Donny Alamsyah

Donny Alamsyah

Рождение : 1978-12-07, Giacarta, Indonesia


Donny Alamsyah
Donny Alamsyah
Donny Alamsyah


Sosok Ketiga
Ustadz Doni
When Nuri accepts her best friend, Yuni, as Anton's new wife, Nuri makes a magical pact to win Anton's love again, and Yuni does things that go beyond the boundaries of their friendship.
Kun Ana Wa Anta
Unexpectedly, Firman and his friends found an orangutan who had escaped and was running from the pursuit of Indonesian endangered species smugglers. Firman and his friends who really love animals try to protect the Orang Utan. With the help of everyone in charge, they try to thwart and save these endangered species. Did Firman and his friends succeed in saving these endangered species?
Ghost Writer 2
Aktor Laga
The success of her second novel made Naya famous. Unfortunately she is more labeled as a psychic than a writer. This makes Naya resentful and reluctant to deal with the haunted world again. However, everything changed when her future husband Vino suddenly died.
Царство трёх цветов
Алиф только что закончил старшую школу и не может дождаться поступления в колледж. Однако жизнь устраивает молодому человеку препятствия на пути к его мечте. Сможет ли Алиф терпеливо вынести все удары судьбы и не отступить?
Hayya 2: Hope, Dream and Reality
Traumatized by the conflict situation that occurred in Palestine made Hayya not want to be sent home, and fled again so that he could live in Indonesia. While on the run, Hayya meets Lia, a beautiful and kind woman who thinks Hayya is her son. Hayya was invited by Lia to stay at his house and meet with Faisal. Faisal who was initially confused by Hayya's presence, finally considered Hayya a savior for his domestic life. Elsewhere, Rahmat, Adhin, and Ricis continue to look for Hayya. Then one by one the veil of the Faisal family opened, until at its peak, a tragedy befell Hayya, making the situation complex and tense.
Hilangnya Mahkota Atlantis
A group of criminals stole the Atlantis Crown at the Jakarta museum, Lapor Pak! team must quickly rediscover the crown to be returned to the museum before their careers are in danger of ending.
Aku Bukan Jodohnya
Pak Akhsan
Bagas's struggle to make Nadhira a better woman. When Nadhira had become an almost perfect woman, Nadhira actually married another man. On their way, Bagas and Nadhira tried to let go. Can the two of them forgive each other? Or are they getting back together?
The Subject
Capt. Hassan
A demented prosthetics genius performing unethical experiments on living tissue attempts to perfect his biomechanical magnum opus.
З/Л/О 94
Capt. Hassan
Спецназ устраивает рейд на заброшенный склад, где обосновались сумасшедшие культисты. Там полиция находит записи их злодеяний, от которых кровь стынет в жилах даже у немало повидавших бойцов.
Sajadah Panjang
The death of the child of his second wife made his secret exposed, other figures who were disappointed, angry figures immediately mixed together in one family. The father figure they admired and often emphasized honesty suddenly faded. The whole family must learn about acceptance. This family is like being reminded that life's problems can come anytime and anywhere, so we must continue to strive, kneeling in prayer and long prayer mats.
Hunter in the Blue Side of Manchester
To honor his father, a diligent college graduate takes on the daunting goal of becoming a reporter for an English Premier League soccer club.
Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu
Bang Plee
A lonely and rich man were sick in the hospital, and someone brings him back to the past to find an answers of his questions that he shouted to God, and finally get the answers one by one.
Darah Daging
Adapted from a true story of robbery by 3 brothers to save the mother's life.
KL Vampires
The story is about 2 groups of Vampires, one decedents of Raja Bersiong, who protects Humans and drinks only synthetic blood and another bad vampires which drinks human blood and wants to conquer the world. The Good Vampire kingdom is headed by Vampire queen named Ratu Chitra Sari (Raja Ilya) and her main commander Shah (Josiah Hogan). The antagonist is played by (Donny Alamsyah) as AGUS. Agus is son of Panglima Adi Wijaya who betrayed Raja Bersiong (Father of Ratu Chitra sari) who is the 1st Vampire king who grew fangs after drank human blood. 200 years ago, Raja bersiong Killed Adi Wijaya and grounded his blood thirst soldiers under the ground with a spell. The soldiers can only be awaken by the spell and the blood of Raja Bersiong or his decedents After 200 years on the eclipse , Adi Wijaya, wants to awaken Adi Wijaya’s soldiers and take revenge on Ratu Chitra sari and conquer the human world.
