Dave Milton

Рождение : 1888-09-06, Lane, Kansas, USA

Смерть : 1979-06-18


Twenty Plus Two
Art Direction
A famous movie star's fan club secretary has been brutally murdered. She has in her office old newspaper clippings regarding a missing heiress. Did the secretary know something about the mystery of the heiress?
King of the Roaring 20's – The Story of Arnold Rothstein
Art Direction
Gambler Arnold Rothstein marries an actress, avenges his buddy and meets an underworld fate.
The Plunderers
Art Direction
Four young toughs have ridden into Trail City and claimed it as easy pickings for their bullying and gunplay. The whole town will be overrun by lawlessness if decent folks like rancher and Civil War veteran Sam Christy don’t take a stand.
Sex Kittens Go to College
Art Direction
Collins College needs a new department head for their science department, so Doctors Carter and Zorch consult Thinko, the campus computer, and come up with Dr. Mathilda West, who has degrees in lots of things, but turns out to be disruptively attractive as well.
The Hypnotic Eye
Art Direction
A mysterious hypnotist is suspected by the police of being responsible for a wave of young, attractive women committing various forms of self-mutilation.
The Purple Gang
Art Direction
The story of the infamous Purple Gang - a ring of bootleggers, hijackers and killers in 1920's Detroit.
Летучая мышь
Art Direction
Писательница снимает особняк, а вернее замок для того, чтобы написать там свою новую книгу. В городе, где она остановилась, происходит странное ограбление банка, а люди начинают говорить о возвращении некоего убийцы по прозвищу «Летучая мышь». Он одевается во всё чёрное и убивает своих жертв специальной железной перчаткой с когтями. Полиция бессильна что-либо сделать. И вот в одну ночь писательница слышит странные шумы в своём доме...
Дом ночных призраков
Art Direction
Эксцентричный Фредерик Лорен с супругой Аннабель арендовали на одну ночь старинный особняк, заведомо зная, что в замке бродят агрессивно настроенные привидения, с целью устроить там вечеринку. Условия арендаторов были таковы: пятеро гостей должны провести вместе с ними всю ночь, а наутро, если останутся живы, каждый получит по 10 000 долларов.
Revolt in the Big House
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A crime boss tries to cause a riot and prison break while behind bars.
Johnny Rocco
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Gangster and police look for a gangster's son who witnessed a murder.
Unwed Mother
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A young, sweet girl from the country moves to Los Angeles with her mother and meets a young man who she thinks is just perfect. That is until she gets pregnant and he's on his way to jail.
Queen of Outer Space
Art Direction
A mission to Venus discovers the planet inhabited only by women led by their evil Queen Yllana. Yllana had all the men of Venus killed, now that's she met Earth men, she wants them dead, too.
Quantrill's Raiders
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A Civil War guerilla gang plans an attack on a Kansas arsenal.
Cole Younger, Gunfighter
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An outlaw must decide whether to stick his neck out for an innocent man.
The Beast of Budapest
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Archival footage combined with new footage re-creates the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. It is also a love story between a devout communist woman and the liberal son of a prominent professor. Because of their political differences, the two can never be together.
Человек из божьей страны
Art Direction
Нечистоплотный делец Бо Санти крепко держит в руках Сандаун, небольшой городок на Диком Западе. Но планы жестокого бизнесмена нарушены приездом бывшего шерифа Дэна Битти. Сам того не желая, служитель закона оказывается в эпицентре смертельных страстей.
Up In Smoke
Art Direction
The Bowery Boys: In order to be able to get the names of winning horses at the track, Sach agrees to sell his soul to the devil.
Baby Face Nelson
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Famed Depression-era gangster “Baby Face Nelson” (Mickey Rooney) robs and kills while accompanied by his beautiful moll (Carolyn Jones).
Высокий незнакомец
Art Direction
Нед Бэннон едет к своему сводному брату Харди Бишопу, чтобы погасить старую вражду. Но по дороге натыкается на скотокрадов и получает из засады пулю в бок. Брошенного умирать, его находят переселенцы и выхаживают.
Gun Battle at Monterey
Art Direction
An outlaw saved by a Mexican girl hunts the holdup partner who shot him in the back.
