Jalisco.
The Innocent
The innocence of a woman due to a mental deficit will become the worst nightmare for her loved ones, after the harsh reality of the outside world made her their victim.
Doña Macabra
The story of Armida (named ¨Doña Macabra¨ by her neighbors) and Demetria, two old women who live in an old house with Octavio, a kind of mad scientist. Their lives take an unexpected turn when the nephew of Armida, Lucila, recently married with Othón, arrive to the house looking for and old treasure, believed to be buried in the house. They will find a lot of dark and unexpected secrets.
Mi niño Tizoc
Tizoc wishes to eat a chicken by himself and have his own piñata. At Christmas his father Carmelo grants his wish.
Tú, yo, nosotros
Three interwoven stories where the characters experience deception, passion, love and rejection.
Kalimán, the Incredible Man
They Call Him Marcado
The Kid is a vicious psychopath given to laughing a lot, an actor manqué who leads a gang of looters and rapists, and is incestuous with his father to boot. The town’s resident Mater Dolorosa, madam of the brothel, hires her lover Marcado to kill the Kid, who is of course her son.
The Enemy Blood
A group of people suffering from mental retardation, blindness and physical malformations work in a traveling circus.
Rosario and Carlos, husbands, are part of a theater company. In a scene of jealousy, she should shoot and kill him. Carlos has had an affair with Zulma, another acriz of the company. On opening day, in the final scene, Rosario accidentally kills her husband. Someone change the gun ...
Temporada salvaje
Alguien nos quiere matar
A woman is sent to Mexico to kill the person who presumptly killed her father.
Fallaste corazón
Ugly-duckling older guy falls in love with a beautiful young woman. Offering her a marriage of convenience, to give her baby a father, might be a way to win her affection... Ya think?
The Young Animals
A boarding house where four girls stay, each with their own personal problems.
Narda o el verano
Two friends on a summer getaway find and fall for a mysterious woman who will change their lives forever.
Fando and Lis
Fando and his partially paralyzed lover Lis search for the mythical city of Tar. Based on Jodorowsky's memories of a play by surrealist Fernando Arrabal.
В поисках работы Кейн нанимается матросом на корабль к профессору Меллеру, ведущему исследования морской флоры и фауны. Спустя время Кейн обнаруживает, что на самом деле профессора интересуют не научные изыскания, а слитки золота, находящиеся на затонувшем корабле. А там, где пахнет большими деньгами и море кишит акулами, не обойтись без крови.
The Olympics in Mexico
Documentary about the XIX Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968
Книга из камня
Учительница Хулия Септьен нанимается на работу в богатую и странную семью, живущую в удаленном от города старинном особняке неподалеку от болот и заброшенной древней церкви. У хозяина особняка есть дочка Сильвия, которую и должна будет обучать Хулия. Но это не простая девочка, она живет в выдуманном мире и постоянно говорит о каком-то друге по имени Хуго, который якобы во всем ей помогает и регулярно её навещает. Родители принимают это за душевную болезнь девочки, перенесшей тяжелую травму в детстве, но Хулия так не считает. Она видит некую связь между рассказами Сильвии и древней статуей у болот, на которой изображен мальчик с каменной книгой. Постепенно в доме начинают происходить всё более странные и страшные вещи, и тогда друг семейства решает забрать эту статую себе, но некие неведомые магические силы не дадут разлучить девочку с загадочным монументом, от которого и исходит вся чертовщина
Memories of the Future
A story where the Cristero Rebellion creates a story of love, passion, and betrayal. When the Federal Rosas and his lover arrive in a town, a local woman feels strangely attracted to him. The woman will surrender under the pretext that the population is liberated when in reality she wants to consummate the passion that ignites her.
Everything In Vain
Gunfighters kill all family members of farmer brothers Mario and Fernando Almada, after the tragic event, they seek revenge.
The Big Cube
A young woman and her drug addict boyfriend plot to drive the woman's stepmother insane with LSD in a plot to secure an inheritance.
