Tommy Farrell

Рождение : 1921-10-07, Hollywood, California, USA

Смерть : 2004-05-09


Руководство для женатых
Rance G.'s Hanger On
После 12-ти лет счастливой супружеской жизни Пол Мэннинг вдруг понимает, что его одолела скука. Приятель Эд Стэндер дает Полу совет: ему необходимо развлечься и завести интрижку на стороне, иначе — браку конец. Но порядочный семьянин совсем не готов прибегнуть к таким реанимационным мерам по спасению семьи…
Счастлив с девушкой
Louie (uncredited)
Чикагский мафиози по прозвищу Большой Фрэнк нанимает знаменитого певца Расти Уэллса присматривать за своей молодой дочерью Валери во время ее первых самостоятельных каникул во Флориде. Расти влюбляется в Валери и вынужден встретиться лицом к лицу с признанным ловеласом Романо, который вознамерился во что бы то ни стало завоевать сердце прекрасной девушки...
Целуя кузин
Master Sgt. William George Bailey
Начальство посылает американского офицера Джоша Моргана к его дальним родственникам Татумам. Его задача — убедить семейство Татумов продать их землю, на которой согласно армейским планам должен быть построен ракетный комплекс. Прибыв на место, Джош натыкается на своего двойника — оказывается, один из Татумов похож на него как две капли воды.
Sammy, the Way-Out Seal
Party Guest (uncredited)
Two young brothers secretly bring home a seal from their summer vacation and try to hide it from Mom and Dad. Havoc ensues as Sammy's antics disrupt the quiet town of Gatesville and its unsuspecting residents.
Завтрак у Тиффани
Party Guest (uncredited)
Столица сильных мира сего и уютное гнездышко очаровательной Холли Голайтли. Кто-то назовет ее девицей по вызову, кто-то — авантюристкой.Одни подумают, что она хитра как лисица. Другие решат, что глупа как пробка. Холли это безразлично. Она наслаждается жизнью, меняет наряды и ищет богатого жениха. Но однажды этажом выше появляется симпатичный молодой человек…
Swingin' Along
An amateur tunesmith and a con man pool their resources in order to win first prize in a songwriting contest.
На север через северо-запад
Eddie - Elevator Starter (uncredited)
Шпионская организация ошибочно принимает Роджера Торнхилла, служащего рекламной компании, за некоего двойного агента Каплана. В то же время, будучи преследуемым полицией по подозрению в убийстве, которое он не совершал, Торнхилл влюбляется в девушку по имени Ева, но и она оказывается не той, за которую себя выдает
Gunfighters of the Northwest
Constable Arch Perry - Ch's 1-2
Constable Ward is assigned to track down a mysterious villain known only as The Leader. Trying to locate a secret gold mine, The Leader pits the Indians against the Mounties, whom he blames for creating trouble.
Sky Commando
Colonel Ed Wyatt is regarded by pilots under his command as being a ruthless disciplinarian. His co-pilot, Lt. Hobson Lee, and Jo McWethy, a war correspondent assigned to the squadron become more friendly than meets Wyatt's approval. When Wyatt's plane is forced down behind enemy lines, he orders his crew to proceed to the American lines with the vital film they have shot, while he remains behind to hold off the enemy.
The 49th Man
Agent Reynolds
Two federal agents do not believe an atomic-bomb threat is just another war game.
Girls in the Night
Juvenile delinquents (Joyce Holden, Glenda Farrell, Harvey Lembeck) trap a neighborhood hoodlum in New York.
The Stooge
Tommy (uncredited)
Bill Miller is an unsuccessful Broadway performer until his handlers convince him to enhance his act with a stooge—Ted Rogers, a guy positioned in the audience to be the butt of Bill's jokes. After Ted begins to steal the show, Bill's girlfriend and his pals advise him to make Ted an equal partner.
Wyoming Roundup
Bob Burke
When newcomers Whip and Bob break up a saloon fight they are made town Marshals. This puts then in the middle of the range war between large ranch owner Howard and the small ranchers. Everyone thinks Howard is the culprit but Whip believes otherwise.
Son of Geronimo
Frank Baker
