Dāvis Sīmanis Jr.

Dāvis Sīmanis Jr.


Dāvis Sīmanis Jr.


Maria's Silence
The film tells the story of an artist avoiding a confrontation with power and the artistic and personal consequences of this choice. A powerful historical drama on the true story of Maria Leiko, famous actress who late in her career has to decide between fame and love for her grandchild, between her ideals or the lies of Stalin’s totalitarian regime.
Maria's Silence
The film tells the story of an artist avoiding a confrontation with power and the artistic and personal consequences of this choice. A powerful historical drama on the true story of Maria Leiko, famous actress who late in her career has to decide between fame and love for her grandchild, between her ideals or the lies of Stalin’s totalitarian regime.
Zeno's Paradox
and suddenly it all blossoms
A journey into the complex world of today, full of hopes, desires, and fears for the present. The film invites us to follow a voice whose thoughts and doubts about the present become a meditation accompanied by works of art. The film features all the artworks exhibited at the second Riga Biennial of Contemporary Art (RIBOCA2). Reminiscent of a Tarkovskyan dystopia, the united ecosystem of living nature, a disused power plant, an abandoned paintball field, warehouses, flocks of birds, cruise ships and railway tracks, makes the film’s space its own metaphor for the collapse of Soviet ideals and capitalist hopes.
The Year Before the War
Stylized as silent cinema, the film connects political and philosophical extremes of 1913 in a story of a young man participating at the creation of a new world. This mysterious adventurer, who was known as Peter the Lett, gets involved in a tragicomic and surreal race from a routine clerk job and a romantic passion in Riga to preparation of the world revolution in Vienna, psychoanalysis at Freud’s salon and seduction of Mata Hari in Paris.
The Year Before the War
Stylized as silent cinema, the film connects political and philosophical extremes of 1913 in a story of a young man participating at the creation of a new world. This mysterious adventurer, who was known as Peter the Lett, gets involved in a tragicomic and surreal race from a routine clerk job and a romantic passion in Riga to preparation of the world revolution in Vienna, psychoanalysis at Freud’s salon and seduction of Mata Hari in Paris.
Документальная картина рассказывает о жизни детей Роберто Роселлини, рассказанная его старшим внуком.
Отец Ночь
То, что Жанис Липке станет героем, не мог представить никто. Днём он работал на складах люфтваффе, а по ночам перевозил контрабанду. Когда нацисты стали истреблять жителей Риги, он принял решение, которое могло оказаться роковым не только для него самого, но и для его жены и маленького сына. Буквально на глазах немецкой охраны он вывел из гетто более 50 человек. Убежище для спасенных Жанис оборудовал в своем собственном доме. Что было секретом самоотверженности Жаниса Липке — азарт, авантюризм, упрямство или просто способность в нечеловеческих условиях сохранять человечность?
Отец Ночь
То, что Жанис Липке станет героем, не мог представить никто. Днём он работал на складах люфтваффе, а по ночам перевозил контрабанду. Когда нацисты стали истреблять жителей Риги, он принял решение, которое могло оказаться роковым не только для него самого, но и для его жены и маленького сына. Буквально на глазах немецкой охраны он вывел из гетто более 50 человек. Убежище для спасенных Жанис оборудовал в своем собственном доме. Что было секретом самоотверженности Жаниса Липке — азарт, авантюризм, упрямство или просто способность в нечеловеческих условиях сохранять человечность?
Camera Operator
Архивная фотография 1940 года, на которой убитая женщина закрыла своим телом сына, в попытке его спасти, вдохновила на размышления о границах кино - как географических, так и метафорических. Люди по разные стороны латвийско-российской границы воспринимают одни и те же исторические факты диаметрально. Одна сторона называет вторжение освобождением, другая - потеря свободы. Известный латвийский писатель Дэвис Симанис делится шокирующими свидетельствами о напряженности на восточных границах ЕС.
Архивная фотография 1940 года, на которой убитая женщина закрыла своим телом сына, в попытке его спасти, вдохновила на размышления о границах кино - как географических, так и метафорических. Люди по разные стороны латвийско-российской границы воспринимают одни и те же исторические факты диаметрально. Одна сторона называет вторжение освобождением, другая - потеря свободы. Известный латвийский писатель Дэвис Симанис делится шокирующими свидетельствами о напряженности на восточных границах ЕС.
