Dawid Minnaar

Dawid Minnaar


Dawid Minnaar


Поппи Нонгена
Jan Swanepoel
ЮАР, середина 70-х годов прошлого века. После того, как мужчина теряет трудоспособность, суд выносит решение, что его жена Поппи отныне является нелегалом. По роману Эльзы Жубер, одному из самых значительных произведений национальной литературы.
Буси, нищая молодая женщина с подавленными эмоциями, устраивается на работу уборщицей в обветшалую больницу в центре Йоханнесбурга. Ей отчаянно нужны деньги, чтобы привести младшую сестру в Йоханнесбург, поэтому она терпит похотливого коррумпированного управляющего больницей. Когда Буси обнаруживает брошенную девочку в больнице, которая считает, что ее мучает сверхъестественная сила, Буси встречается со своими демонами прошлого, чтобы спасти ребенка от монстра, который безжалостно преследует их обоих.
Kanarie (Afrikaans for 'Canary') is a coming-of-age musical war drama. Drafted into the South African army during apartheid, a young soldier joins the military's traveling choir, and romance on the battlefield causes him to deal with his long-repressed sexual identity through hardship, camaraderie, first love, and the liberating freedom of music, the true self can be discovered.
The Miracle Worker
Eugène Marais
Die Wonderwerker tells the story of Eugène Marais, a famous Afrikaans writer, poet and researcher. The story focuses on the few months he spends on the Van Rooyen's farm, where he falls in love with the 19-year-old Jane Brayshaw.
Johan Volsteedt
"How do you start over once you have betrayed a nation's trust?" The news of Hansie Cronjé's involvement with Indian bookmakers and his resulting public confession rocked the international sporting community. An unprecedented rise to glory was followed by the most horrific fall. A tarnished hero fueled the nation's fury.
Ouma Se Slim Kind
Meester Roodt
Set in the 1940's, Ouma Se Slim Kind is an honest tale of the foibles of humanity, love and friendship, set against the often harsh, yet strikingly beautiful rural South African landscape.
The Visual Bible: Matthew
The only dramatization using the actual scriptures...word for word from the New International Version (NIV). The Matthew video series broke new ground by offering the first-ever dramatic portrayal of events in the Bible, presented word for word from the best-selling New International Version® (NIV) translation. Now you can experience this thrilling epic in DVD format, which blends the superior digital surround sound of CDs with crisp, high-resolution digital images.
Nag van die 19de
Tessa walks through the small fishing community in her wedding dress every year on the night of the nineteenth, since she was raped on the eve of her wedding and her fiancé committed suicide. Piece-by-piece, she gathers information about the identity of the rapist.
Fiela's Child
Benjamin Sr
The acclaimed drama based on Dalene Matthee´s award-winning novel. "Fiela se Kind" (Fiela's Child) is the story of a white foundling boy that is raised by a brown family. But the childs life changes irrevocably when white census officials discover him living across the established borders of society, and he is removed from his foster parents. "This is the moving story about a close family being torn apart by the social convictions of the day. It is the story of a mother´s enduring love and hope to see her taken son again. Fiela is a down to earth woman farmer who does not let anyone step on her. She raised a white castaway child, Benjamin, and teaches him the simple things in life."
Five Star: The Final
Five star (hotel) is a sarcastic reference to the Pretoria prison which is central to the plot. An inmate Skollie (A nickname meaning delinquent) escapes from jail with one desire, to be united with his son again. Life outside is much different to what Skollie remembers. Still behind bars are inmates Pappa, Priester and Polka, who are doing everything to prevent Skollie from being reunited with his son, even if that means they have to kill. Skollie discovers that Pappa might be responsible for the death of his mother and he vows revenge.