Sibyl Santiago


Based on Tim Realbuto's critically acclaimed Off-Broadway play, YES tells the story of washed up child star Patrick Nolan who decides to mentor 17-year-old Jeremiah Rosenhaft. What begins as an innocent acting lesson turns into something much more intimate between two surprisingly common minds.
A film based on the real life events of Keo and Ben: a gay, Mormon, interracial couple who stayed together for almost 30 years. A special and loving relationship that defies condemnation from family, church, and community when tolerance and acceptance of relationships outside the perceived "norm" were rare.
The PreNup
Tatay's Wife
Wendy and Sean meet on an airplane en route to New York. In a matter of days, they decide to get married.
Location Scout
An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.
Assistant Director
An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.
An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.
An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.
Волк с Уолл-стрит
Convention Attendee (uncredited)
1987 год. Джордан Белфорт становится брокером в успешном инвестиционном банке. Вскоре банк закрывается после внезапного обвала индекса Доу-Джонса. По совету жены Терезы Джордан устраивается в небольшое заведение, занимающееся мелкими акциями. Его настойчивый стиль общения с клиентами и врождённая харизма быстро даёт свои плоды. Он знакомится с соседом по дому Донни, торговцем, который сразу находит общий язык с Джорданом и решает открыть с ним собственную фирму. В качестве сотрудников они нанимают нескольких друзей Белфорта, его отца Макса и называют компанию «Стрэттон Оукмонт». В свободное от работы время Джордан прожигает жизнь: лавирует от одной вечеринки к другой, вступает в сексуальные отношения с проститутками, употребляет множество наркотических препаратов, в том числе кокаин и кваалюд. Однажды наступает момент, когда быстрым обогащением Белфорта начинает интересоваться агент ФБР...
Maricris Sioson Japayuki
The quest for truth about the plight of a Filipina entertainer who went to Japan for greener pastures and was brought back to Manila dead.
Experiencing the forbidden. Experiencing rejection. Hating your parents. Hating the world around you. Discovering what's hot. Discovering what's cool. Discovering your first true love. Discovering who you are. Growing up can be such a wild time. But not when you've got the best guys to hang out with. Five chaste young men immerse themselves in the superficialities and superfluity of adolescence over the course of their last year in high school. But as they make their gradual transition from boyhood to manhood, they realize it is their formidable bond that stands as the real deal.
Tahan Na Empoy, Tahan
Because his mother is too poor to feed her young children, Empoy is sent to work for his exploitative and cruel aunt.
Lunes, Martes, Miyerkules, Huwebes, Biyernes, Sabado, Linggo
The setting is an Olongapo bar. Lolita Rodriguez is an ex-movie queen trying to earn a living for her son and herself. He is mortally embarrassed by her livelihood and sometimes refuses to acknowledge her as his mother. Bembol Roco is the son of a prostitute who has disappeared from his life. He is looking for his mother in the honky tonk bars. He meets Lolita Rodriguez whom he fancies as his lover. However, he thinks of her as a decent woman. But Lolita has financial problems. In order to pay for her debts, she is forced to perform a striptease. Bembol happens to be in the bar when she starts to gyrate, but she ignores his presence. This destroys his illusions. When they are alone together, she berates him and teaches him the value of survival and acceptance of one’s fate.
Манила в объятиях ночи
Girl in the Plaza (uncredited)
История провинциального рыбака Хулио, который отправляется в большой город, чтобы искать свою возлюбленную. Ей была обещана хорошая работа, но попав в город, девушка пропала. В долгих поисках, обманутый и лишенных всяких прав, Хулио постепенно теряет свою провинциальную наивность. И в то же время гнев медленно, но все сильнее, нарастает в нем, гнев к этому большому и злому капиталистическому городу, сосущему жизнь из всего живого и нового.
Fists of Love
A cynical NYPD domestic violence officer ends up falling in love with a woman running away from her obsessive and abusive husband.