Furqon Ali (Martial Arts Teacher)
Zharfa was abandoned by her biological father since she was one year old. Her mother then remarried a cunning man. Because Zharfa always quarrels with her stepfather, she was sent to a boarding school.
Гундала: Сын молнии
Fadli Aziz
Ещё ребенком Санчака потерял родителей — отец погиб, отстаивая права рабочих, а мать уехала на заработки и не вернулась — с тех пор мальчик выживал самостоятельно. Нелегкая жизнь на улице научила его не только эффективно махать ногами, а и думать в первую очередь о собственной безопасности, но когда волна насилия захлёстывает город, мужчине приходится встать на сторону униженных и оскорбленных. А поскольку в результате удара молнии наш герой получил свехспособности, врагам простого народа придётся несладко.
A Man Called Ahok
An indonesian biopic movie on the controversial former Jakarta governor Ahok.
Young Arana
Временя голландской оккупации Индонезии. Два брата, выросшие вдалеке от дома, возвращаются в родное поселение, чтобы отомстить за убийство отца.
Insya Allah Sah 2
When Raka gets caught in a wild police chase, he agrees to help a fugitive escape—on the condition that the culprit repents for his mistakes.
Heaven and Hell
A tale of a man caught in a gang war with his father's life hanging in the balance and only one way to rise to the top of it all.
The Perfect Husband
Kepala Sekolah
Ayla is enjoying her teenage years and her love affair with Ando, the rock band vocalist. She is surprised when a young pilot named Arsen, claims to be her husband.
Jelita Sejuba
Without dating, Jaka immediately proposes for Sharifah and they get married. However, the love story is not just about the meeting. Become wife of a soldier, she must learn to hold his longing whenever Jaka is assigned to the battlefield.
Night Bus
A group of civilians share a bus ride to Sampar, a town full of natural resources. It is heavily guarded by the state army who is fighting against the rebel militias, who want freedom over their homeland.
As an introverted college student catches the eye of a new friend in Italy, his estranged buddy visits and brings a surprise with him.
Pinky Promise
A story of friendship between women who have a background and also the differences in age and their own personal twists. When Kartika Rahayu (Agni Pratistha) who was wounded and sad because after being left by the fiancée who canceled their marriage. Kartika who was called Tika before thought that she was a strong woman but could not face the problem of his life at this time. So her aunt (Ira Maya Sopha) can finally force Tika to get out of her wounds and sadness and advise Tika to move to her house in order to move on from her past. Tika and Anind finally meet new people in their lives. They meet and know Ken (Dhea Seto) a dancer as well as a college blogger and Baby (Alexandra Gottardo) a model for adult men's magazines that are the savages of a thick-kneed masher.
Inspired by a true story about a young rookie detective paired with an experienced officer, a flirtatious secretary, a prostitute, three thugs, a driver, a restaurant owner, a cook, and a business man, all related in one deadly connection rooted in greed, lust, and deceit.
Comic 8: Casino Kings - Part 2
Eight secret agents assigned to go undercover as stand up comedians in search of a comedian who becomes a liaison to the master criminal named The King, the most spectacular gambling casino owner in Asia.
Jamal , motorcycle taxi drivers who like to play chess, had a dream to open a the motor wash near his base. Rodiah, Jamal’s mother, threatens him if not promptly changes his life, the family land quota for him will be his cousin. In love affairs Jamal is challenged by Mirna’s parents because his unstable work. Jamal is asked by Ivan, whom he knew inadvertently, to take Dito, a courier heroin, to Tanah Tinggi Boss. He gives Jamal is an advance of 10 million and 90 million reward if he can complete the task. Having never seen that much money, Jamal directly takes it. Ivan knows that Dito is targeted by Mami Tuti, a bookies who revenge on Dito because he made her sister a broken heart and became a junkie. After giving this task to Jamal, Ivan flees to Hong Kong with his wife.