The Disembodied
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When men on a photo safari stumble into a misanthropic doctor’s remote camp with a wounded comrade, the doctor's restless wife supplements her usual pursuit (voodoo, especially as a way to off her husband) with a new one: seduction. As men lose their hearts (sometimes literally) to the alluring voodoo priestess, she embarks on a killing spree that turns the jungle blood red.
Art Direction
A juvenile delinquent on parole receives support from a social worker and a girl from a slum.
Footsteps in the Night
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Two detectives investigate the strangulation murder of a man whom everyone seemed to like.
Fighting Trouble
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An overambitious shutterbug almost gets his lights put out permanently when he decides to snap a picture of a mob boss.
Canyon River
Art Direction
A rancher's (George Montgomery) foreman (Peter Graves) schemes against him on a cattle drive from Oregon to Wyoming.
Мир без конца
Art Direction
Четыре астронавта, вернувшиеся с первого полета человека на Марс, попадают в искривление времени и терпят крушение на Земле 26-го века, опустошенной атомной войной. Поначалу не зная, где они находятся, но обнаружив, что атмосфера безопасна для дыхания, они начинают исследовать и оказываются в разделенном будущем, где обезображенные мутанты, живущие как пещерные люди, обитают на поверхности, в то время как нормалы комфортно живут под поверхностью, но умирают как раса из отсутствие естественной воды, воздуха и солнечного света.
At Gunpoint
Art Direction
A general-store keeper scares off bank robbers with a lucky shot, but they come back.
Art Direction
Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter makes him a perfect candidate for Marshal, but he refuses the job until he feels morally obligated to bring law and order to this wild town.
Phantom Trails
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A short feature western comprised of two episodes of the TV series 'Wild Bill Hickok': "A Close Shave for the Marshal" (6/16/1952) and "Ghost Rider" (4/7/1952).
Timber Country Trouble
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A short feature western comprising two episodes of the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series, the episodes being "Lumber Camp Story" (4/21/1952) and "Boy And The Bandit" (5/5/1952).
Dial Red O
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The first of the five films where Bill Elliott played a detective lieutenant in the L.A Sheriff's department, Dial Red "O" (the correct title with the number 0 (zero), as on a telephone dial, shown in ") opens with war-torn veteran Ralph Wyatt getting word that his wife is divorcing him, and he flees the psychiatric ward of the veteran's hospital, wanting to talk to her. His escape touches off an all-out manhunt, led by Lieutenant Andy Flynn of the sheriff's department.
Приключения Хаджи Бабы
Art Direction
Молодой цирюльник и массажист Хаджи бросает свою лавку в Исфахане и уходит из города попытать счастья. Обстоятельства заставляют его помочь прекрасной, но капризной и самолюбивой принцессе Фозии, спасающейся от воинов собственного отца — халифа, который хочет выдать её замуж за Мохаммед-Хана. А Фозия мечтает лишь о Нур-Эль-Дине, ничуть не боясь его репутации жестокого палача. Хаджи и Фозия прибиваются к каравану купца Осман-Аги, который готовится продать Нур-Эль-Дину прекрасную танцовщицу Аишу, достойную стать украшением его гарема. Хаджи переодевает Фозию в юношу и выдаёт за своего ученика.
Jungle Gents
Art Direction
When a cold medicine causes Sach to be able to smell diamonds, he and the rest of the Bowery Boys are induced by a diamond dealer to accompany him to Darkest Africa in search of a legendary cache of them.
Return from the Sea
Art Direction
A hardened career navel officer must come to terms with adapting to civilian life with the help of a waitress that can see through his tough veneer.
The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters
Art Direction
Slip, Sach and the rest of the Bowery Boys enter a haunted house, where they engage in slapstick with a gorilla, a robot and a vampire
Arrow In The Dust
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Director Lesley Selander's 1954 western stars Sterling Hayden, Coleen Gray, Keith Larsen, Tom Tully, Lee Van Cleef and Jimmy Wakely.
Riot in Cell Block 11
Art Direction
A prisoner leads his counterparts in a protest for better living conditions which turns violent and ugly.
Highway Dragnet
Art Direction
An ex-Marine on the lam from a murder charge. He hitches a ride from glamor-magazine photographer, who is travelling cross-country with her principal model. Tensions rise when the woman realize the man with them may be a killer.
