Haridhan Mukhopadhyay

Haridhan Mukhopadhyay

Рождение : 1907-11-09, Gobardanga, West Bengal, India


Haridhan Mukhopadhyay was an Indian Actor. Some of his work includes The Kingdom of Diamonds, The Adventures of Goopy and Bagha, The Holy Man, Sare Chuattar and Fuleswari.


Haridhan Mukhopadhyay


Mani Kanchan
Mani Kanchan is a film about a brother-sister duo name Kanchan and Mani. They face hardships after their sexually aroused father remarries. Unable to pay a huge amount of debt, the incompetent father fixes his well-educated daughter’s marriage to the mentally unstable son of the money lender.
Aloy Phera
Mr. Mukherjee, along with his family, is caught in a storm. His son Chandranath AKA Lattoo is the only survivor. While growing up, he faces many hardships and meets a lonely cabbie, Bhola, who decides to unite him with his family.
Королевство алмазов
Пожалуй, если бы не злополучные алмазные прииски, жизнь в этом странном королевстве могла бы быть приличной, вернее, сносной - такой, как и положено ей быть в настоящем сказочном королевстве.
Paka Dekha
Aparna's father, a police officer, fixes her marriage of his own choice. Aparna does not agree with her father and she flees from home. Her father arrests Aparna's friends and interrogates them one by one.
Pravanjan Haldar was a professional matchmaker. He and his uncle Bhombal did this business together. One day Niladri's grandfather called Bhombal and asked him to find a perfect match for his grandson. Prabhanjan and Bhombal started to find the suitable girl. Unfortunately, a single misunderstanding totally changes the scenario. Subhra a modern, young girl who had the ability to become the perfect match with Niladri suddenly faced such a situation where she had to marry an old man. Her all friends and other associates protested against such a decision but Subhra stuck to her words. Oneday she met Niladri and they started to like each other from that very moment. Within few days there, relation became deeper and they wanted to start their life together. After a funny drama, everything solved and Niladri married to Subhra and led a happy life.
Store Babu
A patriotic doctor lends moral backbone to the broken society of Bengal.
Fuleshwari, a beautiful young woman, falls in love with Brindaban, a simpleton who arrives in her village. She plans to marry him but is hesitant when she learns that he is involved in a crime.
Bhanu Goenda Jahar Assistant
Nupur Chatterji has fled from her home in Delhi, resisting an arranged marriage with a man she dislikes. She comes to Calcutta to her college friend, but as her home is not safe she takes shelter in the house of one Anjan Mukherjee. Though initially annoyed, Anjan, a bachelor and a music director cum singer from Lucknow, comes to empathise with Nupur. In this situation enters the great detective Bhanu with Jahar, his assistant, for by now Dr. Digambar Chatterji has declared a prize money of ten thousand rupees for finding his missing daughter.
Bibaha Bibhrat
Ashoke and Mala get married under unavoidable circumstances, but his conservative father does not accept her as his daughter-in-law. When Mala finds no help coming from sheepish Ashoke, she vows to set things right herself.
Гупи поет, Багха танцует
Village elder
Гупи с детства хотел петь, а Багха играть на барабанах. И вот они случайно встречаются и решают помочь Королю Призраков…
Miss Priyangbada
Biltu and Dolly are in love with each other, but Dolly's orthodox uncle disapproves of their relationship. However, when her uncle decides to get her married to his friend's son, she pretends to be ill. After listening to this news, Biltu seeks for help from his friends. One of them eventually enters the house as a nurse (with false name Priyangbada, played by Bhanu Bandyopadhyay) to take care of Dolly and another friend is appointed as the house guard. Meanwhile, Dolly's uncle proposes Miss Priyangbada. After have some hilarious incidents, Biltu weds Dolly and lives happily together.
Удивительный человек прибыл в город и поселился у Гуроподо Миттера. Он много знает и умеет, рассказывает невероятные вещи, был знаком со многими известными людьми. Народ толпами стекается послушать его. Но есть кое-кто, кто хочет вывести его на чистую воду…
Shiv Shankar Roy
Действие фильма происходит на курорте Дарджилинг около Канченджанги. Герои фильма — богатая семья из Калькутты. Отец Индранат планирует устроить брак младшей дочери Мониши с богатым женихом Пранабом и ожидает от него предложения. Мониша замкнута и не делится своими чувствами ни с кем, о чём беспокоится её мать. Их старшая дочь Анима замужем, но семья несчастна. Она тоже вышла замуж по воле родителей, а не по любви, и имеет связь на стороне. Её муж Шанкар узнаёт об этом и предлагает развод. Они решают сохранить семью ради дочери. Родители встречаются с учителем их сына, который представляет им своего молодого безработного племянника Ашока с целью пристроить последнего. С ним также знакомится Мониша. Ашок отказывается от предложения работать у Индраната. Пранаб предлагает Монише не спешить с браком и определиться. Мониша приглашает Ашока в их дом в Калькутте.
Философский камень
Police Inspector
Жизнь Пареша не отличалась от жизни его соотечественников, бенгальских трудяг среднего класса. Лысеющий, забавный, вечно попадающий в нелепые ситуации, он жил на съемной квартире, еле сводил концы с концами и не мог отложить денег даже на элементарные прихоти. Но однажды в руки к Парешу попал философский камень, и всего за одну ночь мужчина стал богачом, меценатом и политиком. В новой жизни его ждало еще больше проблем, например, непринятие его высшим обществом.
Jamalaye Jibanta Manush
A living human being's funny adventure in hell. The film focuses on the Hindi mythology of the God of Death and how his messengers snatches the life of any living being who has supposedly completed his days on the Earth. The story focuses on the mistake of two messengers who mistakenly pronounce a man dead even before he was supposed to be. Knowing of this goof-up, the god of death gets scared as no living person is supposed to enter 'Hell". Nevertheless, due to the good deeds performed by this human being while he was alive, he is given permission to travel to Heaven where he begins searching for his wife who had passed away sometime back.
A film by Tarashankar Banerjee.
Sharey Chuattar
Shib Babu
The owner of Annapurna boarding house facing an upcoming trouble for let in a girl in the boys hostel.