The Mexican Gelsen Gas side by side with Alexandro Jodorowsky (Fando y Lis, El Topo, The Holy Mountain and others) appeared as a theater director, artist and poet, had an idea about staging haiku's that would reflect the sexually-charged and politically streaming time. Early in the film finds a man buried a few rolls of film in the desert.
The Children's Hour
The haunting story of a child left in the care of a clown.
Corazón salvaje
Por mis pistolas
Fidencio Borer, an apothecary in a village on the northern border of Mexico, discovers some old title of a mine in Arizona and decides to claim them. Trying to cross the border is a border guard intercepted by exaggerating in the line of duty. On the way is captured by a tribe of Apaches and is about to be burned alive, but thanks to the Great Head Horse Lying having toothache and learns that the prisoner it can heal, ordered his release on the condition that the cure. Fidencio would take the wheel and gets the eternal friendship of the Chief apache.
The Devil's Visitations
A young architect returns from Europe to live in the house of his uncles and cousins, where someone pretends to be the Devil.
Crown of Tears
Doña Refugio works in an office until the bounce and has three children: Fernando who is studying to be a lawyer, doctor and Nacho Edmundo to work in a company as a truck driver gas. Things become difficult within the family and each seek solutions to economic oppression living.
Agente 00 Sexy
The beautiful Agent 00 is sent by the girlfriend of a mafia boss to catch his band of miscreants.
El tesoro de Atahualpa
Mexican medical researchers are lost in a plane crash in the Amazon basin, which triggers a whole bunch of adventure-movie subplots.
Dr. Satan vs. Black Magic
Plutarco Satan returns, this time he's pitted against a rival evil organization intent on owning the very formula rumored to turn any metal into gold! Dr. Satan must go toe to toe with the vampiric black magician Yei Lin, in order to keep it out of their hands. The cost of failure? His eternal rest!
El curandero del pueblo
Machuchal is a rural healer that uses ancient methods and herbs as cures, obtaining the confidence of the community for many years. After an emergency in which a child almost dies, Machuchal is persuaded to attend nursing school.
El jibarito Rafael
Relates the life of one of Puerto Rico's most loved and revered composer and songwriter, Rafael Hernández.
Seis días para morir
Public health thriller: rabies in Mexico City.
Don Juan 67
Mauricio, millionaire, and irreclaimable Don Juan, lives only for and to seduce women of every class and condition. With the help of his butler manages to capture the hearts of many to abandon and then having a panic marriage.
La mujer de a seis litros
Anthology movie, three cynical "contes cruels."
Detectives o ladrones..?
Two bumbling bozos with detective licenses get hoodwinked by a pair of jewel-thieves.
Los tres mosqueteros de Dios
Three priests resort to desperate long-shots (like quiz-shows) to raise money for their parish.
Hard Breed to Kill
A band of outlaws appear out of nowhere on a ranchers property and viciously shoot him down. They steal what they can from his ranch and kidnap his wife. They make for the Mexican border, but something starts stalking them. From: Exploitation.TV
La muerte es puntual
Lurid crime drama about drug traffic.
Dr. Satan
Dr. Satan, a mad scientist and sorceror, plans to take over the world. In order to do so, he wakes up three zombie slaves from the dead and attempts to make a deal with the devil. He sends his zombie servants to do harm to anyone who stands in his way. Will anyone be able to stop him?
The Right to Be Born
Matar es fácil
Among Delia, a socialite, and Jorge a bohemian cabaret pianist, begins a relationship that ends in tragedy.
Time to Die
A man comes home after serving 18 years in jail for murder in this routine western. Although the man killed in self defense, rumors in town circulated that he murdered the victim in cold blood. The ex-con wants to get his life together, but the two sons of the slain man are gunning for the man who killed their father.
Esta noche no
Mexican feature film
¿Qué haremos con papá?
