Peter Hanlon
Рождение : 1950-01-01, Vancouver, Canada
Peter Hanlon’s career as a professional actor spans over three and a half decades. He began his career in 1969 by appearing in guests spots on The Rovers, Division 4, Catwalk and Homicide. Hanlon soon began to garnish an impressive resume.
He gained international recognition by portraying the iconic suicidal teacher in the top grossing film of 2000, Scary Movie. Hanlon has appeared in recurring characters on the L-Word, X-Files, Millennium and So-Weird.
Peter’s speciality in the classroom is clarity, posture and verbiage “I find it is incredibly important for an actor, whether professional or just starting out to be specific with one’s intention. We are specific and understand exactly what we want in life, we must learn to duplicate that on stage or for the camera. I teach our students to bring a strong level of clarity to the work that they produce”.
One can also see Hanlon’s work in 21 Jump Street, Behind the Camera: Mork & Mindy, The Unsaid, Psych, Supernatural and The Killing. Peter has worked with industry heavyweights such as The Wayan Brothers, Andy Garcia, Benicio Del Toro, Ed Asner and Rodney Dangerfield.
Hanlon has emerged as one of Vancouver’s most sought after acting coaches. His strength being his incredible ability to open up students to the possibilities that lie before them; drawing out the courage and skill to hone the natural talents they never thought they had within them.
Peter is a passionate, energetic and caring member of the New Image College acting team. Three qualities that have made him one of our most beloved members.
Milo Kraus
Известного специалиста Генри Росса нанимают, чтобы подтвердить подлинность и купить давно потерянную и весьма ценную книгу рецептов. Но книга вновь исчезает, а на Генри и его подругу, детектива Мэгги Прайс начинают сыпаться трупы.
Lead postal detective Oliver and his associate Shane have been doing a figurative dance with each other, swaying back and forth with the possibility of a relationship. Finally, on their first date at a romantic supper club, Shane begins wondering if it's a date or not, as she sees the contrast of their relationship next to the extraordinary dance performances of a couple who express the longing of her heart. As Norman and Rita work alongside each other, their personal relationship hits a bump in the road.
Dr. Blake
When Jennifer makes a home delivery for a customer, she finds the recipient has been murdered. She soon realizes that the victim's cold-blooded demise is a re-enactment of a murder in a classic mystery novel.
Mina has everything going for her, but her world is turned upside down when work sends her to her hometown in Tennessee where she must convince an old, stubborn restaurant owner to sell his property. There is just one problem- the restaurant is now owned by her ex-boyfriend Clay, who claims he will never sell. He resists her negotiations every step of the way, and all the while sparks fly.
J.B. Caldwell
Обаятельный и никогда не теряющий чувства юмора мультимиллионер Монти не просто неравнодушен к прекрасному полу. Он готов жениться на каждой красотке. Вот только одна беда: Монти вечно не везет с женами. Обеднев после разводов на несколько миллионов, Монти отправляется в штат Юта. Очарованный здешними пейзажами, он покупает несколько участков земли, не подозревая, что его ждет большой и приятный сюрприз: в этих краях процветает многоженство, и по местному обычаю новый владелец собственности наследует и вдов прежнего хозяина. Так у Монти появляется сразу пять жен. Но, решив с размахом отметить такой необычный медовый месяц, Монти непрестанно путается под ногами у банкира Гейтса и его дружков - гангстеров. И Гейтс, который мечтает с помощью мафии подмять под себя всю округу, задумывает навсегда избавиться от Монти.
Suicidal Teacher
В каждом уважающем себя фильме ужасов есть телефон, который вот-вот зазвонит; жертва, которая вот-вот завопит; убийца, который вот-вот нанесет смертельный удар. И единственный способ остаться в живых — это твердо помнить, что надо всегда опережать убийцу на один шаг… Когда сексуальная репортерша, вечно сующая свой нос, на пару с попадающим во всякие дурацкие истории охранником из супермаркета пытается остановить убийцу, задумавшего расправиться с самыми видными учениками средней школы Булемия-Фоллз, начинается такое… ну очень страшное кино.
Ship's Doctor
An infectious disease researcher is on a cruise with her daughter when an ebola-type virus attacks the ship's passengers and crew.
San Francisco Medical Examiner
When shrimp from Mexico, tainted with Cholera, is served to people on a plane bound for LA, an outbreak ensues. A doctor sets out to find the source and contain it before it turns into an epidemic. And if things weren't bad enough, a drug mule from the plane, who was smuggling cocaine in his stomach, infects the drugs, which will be on the streets soon. And to top things off, her husband who is on a camping trip with their two children is sick but did not show any symptoms until they were isolated from the rest of the world. Can she get to them in time?
Headmaster Gray
New area deputy Jack Gales arrives on the island to find that a girl at the local Catholic girls school has been found dead. After investigating, he finds that students have been disappearing regularly for five years, about the time Mother Bernadette passed away. Gales and the Mother Superior's secretary Cristina work together to try and unravel the mystery.
Judd Nelson plays a psychopath whose obsession with the wife of his longtime friend leads to a string of brutal murders in this adaptation of Jonellen Heckler's 1993 suspense novel.
Pete Shenk
After Jane's first marriage collapses, she and her new husband Patrick Brody attempt to build a new life and move to a new state. However, her ex-husband follows them with a view to revenge.
A wealthy couple (James Brolin and Deidre Hall) are killed on their yacht off the coast of a secluded South American island called Palmyra. The suspects are a hippyish pair (Hart Bochner and Rachel Ward) whom the rich folks had befriended. It’s fairly clear that the hippies were involved in the crime: The question is, did the man do it while the girl looked on helplessly, or was she a willing accomplice?
In this version of Oscar Wilde's tale, Dorian Gray is an actress who, desperate to become a worldwide star, makes a deal that switches her soul to her image on film, then proceeds to sleep and connive her way to the top, knowing that her screen test, and not she, will show the ravishes of time and of her immoral transgressions.