Архивная фотография 1940 года, на которой убитая женщина закрыла своим телом сына, в попытке его спасти, вдохновила на размышления о границах кино - как географических, так и метафорических. Люди по разные стороны латвийско-российской границы воспринимают одни и те же исторические факты диаметрально. Одна сторона называет вторжение освобождением, другая - потеря свободы. Известный латвийский писатель Дэвис Симанис делится шокирующими свидетельствами о напряженности на восточных границах ЕС.
Архивная фотография 1940 года, на которой убитая женщина закрыла своим телом сына, в попытке его спасти, вдохновила на размышления о границах кино - как географических, так и метафорических. Люди по разные стороны латвийско-российской границы воспринимают одни и те же исторические факты диаметрально. Одна сторона называет вторжение освобождением, другая - потеря свободы. Известный латвийский писатель Дэвис Симанис делится шокирующими свидетельствами о напряженности на восточных границах ЕС.
In the final years of World War I a retired German field medic is sent to a remote sanatorium for soldiers suffering from post-traumatic mental disorders. There he encounters a strange, dreamlike state of existence that challenges his own war-torn mind.
In the final years of World War I a retired German field medic is sent to a remote sanatorium for soldiers suffering from post-traumatic mental disorders. There he encounters a strange, dreamlike state of existence that challenges his own war-torn mind.
Freimis. Mārtiņš Freimanis
Director of Photography
A documentary about the Latvian pop singer Mārtiņš Freimanis who died at the early age of 33. The director of this film, Arvīds Krievs, has directed two films starring Freimanis as an actor, and had an intimate connection with him as they were neighbours and Freimanis trusted him more than the journalists or reporters who interviewed him. Arvīds Krievs had planned to make a film about the singer for a few years, so he filmed the singer's life extensively.
Escaping Riga
Director of Photography
The film is based on true events, it tells the stories of two outstanding personalities of the 20th century – Sergei Eisenstein and Isaiah Berlin, who were both born and spent their childhood in Riga but soon had to leave the city. The film follows the lives of the two characters during the turbulent first half of the 20th century, telling how one of them becomes “the greatest film director of his generation” in the totalitarian Soviet Union, and the other “the greatest thinker of his generation” in liberal Great Britain.
Escaping Riga
The film is based on true events, it tells the stories of two outstanding personalities of the 20th century – Sergei Eisenstein and Isaiah Berlin, who were both born and spent their childhood in Riga but soon had to leave the city. The film follows the lives of the two characters during the turbulent first half of the 20th century, telling how one of them becomes “the greatest film director of his generation” in the totalitarian Soviet Union, and the other “the greatest thinker of his generation” in liberal Great Britain.
Escaping Riga
The film is based on true events, it tells the stories of two outstanding personalities of the 20th century – Sergei Eisenstein and Isaiah Berlin, who were both born and spent their childhood in Riga but soon had to leave the city. The film follows the lives of the two characters during the turbulent first half of the 20th century, telling how one of them becomes “the greatest film director of his generation” in the totalitarian Soviet Union, and the other “the greatest thinker of his generation” in liberal Great Britain.
Escaping Riga
The film is based on true events, it tells the stories of two outstanding personalities of the 20th century – Sergei Eisenstein and Isaiah Berlin, who were both born and spent their childhood in Riga but soon had to leave the city. The film follows the lives of the two characters during the turbulent first half of the 20th century, telling how one of them becomes “the greatest film director of his generation” in the totalitarian Soviet Union, and the other “the greatest thinker of his generation” in liberal Great Britain.
Chronicles of the Last Temple
This documentary deals with faith, human aging, a struggle to fulfill your vision and above all - one particular building. In its poetical minimalism the film observes the construction of the new Latvian National Library, which has become a metaphor for a temple, a boiling-point for an entire nation.
Chronicles of the Last Temple
This documentary deals with faith, human aging, a struggle to fulfill your vision and above all - one particular building. In its poetical minimalism the film observes the construction of the new Latvian National Library, which has become a metaphor for a temple, a boiling-point for an entire nation.