The funny story of a man who loses his memory in an accident and can not remember who was married to another woman, then meets another woman he marries and starts another life and lives alternately with a family 15 days and 15 days with the another arguing that their travel is for work in the Crown Brewery, which is in Veracruz where he lives with one family and one in Mexico.
La recta final
A jockey is pushed by his former trainer, in order to win one last race after his downfall into alcohol and depression.
Luna de miel en Puerto Rico
Manuel, the manager of the (real-life) Hotel Condado Beach in San Juan, and his assistant Paquito decide to promote their establishment by offering free "honeymoons in Puerto Rico" to newlywed couples.
Machuchal: Agente 0
Machuchal as a federal agent. He presents his humorous adventures and exploits in the city of New York as Agent 0. The film is an extremely mild spoof of James Bondish-spy films.
Millonario a go-go
Jíbaro Machuchal inherits a piece of land in Condado Beach. When he arrives, he finds a hotel has been built on his land.
There Are No Thieves in This Village
When a young boy steals billiard balls from a local saloon, a stranger is charged with the crime. The local layabouts find there is no reason to hang out at the bar without being able to shoot pool, and the boy entertains thoughts of forming a gang to steal more billiard balls in hopes of making money.
The Beloved Ones
Two stories: 'Tajimara' the platonic love of a couple; and 'Un Alma Pura' (A Pure Soul) about the incestuous love of some siblings.
Adventure at the Center of the Earth
After a young man is killed in an unexplored subterranean cavern and his girlfriend driven mad by something she saw there, a track found at the scene cannot be identified with any known animal and thus a scientific expedition is launched to find out just what it is that is living there.
Tarahumara (Further and farther)
An anthropologist goes to the mountains to study the problems of the indigenous people and finds out that they are being dispossessed of their lands.
Lawless Youth
Jorge is arrested and brought to trial, where it is known that he chose crime due to the abandonment of his father.
Симеон столпник
Фильм-притча, герой которого — духовный искатель, соблюдающий жесткую аскезу, — противостоит искушениям дьявола, являющегося к нему в разных обличьях. Это борьба Симона продолжается с давних времен до наших дней.
Caña brava
A sailor decides to marry his girlfriend, but her boss is in love with her and orders a beating for her boyfriend. Once the sailor regains consciousness, he is accused of murder and must flee. Once he gets to the port, however, he is beaten again, losing his memory as a consequence.
Operación Tiburón
A popular singer is suspected of being involved with a notorious drug dealer, el Tiburón (the Shark). Meanwhile, a friend of the singer is recruited by Interpol to find the criminal's real identity.
La edad de piedra
Capulina chip and are transported back to prehistoric times with a time machine. There they live crazy adventures.
El burócrata González
The head of a plumbing and electrical workshop is a victim of bureaucracy in public offices and is unable to pay his debts, so his workshop is closed. With a lot of luck he manages to get a repair job in the house of a minister, then he enters to work in a ministry, also becoming a bureaucrat. Taking advantage of his friendship with the minister, he is promoted to become chief archivist, but he realizes the routine that is filling the job and resigns.
Campeón del barrio
A young man eagerly prepares for triumph as a boxer in a neighborhood gym with the firm intention of escaping poverty to marry his girlfriend, who sings in a nightclub.
Museum Of Horror
A mysterious killer abducts girls off the street and covers them in wax.
The Age of Violence
Daniel, the leader of a criminal youth gang, views new guy Victor first as a threat, then as possible addition to his gang. When Victor refuses, but sets his eyes on Daniel's Sister Nancy, Daniel orders her to get close to Victor so she can persuade him to join the gang. Daniel does not expect that instead the relationship with Victor makes Nancy longing for a life without crime. A juvenile-delinquent-crime-musical!
Знаки зодиака
По одноименной пьесе известного мексиканского драматурга Серхио Маганья. Герои фильма – жители одного старого дома на окраине большого мексиканского города. Это бедные люди, жизнь которых беспросветна и тяжела. Это привратница Анна и её муж Даниель, состарившаяся певица Лола, семья Вальтер и многие другие. Все их попытки вырваться из нищеты к светлой и счастливой жизни оказываются тщетными.