3: Alif Lam Mim
Jakarta 2036. Alif, Lam and Mim are three friends from martial art school Al-Ikhlas. Alif chooses to become state apparatus. He is determined to eradicate all forms of crime and searching for the killers of his parents. Lam, becomes a journalist. While Mim chooses to serve as a teacher in their school. All three are reunited after the explosion of a bomb in a cafe.
Comic 8: Casino Kings - Part 1
Eight secret agents assigned to go undercover as stand up comedians in search of a comedian who becomes a liaison to the master criminal named The King, the most spectacular gambling casino owner in Asia.
A Moon Hangs Above the Graveyard
A remake of 1973 film of the same name. "Bulan di Atas Kuburan" is a tale of hardships in the capital city. Sahat, Tigor and Sabar ; three friends from Samosir, North Sumatra, quest after greatness whilst deperately holding on to their inner idealism.
Behind 98
During a turning point in Indonesian history, a family must endure personal turmoil while their nation faces drastic political upheaval.
Рейд 2
Из трех полицейских, выбравшихся из кровавого ада первой части, в живых остается только офицер Рама. Уволившись из спецназа, он пробует начать жизнь заново, но вскоре прошлое жестко напоминает о себе — преступники убивают его брата. Чтобы отомстить, он внедряется в мощный криминальный синдикат, где быстро поднимается до самых вершин бандитской иерархии. Врагов здесь еще больше, и каждый неверный шаг может оказаться последним. Здесь нет ни близких, ни друзей, ни любви, ни тоски, ни жалости!
Get M4rried
Dokter Bedah
While celebrating their children's birthdays, Mae and Rendy received shocking news. Sophie announces that she will get married to Kim Bum Park, a Korean man whom she just met for 3 weeks when holidaying in Korea.
Kisah 3 Titik
This film tells the story of 3 female workers who have one name in common, Titik. They are Titik Sulastri, a widow with 2 children who works as a low-paid contract laborer at a garment factory, Titik Dewanti Sari, a spinster holding a prestigious position in a scandalous giant company, and Titik Kartika or Titik Tomboy, the son of a thug who works as a home factory worker. who is not afraid to die for justice. Not only sharing a name, the three dots are both trapped in a situation that makes their lives change 360 ​​degrees.
Negeri 5 Menara
Ustad Salman
Negeri 5 Menara is a film by Kompas Gramedia production together Million Pictures, which is an adaptation of a novel by Ahmad Fuadi entitled Negeri 5 Menara . The scenario was written by Salman Aristo is also the author of the screenplay Ayat- Ayat Cinta , Laskar Pelangi , The Dancer . Directed by Affandi Abdul Rachman This movie was filmed in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo, East Java , West Sumatra , Bandung , to London . This movie was released on March 1, 2012 .
Cinta di Saku Celana
Ahmad wants to love and be loved. His life changed since receiving mysterious postcards from all over the world, bringing him to a girl whom he often meets on the train.
Отряд спецназовцев получает задание проникнуть в многоэтажный дом, расположенный в самом сердце трущоб Джакарты, и арестовать обосновавшегося там наркобарона, которого охраняет целая армия вооруженных до зубов головорезов. Операцию нужно провести без лишнего шума, но нелепая случайность нарушает планы служителей закона. Теперь бойцам негде спрятаться и некуда бежать. Перед ними 30 этажей ада, где смертью грозит каждый неверный шаг. Война по правилам кончилась. Выживает сильнейший!
Red And White 3: Hearts Of Freedom
The third and final film in the award-winning box office hit RED AND WHITE trilogy set during the 1947-48 Indonesian revolution, as a band of guerrillas fights for Indonesia's freedom on land, sea and air against the Dutch empire.
