Susy Laude

Susy Laude

Рождение : 1976-09-08, Salò, Brescia, Lombardy, Italy


Susy Laude
Susy Laude


All for Uma
Афера по-итальянски
Турин, 1996 год. Сотрудник почты Луиджи осознает, что из-за пенсионной реформы отодвигается его долгожданная ранняя пенсия. В отместку Луиджи решает ограбить вместе с коллегами инкассаторскую машину, которую он водил все эти годы, но в дело вмешиваются несколько преступников…
Se mi vuoi bene
After a suicide attempt, depressed lawyer Diego decides to take up the mantle of good Samaritan by helping his loved ones fix the problems in their life, but ends up bringing only utter havoc.
Appena un minuto
Compromessi sposi
A young fashion blogger and an aspiring songwriter seem to have not that much in common, but when Cupid’s arrow hits them, every difference fades away and overnight they decide to get married. Even their fathers do not have anything in common: Gaetano is a strict mayor from Southern Italy, while Diego is a rich entrepreneur from the North. Between the two forthcoming in-laws, instead, is hate at first sight. They seem to agree on one single common goal: prevent this marriage at any cost! After fighting by any means in a struggle that will also involve their two bizarre families, will they manage to say no to the wedding?
Спрячь бабушку в холодильнике
Законопослушный полицейский Симоне влюбляется в Клаудию, молодую и бедную художницу, которая содержит свою мастерскую благодаря пенсии бабушки. Когда бабушка внезапно умирает, Клаудия решает пойти на отчаянный шаг, чтобы продолжить получать пенсию…
Ignorance Is Bliss
Sig. ra Zaccarelli
Ernesto and Filippo, two high school teachers, couldn’t be more different: Filippo is a cheerful liberal who is constantly online. Handsome and youthful, he is a serial seducer on the social networks. Ernesto, instead is a stern conservative, rigorously computerless. He is probably the last person around who still has a first-generation cell phone and his teaching methods are very traditional. They used to be best friends but an unresolved fight kept them far apart, until the day fate intervened and they found themselves teaching at the same school. Their opposite viewpoints will soon and inevitably lead to a new clash. The internet will force them to deal with their past, which resurfaces in the shape of Nina, a young woman who conducts an experiment on them: Filippo must try to leave the world of Internet and Ernesto must try to enter it.
Один поцелуй
Stefania (madre di Lorenzo)
История трёх друзей-подростков, которых не принимают их сверстники. Фильм о взрослении и стремлении к счастью, о запугивании и гомофобии. О моделях поведения, принятых в обществе, которые ограничивают людей - особенно когда они молоды и хотят быть счастливыми.
Кто эти люди?
Давиду уже под 40, а весь смысл его жизни — добиться уважения президента компании, получить прибавку к зарплате и повышение. Наконец ему выпадает такой шанс: Давид должен представить революционный патент, но… за день до презентации к нему подходит странный тип, Марчелло, восхищается им, предлагает выпить, а потом прокатиться до дома, где их ждут две симпатичные девушки… Давид поддается чарам ловкого мошенника и оказывается втянутым в невероятное приключение в компании Марчелло и его очаровательных сообщниц.
Помнишь меня?
Роберто, клептоман с богатым воображением, и Беа, страдающая от расстройства сна и провалов в памяти, случайно встретились у дома своего врача. Маленькие кражи, обмороки и погони — вот фон, на котором протекает их забавная любовная история.
The detective Silvestri has a zealous wife, a child on the way and a double murder to be solved in a livid Rome selling drugs and consuming lives. His investigation intersects the lives of young people and affected Nina and John, in spite of themselves involved in the murder of a drug dealer and his mother. Aerobics instructor her layabout him, the young lovers try to work out and awkwardly from a story larger than themselves. In the background is moving while the murder underworld clan committed to winning a prestigious post in the heroin market. Among African criminals and delirious, Silvestri will be up to restore order and find the culprits. The price you pay will be high, however.
Il signore della truffa
Right in Front
Stefano doesn't believe in miracles. He's just above thirty, but he lives his life without passion. Every single morning, as he drives to work, he is swallowed up by the traffic of the Big City. Then, one evening, the unexpected happens. Stefano finds a parking spot right in front of his building, as well as the long-lost 'joie de vivre'.
Un cane per due
I Am Alive
A young Italian worker, persuaded by his friend to take on a one-off 'nightwatchman' job for easy money, finds the reality is more macabre -- and complex -- than he expected.
Billo - Il grand Dakhaar
A Senegalese boy arrives in Italy in search of fortune, with the desire to work in the fashion world. But life throws in some tragicomic situations.
The Rest of the Night
A wealthy community in north-east Italy deals with its immigration fears.
Non prendere impegni stasera
ragazza in ascensore
Maria Montessori: una vita per i bambini
The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.
I Want You
A macho type man becomes entangled with an independent-minded girl.