Bullfighter for One Day
El Piporro, desperate to earn more money, decides to fight and put his skills to the test in the rodeo using a nickname.
Cri Cri el Grillito Cantor
Biography of the famous composer of children's music Gabilondo Soler. Starts from his childhood, when he worked as a pastor and grandmother tried to teach him to play the piano. Later he went to the city to study music theory and began writing his first songs.
La risa de la ciudad
Romanticized, glamored-up neorealism, life in a squatter's-rights shantytown.
Mi Borinquen querido
Rosita is a young Puerto Rican woman, beautiful but for her scarred face, which she views as a curse. She ignores the men who serenade her nightly for a manipulative man who pursues her for the money she inherited.
Shark Hunters
Aurelio is a shark fisherman who works very hard to send money to his family in the city and keep Manela, his young lover on the coast. One day, he decides to move to the big city.
Жемчуг святой Люсии
Когда у крестьянина Эуфемио тяжело заболел ребенок, он, чтобы заплатить за лечение, вынужден был украсть жемчужину из венца статуи святой Люсии. Но воспользоваться драгоценностью ему не пришлось: узнав о краже, его избили и арестовали. И только унизительная благотворительность местного богача помогла спасти ребёнка.
Atrás de las nubes
All it says in my notes is "Like 'Juan Sin Miedo', only with soldiers." So... Army officer seeks revenge for... something...
Under the Cover of Night
The vedette Miriam ignores her pretender Carlos because her daughter Margot, whom she passes as her sister, is in love with him.
La edad de la inocencia
A poor little girl slips in a circus one day and sees a puppets' show. Later she returns to the empty circus looking for a fairy she was fascinated by.
El Misterio de Huracán Ramírez
Hurricane Ramirez is the new manager of the arena and champion of the ring. He must battle with The Prince, a ruthless criminal who will try to end with his life.
Cazadores de asesinos
Gritty-western (B&W/1962 style) about bounty hunters.
Los secretos del sexo débil
После роскошного званого ужина гости вдруг обнаруживают, что в силу каких-то таинственных причин не могут выйти из столовой. Проходит день, другой, и множества тщательно выстроенных фасадов и поз — как не бывало. Исчезают без следа понятия о приличиях, обусловленных положением в обществе, люди опускаются до примитивного животного состояния.
The White Horse
Claimed by his grandmother, who lives in a Mexican village, Joselito begins the journey from Spain. Once there, while traveling in a stagecoach, is assaulted by bandits. Joselito manages to escape and, walking aimlessly, he meets Antoine, a rider who is ex officio of random player, and become close friends.
La rabia por dentro
Tito is a swindler who plans to appropriate a large sum of money supposedly sent abroad by airplane, with the complicity of Carlos, the cashier of a big company, who must put a time bomb aboard the airplane while keeping the money. Waiting for the plan to develop, Tito enjoys the company of the North American starlet stripper Rita, but he seduces a Mexican chorus girl, and the two women eventually fight over him. What seemed to be a faultless plan starts going wrong. A scavenger takes the money without knowing, and Carlos feels remorse for having placed the bomb aboard the jet flight, and is going to confess his crime. Tito is abandoned by his lover, locates the money and takes it back, locates Carlos and kills him. Even then, he will find crime does not pay.
Jóvenes y rebeldes
Скрытый рай
О приключениях маленького мексиканского мальчика Луиса и его дрессированной обезьянки Панчо, которые помогли двум учёным найти колонию редких птиц — танцующих розовых фламинго.
La mente y el crimen
The discovery of a human torso thrown into a waterway, leads the viewer to observe the work of modern criminology and the task of special agents to track and record the psychopath's mentality through the elucidation of techniques present in the reality of the police investigation.
La cárcel de Cananea
Law officer tracks and recaptures escaped convict.
