Marina Blok


Lying on the bunk bed in the children’s home, eleven-year-old Lu talks dreamy-eyed about her mother. Karina, she says, is a famous Hollywood actor who smells of oranges, talks to the stars and does her own stunts. One more sleep, then she finally comes to visit. But instead of an orderly meeting in the Dutch hometown, Lu unexpectedly finds herself in a rusty old Chevrolet – with cowboy boots and wigs in tow. The destination: Poland, where Lu’s grandmother is said to have hidden a lot of money. With this, mother and daughter aka Bonnie and Clyde plan on finally staying together forever. On their Hollywood-like road trip towards the east, always a car length ahead of reality, they attempt to get closer to their dream.
Pink Moon
A young woman struggles to cope with her elderly father's out-of-the-blue announcement he considers his life complete and will end it by his next birthday.
Good Bad Girl
Young and ambitious detective Alize has just returned from maternity leave. During a murder investigation, she discovers the complex and tragic truth behind the murder of a female rapper. However, Alize's investigation soon puts her at odds with her superiors.
An all-male foster family tries to enjoy one last morning together, before their unity will be broken by what was inevitable all along.
Hidden in the Spotlight
After the sudden death of her older sister, a successful singer-songwriter finds herself facing their family's darkest memories as she fights to win custody over her adolescent niece from the girl's lawful but long-absent father.
Magic Mountains
Hannah travels through the Polish mountains with her ex-boyfriend Lex. During their journey the young woman finds out that Lex has prepared the perfect crime, with Hannah as his victim.
Happy Hannah
Hannah (32) a very popular vlogger on YouTube, lives the perfect life on camera. When her boyfriend decides to walk his own path, it is getting harder and harder to keep up appearances.
When Alexander suddenly leaves on a road trip to France, Lukas decides to join him as he’s been trailing his charismatic brother for his entire life. But during this journey he discovers that he finally has to go his own way, not knowing this decision would be so all-encompassing.
Storm - Letter of Fire
The film is set in 1521 Antwerp, in a Europe ravaged by religious wars, and during the early years of the Reformation. It tells the story of the twelve year old, Falko Voeten – a printer’s son. When Falko’s father, Klaas Voeten, a printer of forbidden literature, is caught by the Inquisition for printing a letter written by Maarten Luther; Falko is unwittingly propelled into helping his father and into searching for the letter. Threatened by the Inquisition but aided by Marieke, a Catholic orphan girl from the underground sewers, Falko is faced with a race against time if he is to save his father from being executed for heresy.
Polska Warrior
The small boy Eryk does the household and takes swimming lessons just to please his demanding father. The only way to break out is to be as courageous as his giant avatar Polska Warrior in the computer game Goldhunter.
Remember to check out
Short journey by tram in a big city where an older woman and a hasty man are bound together by circumstances. He is not pleased with it. Or is he?
Once Upon a Ladder
Editorial Manager
Incredibly enough, one day before the start of his pension and just hours before his 65th birthday, window cleaner Alfred suddenly finds himself stricken by vertigo. A 64-year and 364-day journey through glass and lather reveals why he is afraid to either go up or go down the ladder. And whilst he finds himself to be an accidental Cupid by hitting anyone but himself with his arrows, it’s not until that particular day, 44 years after meeting Dirkje for the first time, that he realizes he has to point the arrow at himself.
A little girl accidentally leaves her imaginary baby brother behind at a restaurant — and suddenly, for a nearby childless couple, the definition of "baby" takes on a new and completely unexpected dimension.
The Intruder
In this smart and incisive thriller, a Dutch cop of Moroccan heritage goes undercover in a Moroccan drug ring and finds there a feeling of belonging he never experienced in "normal" society.
Confetti Harvest
The young Katelijne grows up in a strict Protestant peasant family. As the only girl between six brothers, she is hardly involved in farm work and is excluded from daily conversations. Hereby she lets her imagination run free by surrendering to Biblical stories, gossip and even fairy tales, although she is not allowed to read them. During her brother's wedding, however, she overwhelms her family with literature, saying goodbye to her childhood.
История Сигера, спортивного и довольно тихого 15-летнего мальчика, который, во время подготовки к соревнованиям по легкой атлетике, неожиданно начинает испытывать чувства к одному из членов его команды — Марку…
Маджид является талантливым кикбоксером. Его боевая доблесть приносит ему известность как на ринге, так и вне его. Но постепенно граница между кикбоксингом и преступной деятельностью начинает размываться, и Маджид перестает понимать, чего же он хочет на самом деле…
10-летний Йойо живет с отцом, ночным сторожем. Мать, по словам отца, кантри-певичка и гастролирует где-то в Штатах, но больше ничего папаша о ней не рассказывает. Поэтому мальчик беспокоится и постоянно думает о ней. Когда вдруг он находит выпавшего из гнезда галчонка, Йойо начинает заботиться о нем и на время забывает о всех других своих заботах и неприятностях. Жизнь, кажется, становится чуть лучше, но тревога о матери все равно не покидает мальчика…
Dunya & Desie
Editorial Coordinator
Dunya and Desie are two 18 year old best friends from Amsterdam North. Dunya is Moroccan and Desie is Dutch. On Dunya's Birthday she is told that her marriage has been arranged with a distant cousin in Morocco. Dunya and her family will travel to Morocco to meet him. After Desie discovers that she is pregnant she joins Dunya in Morocco in a search for Desies father.
Schnitzel Paradise
Schnitzel Paradise is a Dutch film about a young Moroccan man working in the kitchen of popular Dutch restaurant.
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