The Golden Idol
Art Direction
Prince Ali wants the Golden Idol of Watusi and hires a ruthless hunter to get it for him. Bomba has the idol and, with the help of Commissioner Barnes, Eli, and a beautiful archeologist, he foils Ali's plans.
Art Direction
Сразу после помолвки с красоткой Китти Джеральду приходит письмо с просьбой приехать в его родовой шотландский замок. Джеральд уезжает и пропадает на несколько недель. Спустя некоторое время он всё же даёт о себе знать — присылает Китти письмо, в котором сообщает о разрыве помолвки и просит её забыть о нём. Китти однако не сдаётся — в компании со своей тёткой она летит в Шотландию, находит тот самый замок и обнаруживает, что за это время Джеральд ужасно постарел и превратился в настоящего параноика. Возможно ли, что со всем этим как-то связан жутковатый каменный лабиринт, расположенный по соседству с замком?
Safari Drums
Art Direction
A group of movie makers arrive in Africa to make a film about jungle wildlife.
Loose in London
Art Direction
The Bowery Boys take on British crooks when one of them thinks he's inherited a title.
Cow Country
Art Direction
A hired hand gets caught between a noble rancher and ruthless land grabbers.
White Lightning
Art Direction
The Red Devils, a professional ice hockey team, owned by Jack Monohan, is in the midst of a long losing streak, due to bribes being accepted from gamblers by the star player. When the team is joined by cocky Mike Connors, a boyhood friend of Jack's, they begin to regain their former winning ways.
Tangier Incident
Art Direction
Steve Gordon, an American agent posing as a black market operator, is in Tangier on a mission to stop the plans of three atomic-scientists who are there to pool their secrets and sell them in a package to the Communists.
Bomba and the Jungle Girl
Art Direction
Bomba decides to find out who his parents were. He starts with Cody Casson's diary and follows the trail to a native village. An ancient blind woman tells him his parents and the village's true ruler were murdered by the current chieftain and his daughter.
Feudin' Fools
Art Direction
Sach discovers that he is heir to a farm in rural hillbilly country. He and the boys go to the farm to check it out, and find themselves mixed up with feuding hillbillies and a gang of bank robbers.
Sea Tiger
Art Direction
Murder ensues when owners and hired help contrive against each other to obtain diamonds and gold ingots secretly hidden on a derelict and abandoned Japanese freighter left lying in anchor in a New Guinea cove at the end of WW II.
Aladdin and His Lamp
Art Direction
A poor young man finds a lamp with a genie trapped inside. The genie promises to grant the man three wishes if he frees him from the lamp.
The Steel Fist
Art Direction
In an Iron Curtain country an idealistic student goes on the run from the Communist authorities.
Elephant Stampede
Art Direction
Bomba the jungle boy swings into action when an elephant herd is threatened by ivory hunters.
Crazy Over Horses
Art Direction
The boys get mixed up with a race horse & crooked gamblers
Let's Go Navy!
Art Direction
The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors.
Yukon Manhunt
Art Direction
In this North Woods adventure, the Mounties investigate a series of payroll robberies and discover that it is an inside job.
Father Takes the Air
Art Direction
In the fifth and final movie in Monogram's "Father" series, Henry Latham and Mayor Colton dream of reliving their WWI flying careers, leading to an increasingly antagonistic competition.
According to Mrs. Hoyle
Art Direction
A retired teacher sells her apartment to a group of gangsters.
Cavalry Scout
Art Direction
Kirby Frye, a former Confederate officer but now a Union Cavalry scout, is sent into Montana territory to locate and retrieve three Gatling Guns stolen from the U.S. Arsenal by outlaws believed to have taken them west to sell to the Soiux and Cheyenne. The trail leads him to Red Bluff where, aided by Claire Corville, he and the audience discover together and real quick like that Martin Gavin, a supposedly-honest operator of a freight line, has the guns and intends to exchange them to the Indians for furs.
Ghost Chasers
Art Direction
A ghost helps the Bowery Boys capture a gang of crooks led by a mad doctor.
I Was an American Spy
Art Direction
An American nightclub singer in 1940's Singapore becomes a spy for America in an effort to get back at the invading Japanese army. Based on a true story.
The Lion Hunters
Art Direction
A lion trapper and his daughter rendezvous with their hardheaded partner in the African jungle. Bomba, with assistance from a local tribe, strives to run them off.