Conquistador de la luna
Called to the home of a scientist to deal with a simple electrical problem, bumbling electrician Bartolo finds himself aboard a rocket headed for the moon!
The Young One
A jazz musician seeks refuge from a lynch mob on a remote island, where he meets a hostile game warden and the young object of his attentions.
La llamada de la muerte
Bank-robber hiding out after a heist discovers that half the world knows where he is. Can he finesse some way out of his predicament?
House of Terror
Casimiro, night watchman at a wax museum of horrors, is even more sleepy than his usual laziness makes him - because his boss, the Professor, is secretly draining blood from him while he dozes to use in experiments in raising the dead. These haven't worked so far, and the bodies have been waxened and placed on display in the museum to cover his crimes. His big chance seems to come, however, when he learns that the mummified body of a modern man has been found in an Egyptian sarcophagus. The professor and his two henchmen steal the body and take it back to his lab - where the experiment flops again.
El gran pillo
A comic movie that involves a guy who sees a kid in his house who escaped from his wealthy grandfather's mansion.
The Ship of Monsters
A singing cowboy falls foul of alien invaders and beautiful women from Venus.
Two Ghosts and a Girl
Negative Cutter
Two ghosts who died in a turn-of-the-century duel and now haunt a theater attempt to help a girl who's in danger from bank robbers.
Two Ghosts and a Girl
Two ghosts who died in a turn-of-the-century duel and now haunt a theater attempt to help a girl who's in danger from bank robbers.
In the fall of 1824 Javier Montenegro, Bradomin Marquis is spared death hanging by Captain Casares, and in return, the Marquis agrees to help him escape to America. Adaptation of "Sonata de Otoño" and "Sonata de Estío" of Ramón María del Valle-Inclan, which included elements Bardem later works of the author.
The Man and the Monster
A failed pianist sells his soul to the devil in return for his becoming the greatest musician in the world. The catch: every time he plays he turns into a horrible monster.
Born to Love
Nazarín is the priest who leaves his order and decides to go on a pilgrimage. As he goes along subsisting on alms, he shelters a prostitute wanted by the police for murder. He is released from suspicion and she eventually catches up with him when she escapes imprisonment. Another woman joins the duo and soon the ex-priest is learning more about the human heart and suffering than when he wore robes.
Ten Days To Tulara
Director George Sherman's 1958 western about gold thieves in Mexico stars Sterling Hayden, Grace Raynor and Rodolfo Hoyos.
Love Your Neighbor
This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.
Refifí entre las mujeres
Swiss Family Robinson: Lost in the Jungle
After having been recently shipwrecked, a group of survivors begin dealing with both the reality of being stranded on a remote island as well as with feelings of alienation and isolation. Adapted from the novel by Johann Wyss, this was the pilot episode for a proposed television series co-produced by Edgar G. Ulmer and Louis Hayward. Filmed in Mexico in 1957 and bearing a 1958 copyright, Swiss Family Robinson: Lost in the Jungle was not "released" until 2000, when it was included as an extra feature on the DVD version of Ulmer's The Pirates of Capri.
Pobres millonarios
Squatter neighborhood finds a wealthy sponsor.
The Head of Pancho Villa
Rival factions struggle over a box that was entrusted by Pancho Villa to several members of his higher command. Second of three films in series "El jinete sin cabeza."
El jinete sin cabeza
A mute phantom hero takes on skull-masked killers, a disembodied living hand and a corpse that won't stay in its grave. This is the first in a trilogy of horror/western hybrids that also includes the films La marca de Satanás ("The Mark of Satan") and La cabeza de Pancho Villa ("The Head of Pancho Villa").
Locos Peligrosos
A cellist and a pianist, along with the daughter of the owner of a musical home, form a classical trio. A television producer challenges confronting the modern equipment. Accept and so begin a new career in popular music, so despises his former employer, thus limiting the affair between his daughter and one of them.
Comedians of the League
The guy that runs the concession stand at a vaudeville theatre gets tangled up with a gang of thieves.