Chronicles of the Last Temple
This documentary deals with faith, human aging, a struggle to fulfill your vision and above all - one particular building. In its poetical minimalism the film observes the construction of the new Latvian National Library, which has become a metaphor for a temple, a boiling-point for an entire nation.
A charcoal on paper animation about a motorcycling circus bear who decides to leave the daily routine and takes off to the forest where his true happiness seems to dwell. Selected at 70+ film festivals. International Festival Premier at Clermont-Ferrand 34th Int'l Short Film Festival, France, 2012.
Sounds Under the Sun
Composers are regular people – they drive public transport, do sports, pay their bills. And still – they are very different as they are able to comprehend sound. The documentary film Sounds Under the Sun is an inspiring cinematic journey all over the world to meet some of the world-famous contemporary classical music composers. Visiting Alaskan forests, skyscrapers in Tokyo, and war zone in Georgia, the film gives a glimpse of how the composers share their struggle to create music from the moment of sonic creation till the moment when their music is interpreted for public (the film features composers Sir John Tavener from the UK, Leonid Desyatnikov from Russia, Giya Kancheli from Georgia, Dobrinka Tabakova from Bulgaria, John Luther Adams from the USA, and Ko Matsushita from Japan, and one of the world’s best youth choirs, Kamēr..., from Latvia).
Sounds Under the Sun
Composers are regular people – they drive public transport, do sports, pay their bills. And still – they are very different as they are able to comprehend sound. The documentary film Sounds Under the Sun is an inspiring cinematic journey all over the world to meet some of the world-famous contemporary classical music composers. Visiting Alaskan forests, skyscrapers in Tokyo, and war zone in Georgia, the film gives a glimpse of how the composers share their struggle to create music from the moment of sonic creation till the moment when their music is interpreted for public (the film features composers Sir John Tavener from the UK, Leonid Desyatnikov from Russia, Giya Kancheli from Georgia, Dobrinka Tabakova from Bulgaria, John Luther Adams from the USA, and Ko Matsushita from Japan, and one of the world’s best youth choirs, Kamēr..., from Latvia).
Sounds Under the Sun
Composers are regular people – they drive public transport, do sports, pay their bills. And still – they are very different as they are able to comprehend sound. The documentary film Sounds Under the Sun is an inspiring cinematic journey all over the world to meet some of the world-famous contemporary classical music composers. Visiting Alaskan forests, skyscrapers in Tokyo, and war zone in Georgia, the film gives a glimpse of how the composers share their struggle to create music from the moment of sonic creation till the moment when their music is interpreted for public (the film features composers Sir John Tavener from the UK, Leonid Desyatnikov from Russia, Giya Kancheli from Georgia, Dobrinka Tabakova from Bulgaria, John Luther Adams from the USA, and Ko Matsushita from Japan, and one of the world’s best youth choirs, Kamēr..., from Latvia).
Lohengrin from Varka Kru
A creative a portrait of Latvian luger and Olympic medal winner, Martins Rubenis, who won the first Latvia's Winter Olympic medal of the games in Turin in 2006. Apart from his success in sports, in the circles of contemporary alternative culture he is known as DJ Betons from the association Varka Kru (Varka – from Russian "boiling", Kru – from English "crew"). Like the medieval knight Lohengrin, Martins Rubenis arrives in his luge to fight a battle - with an adversary, with himself, with time and the world.
The Hunt
After the lives of several people are tied into a intriguing knot upon meeting police officer Krasts one hot summer day, they’re all brought together again on a full moon winter night. Intrigue develops among a couple of lovers, Gints and Elga, three adventure-race participants with one woman, Renate, on their team, three generations of a family whose father, Karlis, died in a tragic hunting accident, Karlis’s daughter Aija, his former lover Livija, and a young girl hardened by life, who lives at a Christian home for expectant mothers. A detective twist is added by a bit of poison, which one of them will get.
Fortune’s Favourite
A portrait of prominent opera singer - bass-baritone Egils Silins. For 4 years, the crew followed the singer through the greatest European opera houses. The film reveals behind the scenes and perfor-mances of Richard Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman, Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca at the Latvian National Opera, Wagner’s The Valkyrie at the Zurich Opera, Georges Bizet’s Carmen at the Vienna Opera, and Wagner’s Parsifal at the Munich Opera.