Bowery Battalion
Art Direction
Slip, Sach and the gang (Bowery Boys) think an air-raid test is for real and join the Army.
Short Grass
Art Direction
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
Outlaws of Texas
Art Direction
Monogram's Outlaws of Texas is surprisingly bereft of the action highlights one might expect from star Whip Wilson. This time, the Whip and his saddle pal Andy Clyde play heroes Tom and Hungry who work undercover to break up a gang of bank robbers.
Father's Wild Game
Art Direction
The fourth entry in Monogram's "Father" series. Henry Latham decides he'll save money by hunting for his meat rather than buying it from the store.
The Texan Meets Calamity Jane
Art Direction
A western in which Calamity Jane's (Evelyn Ankers) rightful ownership of a gambling hall is challenged. She nearly loses the business to a shady crook, but Texas lawyer Ellison puts up a legal battle to help her stay in charge. After a sensational fight, the letters proving her right are discovered.
Blues Busters
Art Direction
The Bowery Boys (Bowery Boys) open a nightclub after Sach has his tonsils out and wakes up with a singing voice.
Silver Raiders
Art Direction
Arizona Ranger Larry Grant is posing as an outlaw while hunting for an outlaw gang, secretly led by Lance Corbin, that is stealing silver in Mexico and smelting it into bars for sale in the United States.
Cherokee Uprising
Art Direction
The title insurrection in this low-budget Whip Wilson Western consists mainly of Iron Eyes Cody, who is conspiring to raid the wagon trains with crooked sheriff Marshall Reed and nefarious Indian agent Forrest Taylor.
Triple Trouble
Art Direction
Slip and Sach take the rap for a robbery they did not commit in order to uncover the real robbers, whom they suspect are led by a convict who gives orders to his gang outside via a short-wave radio stashed somewhere in the prison.
The Underworld Story
Art Direction
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
Arizona Territory
Art Direction
Prospector Jeff Malloy rescues Doris Devlin, owner of a trading post, from an ambush planned by her uncle, Kilburn, who is trying to scare her out of the territory so that he can continue his counterfeiting operations.
The Lost Volcano
Art Direction
Little David Gordon lives in the jungle with his parents Ruth and Fred, along with their servant Nona. David likes living there while his father captures wild animals; he's made friends with Bomba the jungle boy, who has shown him a great deal about life in the jungle. One day two adventurers come looking for ancient treasure in the shadow of a live volcano.
Lucky Losers
Art Direction
Slip and Sach's boss, David J. Thurston, has allegedly committed suicide. Slip finds a book of matches with the name of a local nightclub on his boss' desk and finds out from Gabe that a gambling casino is being run out of it. Slip comes to the conclusion that the club had something to do with his boss' death and sets out to find his murderer. The boys get jobs at the club and Louie poses as a rich cattlemen as they gather the information to convict the murderers.
Blonde Dynamite
Art Direction
While Louie is on vacation, the boys turn The Sweet Shop into an escort service, and soon find a group of beautiful girls as their first clients.
Master Minds
Art Direction
When Sach eats too much sugar, he goes into a trance whereby he's able to predict the future. Slip tries to make some money off of Sach by using him as a fortune teller in a carnival, until a mad scientist kidnaps Sach to use him in an intelligence-switching experiment with a monster.
Angels in Disguise
Art Direction
Slip and the gang stray from newspaper work to detective work.
Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch
Art Direction
Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.
Leave It to Henry
Art Direction
Henry Latham and town Mayor Colton continue their misadventures in Smalltown, America. This time, twelve-year-old David Latham is testifying at the trial of his father, Henry, who is accused of burning down the McCluskey bridge.
Hold That Baby!
Art Direction
While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them.
Sky Dragon
Art Direction
All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.
Tuna Clipper
Art Direction
Hoping to become a lawyer, Alec (Roddy McDowall) becomes a tuna fisherman in order to pay a debt. This turn of events puts Alec on the outs with his taciturn family. Eventually, the lad proves himself on all fronts, and is welcomed back into the family fold.
The Lawton Story
Art Direction
Most of the footage is devoted to the annual Passion Play at Lawton, Oklahoma, enacted by volunteers from several nearby communities. This portion of The Lawton Story was directed by Harold Daniels and narrated by radio announcer Knox Manning. To bring the film up to feature length, a fictional plotline concerning the preparations for the pageant was hastily assembled, featuring such familiar Hollywood character players as Forrest Taylor, Willa Pearl Curtis and Maude Eburne.