Dios no lo quiera
Cinco vidas y un destino
Jailbreak! Five death-row inmates run for the border.
The Champion Cyclist
Cleto, a poor newspaper boy, dreamed of becoming a cyclist and inventor. His latest invention is delivering newspapers by rockets. When he finds the owner of the newspaper, dismisses him. But Cleto do not give up and shows Don Macario his latest invention: " The telemirófono ", a device that allows you to see the person talking on the phone...
Teatro del crimen
In a music hall has committed a murder, the police will also find the murderer.
Alma de Acero
Inspired by Alexander Dumas's novel The Corsican Brothers, Alma de Acero presents a delightful spin on the classic story of twin brothers (both played by Luis Aguilar) and their contrasting lives. As a singer in a nightclub, one brother has chosen a life of peaceful simplicity; the other, however, has chosen a troublesome lifestyle that leads to numerous run-ins with the law, forcing the vocalist to risk his own life to save his sibling.
Policías y ladrones
When an inexperienced police officer discovers a corpse while inspecting a crime scene, he flees with no explanation. However, that action will help his unit to recover some stolen jewels during a robbery.
The Road of Life
The story focuses in on three young boys who, arrested by the authorities, await sentencing in Mexico City's Juvenile Court. One boy has killed his stepfather to protect his mother; the second boy has been goaded into blinding his chief tormentor; and the third resorts to stealing to support his family.
Para siempre
Мокрые спины
Главный герой Рафаэль — как и множество других мексиканских безработных — тайком, рискуя жизнью, в поисках работы перебирается через мексиканско-американскую границу при помощи Фрэнка Мендосы, партнера американской компании Sterling, в которой работают нелегальные мигранты. Но и в Америке найти работу не так-то легко. Рафаэль пытается вернуться на родину. Он встречается с Марией Консуэло — мексиканкой, родившейся в США. Фильм рассказывает о том, какую роль сыграла эта встреча в жизни Рафаэля, как сложились отношения молодых людей…
La vida no vale nada
Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.
El plagiario
Gangster's daughter learns about her dad's illegalist lifestyle.
El pueblo sin Dios
Unscrupulous rich guy owns all the businesses in border towns, is challenged by town's new priest.
Los líos de Barba Azul
A news reporter falls in love with a millionaire's young daughter, but her father tells him he won't let them marry unless he earns one million Pesos first. Helped by a friend, he tries to earn the money by marrying - and murdering - four rich women.
What a Man
Father and adult sons give help to an orphaned teenage girl.
Prisionera del pasado
Romance between a flamenco singer performing in Mexico and a gov't soldier during the Mexican Revolution.
Робинзон Крузо
Робинзон Крузо, моряк из Йорка, терпит кораблекрушение, при этом спасается и оказывается на необитаемом острове. Из команды корабля Крузо остаётся один. Своё заточение на острове он начинает с кошкой и собакой. Жизнь на острове полна различными трудностями и опасностями как природного происхождения, так и исходящими от дикарей-каннибалов и пиратов.
In the port of Havana, two biracial children, Mateo (Ricardo Román) and Caridad (Ninón Sevilla) grow up together. She is the daughter of a white man who died in a shipwreck and of a black laundress of African origin. Over the years, Mateo falls for Caridad, but she doesn't love him back because she has fallen for a Mexican captain, Martin (Pedro Armendáriz), who she happened to meet at the port. The captain also fell in love with Caridad and proposes that they live together and she accepts. Caridad works in a cabaret in the port and the owner, Guevara (René Cardona), feels an attraction for the girl, and in a moment of jealousy, tries to kill Martin. Martin falls into financial trouble and has to mortgage his boat to Guevara. When Martin returns to Veracruz, Mexico, Guevara feels that he's the new owner of Caridad.
Wuthering Heights
Gone several years, the brooding Alejandro returns to the hacienda of his foster sister, Catalina, whom he loves, to find her married to the wealthy and effete Eduardo.
