История богача Б. Стэкса, взявшего на воспитание темнокожую девочку Энни, сбежавшую из приюта.
Matteo Juarez is a retired detective hired by a local businessman to follow his wife Jennifer. She has a split personality and seems to be putting herself in danger without knowing it.
Music Arranger
Neil Diamond performs Christmas songs in informal settings, joined by choirs from around the country.
Music Director
Neil Diamond performs Christmas songs in informal settings, joined by choirs from around the country.
Original Music Composer
Мир сошел с ума. К Земле приближается комета. Приходит конец света, в который никто не верил. Ночью — пир во время чумы. А утром наступает отрезвление. Сколько человек осталось на всей планете?