Fighting Fools
Art Direction
The boys are working at the local boxing arena where their friend, Jimmy Higgins, is boxing. During a crooked match Jimmy is killed. The boys seek out his older brother, Johnny, a former boxer who gave up the sport rather than go crooked, and help train him to get back in the ring. They try to get him a shot at the title, and when they do the same crooked gangsters that were behind Jimmy's death try to get Johnny to take a dive.
The Feathered Serpent
Art Direction
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
Trouble Makers
Art Direction
Slip and Sach are in the sidewalk star-gazing business when they see a murder committed in a room at the El Royale Hotel.
Art Direction
In Scotland in 1752, seventeen-year-old David Balfour is cheated out of his birthright by his evil uncle Ebenezer.
Art Direction
An innocent man -- due to a case of mistaken identity -- is beaten. Once recovered, the stockbroker tries to find the actual intended target -- a gangster-- and warn him.
Smuggler's Cove
Art Direction
Slip and Sach are working as cleaners in a high rise building. They enter an office to clean it when a messenger hears them use Slip's given name, Terrance Mahoney. The messenger has a letter for "Terrance Mahonoey, Esq." and mistakenly delivers it to Slip. The letter informs Slip that he has inherited a mansion in Long Island. The boys then make their way to the mansion and find that it is inhabited by diamond smugglers. The real owner of the house shows up and helps save the day and defeat the smugglers and gives the boys the house as a reward.
Joe Palooka in Winner Take All
Art Direction
Joe is scheduled for the big fight as usual. This one has more fight sequences than plot.
Music Man
Art Direction
Bickering brothers unwittingly wind up working together on the same musical production.
The Golden Eye
Art Direction
A gold mine in Arizona, that was formerly losing a lot of money, suddenly turns into a veritable money-making machine. However, the owner, instead of being happy about his now profitable business, insists to Charlie that something is fishy and that someone is out to murder him. Charlie and his "crew" travel to the mine, pretending to be tourists staying at a nearby dude ranch so as not to arouse suspicion, and discover that the owner may well be right--it looks like the mine is being used as a cover for criminal activities, and that someone is indeed out to murder him.
Shanghai Chest
Art Direction
Charlie attempts to solve a triple murder in which a dead man's finger prints show up at all three murder sites, and all three victims were connected with the conviction and execution of an evidently innocent man.
Jinx Money
Art Direction
A man wins $50,000 in a card game with gamblers, but is soon found dead and the money missing. Slip and Sach find the money near where the body was discovered, and soon find themselves the target of both the police and the gamblers.
Stage Struck
Art Direction
The murder of nightclub hostess leads an investigator (Kane Richmond) to seedy nightspots.
Campus Sleuth
Art Direction
A photographer is choked to death just outside of where a college dance is being held. The body is discovered by Lee Watson, but promptly disappears, as it is being whisked from one point to another on the campus by a night watchman, who is an ex-convict.
Docks of New Orleans
Art Direction
Detective Charlie Chan springs into action when top officials of a New Orleans chemical company begin dropping like flies.
Art Direction
An ex-gunfighter woos two women while avenging his brother, victim of a crooked gambler.
Joe Palooka in Fighting Mad
Art Direction
Joe Palooka goes blind during a fight. An operation restores his vision, but he's told not to fight for a year. His trainer Knobby has picked up another fighter, but gangsters are pressing him to fix fights. Joe decides to risk his eyesight to save Knobby's honor.
Smart Politics
Art Direction
The growth of juvenile crime in a small town starts a movement for the building of a youth center.
Jiggs and Maggie in Society
Art Direction
Maggi continues her forever-ever efforts to crash Manhattan's top society, while Jiggs still mingles with his old construction cronies at the bar of Dinty Moore on 10th Avenue.
The Chinese Ring
Art Direction
Soon after a Chinese princess comes to the US to buy planes for her people, she is murdered by a poison dart fired by an air rifle.
