Harry Rapf

Harry Rapf

Рождение : 1880-10-16, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1949-02-06


Harry Rapf (16 October 1880 – 6 February 1949) was an American film producer. Rapf began his career in 1917, and during a 20-year career became a well-known producer of films for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. He created the comedic duo Dane & Arthur featuring Karl Dane and George K. Arthur in the late 1920s. Rapf was one of the founding members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Harry Rapf


Scene of the Crime
A cop investigates the shooting of another policeman... that may have been involved in crooked activities.
Gallant Bess
Marshall Thompson stars in this MGM drama about a young soldier's devotion to a horse he rescues during WWII. (Not to be confused with "Adventures of Gallant Bess", another film released two years later.)
Лесси возвращается домой
Executive Producer
Джо считал себя счастливчиком, еще бы, ведь ему завидуют все собаководы Йоркшира — такой породистой колли не было во всей Англии. Каждый день Лесси приходила к школе встречать Джо, и вот, однажды, она не пришла, дома его ожидало ужасное известие — родители продали собаку чтобы выбраться из долгов. Но для верной собаки существует только один хозяин — мальчик Джо. Высокий забор, железная цепь и огромное расстояние не испугали Лесси — впереди у нее был долгий и опасный путь домой. ..
Joe Smith, American
Executive Producer
Joe Smith is an ordinary American family man who works in an aircraft factory. Shortly after being a promoted to a much higher position, Joe is kidnapped by enemy agents who are determined to get military secrets out of him by any means possible. Will Joe keep quiet or betray his country...
The Ice Follies of 1939
Mary and Larry are are a modestly successful skating team. Shortly after their marriage, Mary gets a picture contract, while Larry is sitting at home, out of work.
Друзья и враги Америки
Гражданская война в США позади. Пронырливый бизнесмен Джим Нокс использует любую возможность, чтобы как можно дешевле заполучить землю под свой проект новой железной дороги. Жители города надеются на то, что идеалист и воспитанник Гарварда Стив Логан покончит с проделками Нокса, но неожиданно для всех тот наоборот становится союзником предпринимателя. Никто не знает, что на самом деле Логан — тайный агент правительства. Когда об этом случайно узнает Нокс, он задумывает расправиться со шпионом. Но неожиданно, в дело оказывается впутана девушка...
The Girl Downstairs
A wealthy playboy surreptitiously romances a scullery maid to gain access to her mistress with whom he is in love, but doesn't count on the maid falling in love with him.
The Bad Man of Brimstone
A ruthless outlaw becomes very protective of a prizefighter when he learns the young man is his own son.
Thoroughbreds Don't Cry
Cricket West is a hopeful actress with a plan and a pair of vocal chords that bring down the house. Along with her eccentric aunt, she plays host to the local jockeys, whose leader is the cocky but highly skilled Timmie Donovan. A young English gentleman comes to town convincing Donovan to ride his horse in a high stakes race.
Live, Love and Learn
A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy.
They Gave Him a Gun
With no other prospects, a World War I veteran puts the skills they taught him in the War to use.
The Good Old Soak
A small town drunk beats a teetotal banker guilty of a shady transaction.
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
The Candid Camera Story (Very Candid) of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures 1937 Convention
This short film chronicles various events associated with MGM's 1937 convention for the studio's national sales and distribution staff.
Mad Holiday
A temperamental film star's vacation turns deadly when he uncovers a murder.
Крепкий парень
Американский фильм «Крепкий парень» был основан на идее, что в каждом человеке есть что-то хорошее — просто нужно разбудить это — даже в гангстере, который хладнокровно стреляет в полицейского после ограбления банка. Находясь в бегах, он был вынужден похитить мальчика, который стремится домой из-за любви к собаке.
Hot jewels from London make their way to New York, where they are stolen by racketeer Ed Dexter, who hides them with the help of his vivacious girlfriend, Vivian Palmer. Federal agent Ross McBride goes undercover to infiltrate the gang and, suspecting Vivian can lead him to the jewels, comes to her aid when she is chased by a rival gang. The two flee to the Midwest with both gangs in pursuit, but Vivian is not as gullible as Ross thinks.
Trained Hoofs