Red And White 2: Blood Of Eagles
After the successful raid on Dutch Army's Supply Convoy, Amir, Thomas, Dayan, and Marius immediately found the General Soedirman's Headquarter deep in the forest. And with the experienced the got, they've been recruited into the elite unit under command of the explosive yet wise soldier, Sergeant Yanto. Captain Amir then replace Yanto's position as the unit leader. Their first mission, to crippled the the dutch army's airfield construction. Whatever the cost, whatever the risk.
Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
About a young woman who struggles in foreign countries to improve her self esteem to her family and to the community.
Red & White
The movie starts with the tough lives of the aforementioned characters in a military school, showing friendship and even competition among them. But the lives of the young cadets changes when Dutch soldiers suddenly attack their camp, tearing them apart. With limited weaponry and forces, they decided to unite to fight against the Dutch and defend their freedom. Combining action, drama, humor, romance, human tragedy and strong personal stories, the movie is aimed at inspiring the new generation with the spirit of the generations before them who fought and sacrificed themselves for the freedoms Indonesia enjoys today.
В посёлке Минангкабау, что в Западной Суматре, юноша по имени Юда, изучающий стиль Харимау Силат, находится на финальной стадии подготовки к «Мерантау». Смысл этого древнего обряда заключается в том, что молодые люди при достижении определённого возраста должны забыть обо всех удобствах идиллического посёлка и добиться успеха в городе Джакарта. После ряда неудач, бездомный и лишенный всяких надежд на будущее, Юда случайно спасает сироту Астри от банды европейцев, похитителей людей, которую возглавляют психопат Рэтгер и его помощник Люк.
Adipati Karna
Adapted from the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, this movie depicts the story of Drupadi, the wife of five brothers known as the Pandawas.
Takut: Faces of Fear
"Takut" was born from the Komodo Films, and is a compilation of short horror films from seven directors who produced six film segments in one anthology. The short film was directed sequentially by Rako Prijanto, Riri Riza, Ray Nayoan, Robby Ertanto, Raditya Sidharta, and The Mo Brothers (Kimo Stamboel & Timo Tjahjanto).
When a sheltered young woman becomes enamored with a struggling writer, she goes to great lengths to become involved in his creative process.
Cuma Sutra
Production Assistant
Cuma Sutra serves up a sexual feast of heart-pounding meditation and desire, filmed entirely on location at a yoga retreat in the rolling hills of southern Washington. Right away, you're whisked away to nirvana as Black Scorpion Exclusive D.O. quietly meditates in a field, when he's approached by the sultry Pistal Pete, a hungry stud who's far more interested in D.O's sexual chakras than picking grapes. The electricity between these two beautiful men keeps you on the verge of climax as you take in magnetic scenes of kissing, fondling, sucking, rimming, and a pre-climactic fucking scene in which D.O's prowess leads Pete along the ultimate path to sexual release...
Dead Time
Henchman Leader
A police and a journalist uncover series of murders that lead into one problem: A treasure many parties were fighting for and caused many casualties.
Sang Dewi
Beno, a mute young man strives to succeed as a professional boxer. He suffers loving a woman like Laras who has a mysterious past. It turns out love is not as beautiful as Beno imagined.
Forever Love
Aristha met his old lover Bara at the police station. Bara, who feels guilty because Aristha plunges into the world of drugs, trying desperately to pull Aristha of that world. Aristha very hurt because Bara suddenly disappear, struggling away from Bara, despite the increasingly dark life.
9 Naga
Three men who have been friends since childhood: Marwan, Donny and Lenny make a living by working as an assassin. Increasingly undertaken, they are increasingly aware that the job does not promise a better future. Suddenly there was an event that made ​​them feel sick because of their life choices for it. All three knew she'd made a mistake in his life and trying to repent and make amends.
Indonesian activist Soe Hok Gie experiences a political awakening during the tumultuous regimes of Soeharto and Soekarno.
Panji Tengkorak
Adapted from comic with same title.
Gundala Putra Petir
Fadli Aziz
The Sequel of Gundala (2019)