Bowery Buckaroos
Art Direction
The Bowery Boys head west to clear Louie of an old murder charge that he had killed his gold-mine partner. Sach has the map to the gold mine painted on his back, and Blackjack McCoy has him kidnapped by Indian Joe. Gabe poses as a dangerous gunman, the Klondike Kid, while Slip is in charge of all the remaining loose ends.
News Hounds
Art Direction
Slip and Sach are working for a local newspaper as a reporter and photographer, respectively. Slip wants to get the goods on a local gambling ring that is fixing sporting events, so he and Sach go undercover to expose the ring.
Sarge Goes to College
Art Direction
A Marine Sergeant, wounded in overseas service, requires an operation, and the Navy psychiatrist recommends to the Captain and Colonel that "Sarge" be given a few weeks rest before hospitalization. Through the Dean of San Juan Junior College, Sarge enters the school on a temporary basis.
Hard Boiled Mahoney
Art Direction
Sach just lost his job as an assistant to a private detective, but he wasn't paid. Slip goes with him down to the detective's office to demand payment, but finds the office empty. A woman enters the office and mistakes Slip for the detective and convinces him to take on a case to find her sister after offering a $50 retainer.
Art Direction
Когда труппа танцовщиц со своим импресарио и пресс-агентом отдыхают на пляжном курорте в Малибу, двоих из них задушили. Чарли берётся за дело, ему помогают «сын №2» Джимми и верный шофёр Бирмингем Браун.
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
Technical Supervisor
A couple of gamblers pressure the local night club owner to rig things so the local college rowing crew will lose their upcoming race.
Set Designer
A fatally shot female gangleader recounts her sordid life of crime to a police officer just before she dies.
Bowery Bombshell
Art Direction
Slip (Leo Gorcey), Sach (Huntz Hall), Bobby (Bobby Jordan), Whitey (William Benedict) and Chuck (David Gorcey) unsuccessfully try to sell a dilapidated car to a street cleaner for a fabulous amount, so they can get enough money to save Louie's (Bernard Gorcey) Malt Shop. Sidewalk photographer Cathy Smith (Teala Loring) snaps a pictures of three bank robbers as they are fleeing a robbery but when the Bowery Boys and Cathy realize that Sach is also in the photograph, they break into the photo lab to destroy the negative, which might make the police think Sach was involved in the robbery.
Allotment Wives
Art Direction
Unscrupulous women marry servicemen for their pay.
South of the Rio Grande
Art Direction
The Kid (Duncan Renaldo) masquerades as a government inspector in this pleasant, and pleasantly tuneful, Cisco Kid series entry. Learning that his old friends have been killed and Manuel Gonzales (Tito Renaldo) wrongly accused of cattle rustling by corrupt district officer Miguel Sanchez (George J. Lewis), the Kid assumes the identity of the murdered government official.
Art Direction
A woman who has been married and divorced five times comes back to her small hometown, where she proceeds to complicate, and potentially destroy, the marriage of her childhood boyfriend.
Красный дракон
Art Direction
Чарли Чен сталкивается с подозреваемыми в деле о краже формулы атомной бомбы, которых убивают пулями, выпущенными не из пистолета.
Mr. Muggs Rides Again
Art Direction
After having been framed by gamblers, Muggs is barred from riding in horse races. Snce he can no longer race, he takes up a collection so Ma Brown, who owns the horses won't have her stable foreclosed on. However, one of the gamblers involved in the frame falls for Ma Brwn's daughter, and decides to come clean and confess to the police about the frame. The other gamblers hear about it and set out to shut him up and discredit Muggs and Ma Brown once and for all.
West of the Rio Grande
Art Direction
Two-fisted cowboys fight for law and order in their encounters with outlaws.
Call of the Jungle
Art Direction
A beautiful white girl resident of Ta'Pu, Tana, is determined to clear Harley, who is suspected of stealing sacred jewels.
Return of the Ape Man
Set Designer
The discovery of a perfectly preserved caveman prompts a mad scientist to attempt a daring brain transplant.
What a Man!
Art Direction
Henry Burrows, timid, white-collar worker for the firm of Rankin and Phillips, returns to his bachelor apartment to discover Joan Rankin, whom he does not know, hiding there. She feigns illness, Henry goes for a doctor and returns to find that a gangster has been murdered on his doorstep and the police think he is implicated. They inform him that the gangster's moll, Constance, has escaped. Henry thinks they are talking about Joan.