Reto a la vida
Self-righteous young Social Services woman puts all her faith in the institutional answers to questions of the Public Good, and she destroys a couple of lives in the process.
Nuevo amanecer
Mexican feature film
Lágrimas robadas
Mexican feature film
El mariachi desconocido
This film is considered one of Tin Tan's funniest comedies. This time, the charismatic comedian incarnates a mariachi musician that lives the most entertaining an extraordinary adventures while traveling from Mexico to the paradisaic island of Cuba. An example of the excellent cinematographic comedy that only Tin Tan can achieve.
Frontera norte
Two brothers: one's a cop, one's a gangster.
Cuarto de hotel
Newlywed couple move from small town to Mexico City. Their first night in the city, they get separated by accident, and it takes them 90 minutes and lots of incidents before they find each other again.
Francisco is rich, rather strict on principles, and still a bachelor. After meeting Gloria by accident, he is suddenly intent on her becoming his wife and courts her until she agrees to marry him. Francisco is a dedicated husband, but little by little his passion starts to exhibit disturbing traits. Nevertheless, Gloria meets with scepticism as she expresses her worries to their acquaintances.
El vagabundo
Homeless/unemployed dude has a spiritual awakening and rehabilitates himself working at a circus.
La extraña pasajera
Noir-style suspense thriller; three unrelated criminal schemes are happening on board an express train; all three get uncovered/solved/thwarted before they reach their destination.
Sueños de gloria
Auto mechanic invents a new-improved carburetor; industrial spies steal his invention, romance with a manufacturer's daughter, and he drives a cross-country race.
The Sword of Granada
In this period costume swashbuckler, Don Pedro de Rivera, the rightful owner of a Spanish castle seeks to reclaim it from an occupying Moorish Caliph. Don Pedro’s accomplice is Juan Ponce de León, who intends to steal the "Rose of Granada," a rare gem owned by the Caliph, which supposedly contains a rare essence that ensures eternal youth.
Gangster-y club-owner vs. chorus girl. Blackmail, murder...
La miel se fue de la luna
Dr. Pablo, something womanizer, going to marry with Mini and cheats África, singer and his lover, telling her to wait while she is on tour in Cuba. With her, he poses as a friend industrial, Ricardo and his intention is not to see her again. While Africa is out he marries Mini, which proves to be terribly jealous. Complications ensue when Africa returns to Mexico and start searching for the fake Richard. By chance a friend of Mini will be in a beauty salon and this ensures she can take to "Ricardo" because is "a friend of her husband". A typical sitcom with a blistering pace.
El Ceniciento
Valentin reaches Mexico City to stay with his countrymen Marcelo and Sirenia, parents of thirteen children. Marcelo gladly serves Valentin until he realizes that he is poor and throws him out of the house. By a suggestion Sirenia, Marcelo employs Valentin as a servant and exploits it mercilessly. But with the help of Andres, the fate of Valentin takes an unexpected turn.
Cuatro noches contigo
Traveling salesman meets a young woman who's running away from home, and helps her evade detectives who are tracking her.
Young lady goes shopping for a millionaire husband.
Дочь обмана
В данной драме, отец, твердо веря, что дочь родилась не от него, оставляет ее на пороге дома нищего пьяницы. Пройдёт много лет, прожитые им с огромным чувством вины, разрушающей и съедающей его изнутри, прежде чем он отправится на её поиски…
El Suavecito
The playboy Roberto "El Suavecito" takes very comfortable working relationship with Lupita, despite his constant infidelities. One night in a ballroom, "El Suavecito" fight with the driver Carlos. After making peace, "El Suavecito" invites the betting parlor Carlos "El Nene", a dangerous gangster. There he commits a crime and Carlos is wrongly accused. Coward, "El Suavecito" sells his silence to "El Nene", but regrets not allow you to keep your promise for long.
Una gringuita en México
A USA girl decides to vacation in Mexico and experience first hand all the stereotypical scenes she's seen in movies. When she gets there, everything isn't all charros and bandidos, though -- surprise, surprise!