The self-styled son of Indian chief Geronimo gets himself involved with a gang of nasty whites in this typical low-budget 15 chapter serial, which benefitted from a great deal of footage from the the stock piles at Columbia Pictures. Jim Scott (Clayton Moore) and wagon train boss Tulsa (Bus Osborne) are on to the nefarious schemes of Rance Rankin (Marshall Reed) and Ace Devlin (John Crawford), getting words of warning through to Portico (Rodd Redwing), the Son of Genronimo. With Portico's help, the white renegades are finally destroyed in the serial's concluding chapter, "Peace Treaty." Moore, the future star of the television series The Lone Ranger, was here billed "Clay Moore." Usually cast as a villain, mustachioed Bud Osborne turned in a rare "good guy" performance in this serial.
You for Me
Dr. Rollie Cobb
A good-hearted nurse gets mixed up with a millionaire who could help her hospital.
The Atomic City
Baseball Game Usher
Spies hold the son of a nuclear physicist (Gene Barry) hostage in exchange for the Los Alamos bomb formula.
Поющие под дождём
Sid Phillips (uncredited)
Основа этого легендарного фильма — дюжина старых песен, написанных для различных бродвейских шоу. Дон Локвуд — популярная звезда немого кино вспоминает о том, как он пришел к славе… но вдруг счастье покидает его — наступила эра звукового кино. Нужно осваивать новые горизонты.
This Woman Is Dangerous
Bellhop (Uncredited)
A crime gang leader is losing her sight, so while her lover goes into hiding, she checks in to the hospital for extensive surgery to recover her eyesight. There she is treated by a handsome young doctor. As expected not only does the doctor successfully open her eyes, he also opens her heart for him.
Meet Danny Wilson
Tommy Wells
A lounge singer sees his career skyrocket after he signs a contract for a mobster nightclub owner.
Night Raiders
Jim Dugan
Whip arrives to investigate why night raiders are ransacking cabins but taking nothing....
The Re-Inforcer
A Jerry Lewis home movie remake of Humphrey Bogart's The Enforcer. Joe Lasagna (Dean Martin)'s reign as a mob boss is threatened by new blood Baffo (Tony Curtis).
A Yank in Korea
Jinx Hamilton
A tough sergeant has to teach a hotshot young soldier how to be a team player.
Abilene Trail
Ed Dawson
Whip Wilson rides again in the Monogram western Abilene Trail. Wilson and his grizzled sidekick Andy Clyde are accused of horse stealing, a hangin' offense around these here parts. Eluding the authorities, the boys take jobs at a ranch where the real crook is hiding out.
Colorado Ambush
Terry Williams
As was customary in his late Monogram westerns, Johnny Mack Brown plays an undercover agent in Colorado Ambush. Brown is sent to Colorado to stem the activities of a particularly vicious outlaw gang
Outlaws of Texas
Jeff Johnson (as Tom Farrell)
Monogram's Outlaws of Texas is surprisingly bereft of the action highlights one might expect from star Whip Wilson. This time, the Whip and his saddle pal Andy Clyde play heroes Tom and Hungry who work undercover to break up a gang of bank robbers.
Pirates of the High Seas
Kelly Walsh
For decades, pirates roamed the seas, searching for booty to plunder and coastal villages to terrorize. Who were these men and women? As you dig beneath the myth of Blackbeard, Captain Kidd and other legendary warriors of the waters in this docudrama, you'll discover who they were and what motivated them to wreak havoc wherever they sailed. Includes the movie Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island.
Lerner--Silver Wagon Driver
Tubercular Frank James has become a born again and retired from his career as an outlaw with his family but a look-a-like outlaw causes suspicion to fall back on him.
Duchess of Idaho
Ellen Hallit is in love with her playboy boss, Douglas Morrison, but is too timid to do anything about it. To help her, her roommate Chris decides to step in, and devises a plan. Chris follows Morrison on his trip to Sun Valley, Idaho and plays the overattentive female, hoping that he will send for Ellen (who often played his "fiancée" when he had a female he couldn't discourage otherwise.) Complications arise when Chris catches the eye of band leader Dick Layne, and finds herself caught in a triangle between the two men.
Cpl. Clark
Джерри Льюис играет несчастливого солдата, а Дин Мартин удачливого старшего сержанта неряшливого взвода на тренировочной базе в удаленном пограничном гарнизоне.В этой комедии представлены все типы «военных» характеров, включая горлопана-инструктора, подлизу-сержанта, тихого капрала и неуклюжего, постоянно клюющего носом, командира...