Nearly Eighteen
Art Direction
A singer pretends to be younger so she can enter a music school.
Spotlight Scandals
Art Direction
A down-on-his luck actor teams up with a singing barber to do a vaudeville act. Its success eventually leads them to Broadway, but things start to go awry.
Here Comes Kelly
Art Direction
Cocky Kelly's girlfriend helps him straighten up enough to get a job as a process server.
Melody Parade
Art Direction
The owner and staff of a Hollywood nightclub struggle to keep their establishment from closing.
Ghosts on the Loose
Set Designer
The East Side Kids try to fix up a house for newlyweds, but find the place next door "haunted" by mysterious men.
Spy Train
Set Decoration
People on a train want what's in a Nazi spy bag, unaware it's a time bomb.
The Ape Man
Art Direction
A scientist is turned into an ape man.
Silver Skates
Art Direction
The management of touring ice show faces mounting debts.
Kid Dynamite
Art Direction
The East Side boxing champion Muggs answers a challenge to a fight against the West Side champ but just before the match he is kidnapped. His friend Danny Lyons takes his place and wins the fight, only to have Mugs believe that Danny was responsible for his kidnapping.
Cosmo Jones, Crime Smasher
Art Direction
Cosmo Jones, a correspondence-school detective from a small town, comes to the big city to offer his services to the police. He happens by where a gangster is killed by an opposing gang. Socialite Phyllis Blake is running around with gang member Tom and the opposing gang plan on kidnapping her. Cosmo is with Sergeant Flanagan when the attempt is made in front of a night club, where a bystander is seriously wounded in the gun-battle. Police Chief Murphy blames Flanagan for the shooting and demotes him. Cosmo, with the aid of a porter, Eustace and Flanagan's fiancée, Susan, tries to find the killer. Phyllis is finally kidnapped and Cosmo decides the act was committed by one of the two gangs. He has her father place an ad in the newspaper that contact has been made with the kidnappers. Each gang thinks the other is pulling a double cross, and one gang wipes out the other.
You Can't Beat the Law
Art Direction
A wild playboy is framed by crooks for a robbery he didn't commit and eventually lands in prison. There he becomes pals with the prison's most hardened criminal, who plans a daring escape.
Bowery at Midnight
Art Direction
A seemingly charitable soup kitchen operator (who moonlights as a criminology professor) uses his Bowery mission as a front for his criminal gang. Police attempt to close in on the gang as they commit a series of robberies, murders and bizarre experiments on corpses.
Let's Get Tough
Art Direction
Rejected by the Army, Marines, and Navy for being too young, the punks help the war effort by throwing fruit at a shop they believe is owned by a Japanese American. Confronted by him wielding a short sword, the gang decides to come back at night but find him dead.
The Corpse Vanishes
Art Direction
A scientist keeps his wife young by killing, stealing the bodies of, and taking the gland fluid from virgin brides.
Black Dragons
Art Direction
It is prior to the commencement of World War II, and Japan's fiendish Black Dragon Society is hatching an evil plot with the Nazis. They instruct a brilliant scientist, Dr. Melcher, to travel to Japan on a secret mission. There he operates on six Japanese conspirators, transforming them to resemble six American leaders. The actual leaders are murdered and replaced with their likeness.
Double Trouble
Art Direction
Harry Langdon and Charley Rogers star in this 1941 Monogram comedy, about two bumbling brothers who take jobs at a New York food cannery and accidentally lose a valuable diamond inside a can of pork-and-beans.
Let's Go Collegiate
Set Decoration
Rawley University is about to receive a star athlete who could give it the first championship rowing team it's ever had. Unfortunately, he gets drafted into the army before he's able to join the team. Two of the team's members get the bright idea of passing off a burly truck driver as the "athlete". Complications ensue.
Murder by Invitation
The relatives of a rich old woman unsuccessfully try to have her declared insane, so they can divide up her money. To show them that there are no hard feelings, she invites them to her estate for the weekend so she can decide to whom she actually will leave her money when she dies. Soon, however, family members begin turning up dead.
Король зомби
Set Designer
Во время Второй мировой войны небольшой самолет терпит бедствие и приземляется на неизвестном острове в Карибском море. Летчик и два пассажира находят приют в особняке, принадлежащем местному врачу, и вскоре обнаруживают, что там обитают зомби и призраки.