Aleen Leslie


Father Is a Bachelor
Johnny Rutledge is a drifter who comes to and discovers a cabin in the forest where five kids: January, February, March, April, and May are living without parents. Their parents died a while ago, and they want to keep that secret from the townspeople, especially the young school teacher, Prudence Millett, to avoid being sent to a children's home and eventual separation. Johnny moves in with the kids and poses as their uncle to take care of them while romancing Prudence. But in order to keep the children, he has to get married.
Father Was a Fullback
Coach George Copper's college football team is losing game after game, much to the dismay of stiff-and-stuffy but influential alumni Roger Jessup, and also having trouble at home with his oldest daughter, Connie. The team keeps losing and Coach Cooper is about to lose his job as his efforts to win the last game of the season, against the team's Big Rival, end in disaster. But, unknown to he and his wife, Elizabeth, Connie has sold an article, called "I Was a Bubble Dancer" to a 'True-Confession" magazine, and the girl-who-couldn't-get-a-date becomes suddenly popular and, because of her, the high-school football star from another town decides to play his college-ball for Coach Cooper. Jessup is forced to keep Cooper on as the school's football coach.
Свидание с Джуди
В прекрасном, затерянном между гор, южном городке Санта Барбара, штат Калифорния, всегда происходит что-нибудь интересное. На этот раз вы узнаете историю о любви тинейджеров из местной гимназии. Девушка подросток Джуди Фостер — солистка школьного оркестра. Она с друзьями старательно репетируют песни для танцевального вечера, но ее манера пения и поведения на сцене не нравится ее старшей подруге и руководительнице бала Кэрол Прингл, котораяназывает исполнение «слишком юным» и беспечным. Приходит день праздника и выясняется, что парень по имени Оджи — постоянный кавалер Джуди, не будет сопровождать её на выпускной бал. Расстроенная этим ужасным обстоятельством девушка просит владельца популярного в городе кафе отпустить его двадцатилетнего племянника Стивена Эндрюса с ней в качестве партнера для танцев.
Henry Aldrich's Little Secret
Teenager Henry Aldrich and his pal Dizzy decide to try and earn extra money by starting a babysitting service.
Rosie the Riveter
In this romantic wartime comedy, four female defense plant workers share a house with four male workers. The situation is on the up and up as the men and women work different shifts and they are only making due because there is a housing shortage. Unfortunately, they soon begin to fight about who gets the house during certain hours. Romance ensues.
Henry Aldrich Plays Cupid
High-school student Henry Aldrich hopes to improve his grades by finding a sweetheart for his unmarried teacher.
Henry Aldrich Swings It
Additional Dialogue
Teenager Henry Aldrich decides to take matters into his own hands when his high school principal forbids the student band from playing swing music.
Henry Aldrich Gets Glamour
Teenager Henry Aldrich becomes a hometown celebrity when he wins a date with a sexy movie star. The sixth entry in the "Henry Aldrich" series of eleven films.
The Stork Pays Off
Gangster Deak Foster and his three henchmen, Brains Moran, Ears-to-the-Ground Hinkle and Photofinish Farris, take over what they think is a night club run by a rival, Stud Rocco, only to discover it is a nursery run by Irene Perry. All fall under the benign influence to the point where the three henchmen go to night school to be educated and Deak falls in love with Julie.
Affectionately Yours
A married reporter's assignments carry him all over the world, which gives him ample opportunity to put the moves on the local females.
Женитьба врача
Джун Кэмерон является автором бестселлера о женских проблемах. Тимоти Стерлинг – врач, чье отношение к женщинам можно мягко назвать покровительственным. В результате серии недоразумений эту странную пару все ошибочно принимают за молодоженов. Тимоти и Джун скоро обнаруживают, что им выгодно поддерживать эту видимость.
The Nightshirt Bandit
A criminology professor sets out to find the "sleepwalking bandit", but when he finally catches up with the somnambulistic thief, it's not quite who he thought it would be.