A man comes to a village to marry a girl, but upon meeting the bride's sister, he falls in love with her.
¡… Y murío por nosotros!
Flor de sangre
История юного Педро, который растет в трущобах Мехико. Там мальчик каждый день сталкивается с криминальным миром, подвергающим испытанию его только формирующиеся жизненные ценности.
Cuando acaba la noche
Newspaper reporter interests himself in contesting a manslaughter verdict on behalf of the son of a woman who saves his life.
Cuatro contra el mundo
This dazed Mexican-melodrama-cum-boozer-heist-noir cuts a dark swath over a border nominally dominated by the hardboiled likes of Chandler and Hammett. Employing many of the classic tropes of Mexican noir (blood-tainted money, hothouse betrayals, the entrapped yearnings of dark hearts), we follow the slow demise of a gang who hole up in an attic in the wake of a fatal robbery. Galindo liberally dashes in lashes of the smokiest amour mort, gradually whittling it down to an ill-fated if rapturous coupling of gangster’s moll and underling. Starring Leticia Palma and Víctor Parra.
The Great Madcap
Buñuel's first "comeback" film since "L'Age d'Or" in 1930 (he made only a few musicals in the interim), "El Gran Calavera" concerns a family's attempts to change the patriarch's somewhat indulgent and hedonistic ways by fooling him into thinking his large fortune is gone. They assume a life of poverty in Mexico in an attempt to teach him a lesson. However, he discovers it's a ruse, but continues to perpetuate the facade of ignorance while sneaking off during the day to conduct his thriving business. Why? To teach his family a lesson - they are all lazy, worthless leeches!
El charro Negro en el norte
Hero on horseback protects a family and their farm from human predators.
Confidencias de un ruletero
Taxi driver takes the wrong passenger at the wrong time and gets caught up in a murder investigation.
Ángeles de arrabal
Small-time crooks and bargirls, and also their mothers, get involved in a situation over some stolen jewels.
A Family Like Many Others
The dynamics of a typical middle-class family are shaken up after the introduction of an enthusiastic door-to-door vacuum salesman.
Se la llevó el Remington
While tracking down the three men that killed his father, a notorious bad-ass commits other misdeeds, seemingly based on his desire to wreck as many lives as possible. Doesn't really have anything to do with the historical figure known as Remington, though they used his name for the character here.
El cuarto mandamiento
A Mexican family drama.
Una aventura en la noche
Film version of the 'hitchhiking ghost' urban legend.
Cartas Marcadas
A tale of intrigue and deceit concerning two young lovers who, despite the fact that their relationship was originally founded on greed, soon discover that their feelings for one and other have grown more genuine than they ever expected.
El ladrón
Bank employee is tempted to make use of banknotes scheduled for destruction.
La vida íntima de Marco Antonio y Cleopatra
Guadalajara pues
Curious film about the Mexican immigrant stunned by the dollar and the English language. The plot deals with a serious social mood, but narrated as a tale of romantic entanglements. Agustin Isunza is a funny former farm worker, whose employers, young and attractive blond Joan Page and Clifford Carr, dazzle the sibling pair starring Luis Aguilar and Amanda del Llano. Miguel Inclan, a rich potter from the area, has put his eye on them to marry their children, Katy Jurado and Raul Guerrero.
La reina del trópico
Champion Without Crown
A young ice cream vendor, Roberto Terranova, witnesses a child being beaten and comes to his aid by physically overpowering the aggressor. His strength and natural ability catches the eye of a well-known boxing trainer. Considering him a diamond in the rough, he aims to put Roberto in the professional ring. But Roberto finds that his personal challenges must be overcome before he can achieve professional greatness.
The Barracks
The film chronicles the adventures of a peasant family of the late nineteenth century to push through his work with the opposition and hatred of the rest of the villagers.
Aventurero del mar
Adventure film directed by Carlos Véjar hijo.