This short film focuses on how racehorses are trained.
The Murder Man
Steve Grey, reporter for the Daily Star, has a habit of scooping all the other papers in town. When Henry Mander is investigated for the murder of his shady business partner, Grey is one step ahead of the police to the extent that he often dictates his story in advance of its actual occurrence. He leads the police through an 'open and shut' case resulting in Mander being tried, convicted and sentenced to death. Columnist Mary Shannon is in love with Steve but she sees him struggle greatly with his last story before Mander's execution. When she starts typing out the story from his recorded dictation, she realizes why.
Donkey Baseball
This short film highlights the odd 1930s fad of playing baseball while riding donkeys.
The Night Is Young
Young Austrian Archduke Paul "Gustl" Gustave is in an arranged engagement but his uncle, the emperor, decides to let Gustl carry on a fling with ballet dancer Lisl Gluck.
A Wicked Woman
A woman and her children escape severe poverty and abuse. She successfully betters her family's condition while living with the secret that she killed her abusive husband in order to protect her children from him.
The Chief
The dim-witted son of a heroic fire chief tries to follow in his late father's footsteps, only to become the unknowing pawn of corrupt politicians.
Tugboat Annie
Associate Producer
Waterfront couple raise their son to be a sea captain. He grows up to be rather snotty and rebels against drunken Beery. Valiant Dressler keeps things moving even as hubby ruins their tugboat business.
Hollywood Premiere
Scenario Writer
Two strip Technicolor short film. While the film is considered lost, the Library of Congress has acquired a musical sequence from the film.
Новая мораль для стариков
У правильных родителей, которые относятся к своим взрослым детям как к подросткам, есть сын, который хочет поехать в Париж, чтобы изучать искусство, и дочь, влюбленная в женатого мужчину.
The Passionate Plumber
Paris plumber Elmer Tuttle is enlisted by socialite Patricia Alden to help make her lover Tony Lagorce jealous. With the help of his friend Julius J. McCracken and through the high society contacts he has made through Patricia, Elmer hopes to find financing for his latest invention, a pistol with a range-finding light. Comic complications ensue when Elmer's effort to interest a military leader is misconstrued as an assassination attempt.
Бывший чемпион мира по боксу, а теперь алкоголик, Энди Пёрселл живет простой жизнью отца-одиночки вместе со своим сыном Динком. Занимаясь его воспитанием, Энди сумел создать свой небольшой, но уютный для Динка мир. Однако все меняется, когда в их жизнь возвращается бывшая жена Энди, бросившая Динка после рождения...
New Adventures of Get Rich Quick Wallingford
Wallingford is a con-man whose specialty is taking money from suckers. His partners are Schnozzle, a pickpocket and car thief; and Blackie, who has played the game for years.
Мин и Билл
Немолодая пара Мин и Билл живут в небольшом портовом городке, занимаясь своими делами и разбирая свои проблемы. Билл вкалывает на рыбацком судне, тогда как Мин занимается домашними делами, одновременно пытаясь справиться с лихим поведением Нэнси, юной девушки, находящейся под опекой Мин. Мин всегда трепетно заботилась о Нэнси, хотя намеренно никогда не выражала ей теплых чувств. Но материнская любовь берет верх, и Мин все сильнее привязывается к Нэнси. Внезапно ситуация омрачается неожиданным появлением матери девушки.
The Hollywood Revue of 1929
An all-star revue featuring MGM contract players.
Бродвейская мелодия
Танцующие певицы сестры Махони приезжают на Бродвей, где их друг Эдди Керне хочет задействовать их в одном из новых шоу Фрэнсиса Занфилда. Эдди и одна из сестер даже состоят в отношениях и намереваются обвенчаться, однако Эдди влюбляется во вторую сестру, на которую положил глаз член высшего общества Нью-Йорка Джок Уорринер…
Dance Madness
Executive Producer
May s married to Roger, an alcoholic hell-raiser. During one of their riotous parties, she tests his fidelity by impersonating a notorious masked dancer and trying to seduce him.
Production Manager
История супругов, которые выигрывают 5000 долларов в лотерее, после чего в них пробуждается алчность…
Where the North Begins
Action adventure set in the wilds of Alaska
Rags to Riches
A rich young boy has to prove his worth to the gang he has just joined by during all sorts of hardships, including a kidnap attempt, before they'll accept him. -from IMDB.com
Your Best Friend
A Jewish mother in New York finds herself at odds with her son's new wife, a pretty Gentile girl.