Valkyrie Limited
The documentary draws a portrait of an opera director who is staging Richard Wagner’s Die Walküre. He is torn between the tragicomic routine of an opera house and his own perception of Wagner and the Ring cycle. The film witnesses the director’s drama in maintaining the fragile link between a well-constructed performance and his own vision that lies within the music and the narrative, and is seen as German expressionism-like nightmares.
Valkyrie Limited
The documentary draws a portrait of an opera director who is staging Richard Wagner’s Die Walküre. He is torn between the tragicomic routine of an opera house and his own perception of Wagner and the Ring cycle. The film witnesses the director’s drama in maintaining the fragile link between a well-constructed performance and his own vision that lies within the music and the narrative, and is seen as German expressionism-like nightmares.
Valkyrie Limited
The documentary draws a portrait of an opera director who is staging Richard Wagner’s Die Walküre. He is torn between the tragicomic routine of an opera house and his own perception of Wagner and the Ring cycle. The film witnesses the director’s drama in maintaining the fragile link between a well-constructed performance and his own vision that lies within the music and the narrative, and is seen as German expressionism-like nightmares.
Working Class Ballet
The European championship football madness, drunken "experts" at the provincial stadium, the backstage of National team, raving fans at the streets of Paris and Lisbon. Football is a sport and entertainment through possibly there is more to the game. In the film "Working Class Ballet" philosophers, linguists, neuropsychologist and football coach are contemplating on the parallels between football and drama of life, forming an unusual tale on what football is or could be.
The Dark Deer
17-year-old Ria is a sensitive and mysterious young woman. Ria's mother has suffered in a car accident and has stopped speaking since her daughter's birth. The family grows deer for sale, yet, the business is not successful. To earn some money, her father decides to organize a hunt.
The Draughtsman
To touch the paper, to hear the sound of the pencil and to always trace himself - those are the rules of Latvian artist, Ilmārs Blumbergs. The story of a man who does not create art for around or within, but has instead made it a constant state of being.
The Draughtsman
To touch the paper, to hear the sound of the pencil and to always trace himself - those are the rules of Latvian artist, Ilmārs Blumbergs. The story of a man who does not create art for around or within, but has instead made it a constant state of being.
The Draughtsman
To touch the paper, to hear the sound of the pencil and to always trace himself - those are the rules of Latvian artist, Ilmārs Blumbergs. The story of a man who does not create art for around or within, but has instead made it a constant state of being.
Version. LNO
Ten years ago the Latvian National Opera was reopened after an immense reconstruction. Now this is the place where artists and the stage come together in an unusual atmosphere to create “the miracle” of music, action, text – elements of the opera phenomenon.
Version. LNO
Ten years ago the Latvian National Opera was reopened after an immense reconstruction. Now this is the place where artists and the stage come together in an unusual atmosphere to create “the miracle” of music, action, text – elements of the opera phenomenon.
Version. LNO
Ten years ago the Latvian National Opera was reopened after an immense reconstruction. Now this is the place where artists and the stage come together in an unusual atmosphere to create “the miracle” of music, action, text – elements of the opera phenomenon.
Philosopher Escaped
A film about the eccentric and paradoxical Russian philosopher Alexander Piatigorsky - a specialist on Buddhism and ancient Indian philosophy, a legendary character in Russian intellectual circles since the 60s, and a well-known writer who, "collects interesting people" and "doesn't wish to prepare for death".
You're Sexy When You're Sad
The characters of the movie are closely twisted. Each of the heroes is a slave to their own passions. Only through strong will and some happy event they will be able to free themselves from their addictions.
Magic Flute
Director of Photography
“As death, when we come to consider it closely, is the true goal of our existence, I have formed during the last few years such close relationships with this best and truest friend of mankind that death's image is not only no longer terrifying to me, but is indeed very soothing and consoling” - thus said Mozart about death. Mozart died in 1791 and was buried in a mass grave, as standard at the time in Vienna for a person of his social and financial situation. In 2000, 452 of Riga’s deceased — people without relatives, the homeless and the unidentified — were buried at the Jaunciems cemetery. But this film is not about death: it's about Mozart, The Magic Flute, Riga, and love. A short commissioned for the Latvian exhibition at Venice Biennale.