Executive Producer
Если поступило предложение, от которого нельзя отказаться, — вот и не отказывайся! В качестве расплаты с долгом перед мафией интеллигентному громиле Беку предлагается отправиться в джунгли Амазонки и доставить домой затерявшегося где-то там афериста Трэвиса, блудного сына «крестного отца». Вот только прибыв на место, герой обнаруживает, что шансов доставить свой груз не по частям у него маловато. Непутевый Трэвис перешел дорожку местному авторитету Хэтчеру, начав охоту за легендарным золотым идолом индейцев, на который тот давно мечтал наложить лапу. Беку не остается иного выбора, как призвать на помощь свои незаурядное чувство юмора, стальные мускулы и вступить в сумасшедшую гонку за сокровищем, пока его «клиента» не скормили ягуарам!..
An architect witnesses a brutal murder in a small Texas town.
Theresa is one of the twelve jurors who have to decide about a case of assassination. She believes very strongly in the innocence of the young man, but can't convince the others. During the discussions, she realizes that one member of the jury knows details that he couldn't know from the trial alone. Since no one believes her suspicions, she investigates on her own.
A World War II vet is pushed to the limit when gang members and drug dealers take over his neighborhood.
A nurse goes to a house to care for a crippled old man. Then people in the house start being murdered.
A nurse goes to a house to care for a crippled old man. Then people in the house start being murdered.
A nurse goes to a house to care for a crippled old man. Then people in the house start being murdered.
Doubletalk is a 1975 short film directed by Alan Beattie. The film follows a young man who picks his girlfriend up at her family home and meets her parents -- and the audience is privy to their private thoughts and impressions. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Doubletalk is a 1975 short film directed by Alan Beattie. The film follows a young man who picks his girlfriend up at her family home and meets her parents -- and the audience is privy to their private thoughts and impressions. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Doubletalk is a 1975 short film directed by Alan Beattie. The film follows a young man who picks his girlfriend up at her family home and meets her parents -- and the audience is privy to their private thoughts and impressions. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.