Школьнику Дэнни живется несладко: он не может подружиться с одноклассниками и не находит общего языка с преподавателями. И всему виной его гениальность. Но однажды он попадает в школу для одаренных детей, где случайно открывает портал в мир монстров.
Юный Лукас узнает, что он не совсем человек. Он способен превращаться в монстра. Лукас отправляется на опасные поиски Острова монстров, чтобы найти ответы на возникшие у него вопросы.
It all begins when Grandpa Yólotl disappears. Matías, Claudio, Pato, Katy and loyal dog Duke uncover signs that will lead them to a great adventure, facing unimaginable creatures, astonishing characters – that once belonged to an ancient civilization, and a couple of rogue treasure hunters. The promise of their grandfather is the force that will guide these heroes, ready for anything, provided they always stay together and discover the secret of the jade medallion.
It all begins when Grandpa Yólotl disappears. Matías, Claudio, Pato, Katy and loyal dog Duke uncover signs that will lead them to a great adventure, facing unimaginable creatures, astonishing characters – that once belonged to an ancient civilization, and a couple of rogue treasure hunters. The promise of their grandfather is the force that will guide these heroes, ready for anything, provided they always stay together and discover the secret of the jade medallion.
Samuel witnesses his mother´s brutal murder. He grows up and seeks revenge, but first he has to become transformed to achieve it.
Samuel witnesses his mother´s brutal murder. He grows up and seeks revenge, but first he has to become transformed to achieve it.
Marco is a boy who dreams of flying. But in the world he lives in, his feet feel glued to the earth. A conceited crow helps him to find out how children can fly
Marco is a boy who dreams of flying. But in the world he lives in, his feet feel glued to the earth. A conceited crow helps him to find out how children can fly